I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 264 Er!So!quite!Yi! (3 4 more combined)

Chapter 264 Er!So!quite!Yi! (three or four more)
Quanyang Jingzhai glanced at Zhou Dong with a smile, screaming inwardly.

Chef Huaxia has not been able to cook puffer fish for more than 20 years. Even in recent years, he only stays in the field of artificially farmed puffer fish. He naturally does not believe that Zhou Dong can handle this kind of "Hokkaido seven-star dolphin".

Sure enough, he was still too young to fall headfirst into the trap he set, which is really ignorant and fearless.

How many young geniuses like this have died in their own hands, Inuyang Jingzhai really can't remember.

Gently pull out 'Devil May Cry', shake it slightly in your hand, a faint blue brilliance flashes on the blade,
His Devil May Cry is not like Huaxia's horse-headed knife, it has the meaning of "donkey's head knife",
The width of the blade is between that of a Chinese kitchen knife and a cooking knife. It can be used to cut bones and chop meat, or to process fish and shrimp. There is an inch edge protruding from the back of the handle, and it can also be used as a carving knife.

The chefs of the dog raising family all keep a knife in their life, and his is a "magic weapon" in the eyes of the chef, even Lu Luxin's black iron knife is slightly inferior.

Quanyang Jingzhai said with a smile: "Zhou Sang, my knife is sharper than yours, so please go ahead.

Mine will not take advantage of you, be fair! "

Now that he has won, Inuyang Jingzhai thinks that he should maintain the demeanor of a master. After this battle, his elegant demeanor will become a good story. At that time, people will remember how gentle Quanyang Jun is like jade, Shi Shiran is like a gentleman, Talking and laughing 'cut the enemy' on the high seas.

"Oh, is that so? Then I'll be blunt!"

Zhou Dong walked up to the water tank, raised his right hand, and the black iron knife flew out, directly grabbing a seven-star dolphin in the middle and lower part of the water tank.

This dolphin is the fattest, and the seven-star spots are more colorful. It is obviously more poisonous, but it will also be more delicious. He has been eyeing it for a long time.

"Bage! Could it be that he really knows how to handle wild puffer fish? It's impossible!"

As soon as the expert makes a move, you will know if there is any!

Inuyang Jingzhai can become the leader of the new generation of Inuyangjia. He puts X in the flower field every day because he is the top expert in dealing with wild puffer fish in the island country. Even the big shots in the imperial palace ask him to cook every month. Wild Pufferfish.

What kind of eyesight he has, he has long seen that this seven-star dolphin is the most plump in the tank. He thought that Zhou Dong would not dare to choose this puffer fish with the most colorful spots, but he didn't expect that the other party would run towards this dolphin as soon as he made a move. coming!

The first difficulty in killing puffer fish is to get the puffer fish out of the water.

This kind of fish has a strange temper, its whole body is sticky and slippery without holding hands, and its teeth are sharp. It will not let go when it bites someone. However, this fish must be slaughtered alive, and it cannot be beaten with a sap in advance. This has high requirements for the chef's skills.

Moreover, he and Zhou Dong competed not only in cooking taste, but also in speed. Seeing that Zhou Dong didn't need to grab it, he was about to pick up the puffer fish with a knife. He immediately knew that he had underestimated his opponent. Home hand!
If this is the case, this top-notch seven-star dolphin must not fall into Zhou Dong's hands.
Still talking about style at this time?You ghost, Pianpian, the man who knows how to use dirty tricks is the real man!
"Zhou Sang, this fish is mine! Don't think about yours!"

Devil May Cry entered the water, but it was not to snatch the seven-star dolphin, but to turn the blade, and slammed the blade of the black iron knife with the back of the blade!

No one thought that Quanyang Jingzhai would abolish the black iron knife as soon as he made a move. Seeing that two brilliance, one black and one blue, were about to touch in the huge water tank, the judges all frowned, and Lu Luxin was even more furious. The knife is her darling, the little devil dares to mess around!

He meows!
If it wasn't for a competition, Boss Hua's temper would immediately pounce on him, scratching his hair, plucking his ears, kicking his arms and scratching his face, Chinese martial arts, that can be called a killing technique!

"It's a pity that you have such a good knife, but you didn't meet a good owner."

Zhou Dong sighed softly, the moment the black iron knife was about to come into contact with Devil May Cry, it suddenly flipped to the side!
I don't know if he had calculated it in advance. At this time, a puffer fish just swam over. After being stirred up by him like this, he avoided the black iron knife and ran directly into Devil May Cry.

Quanyang Jingzhai was startled, if he hit the puffer fish, the face of his island country puffer fish master would be completely lost, he quickly retracted his hand, but at the same time he heard the water splash, and a jet of water arrow shot out, Straight into his eyes!
"Eight grids!"

Inuyang Jingzhai backed away quickly. If you say that he was really skilled, he was able to control Devil May Cry out of the water tank while dodging, neither touching the puffer fish nor breaking the water tank.

But when he stood upright, he became depressed, and saw that the most plump puffer fish had been picked out of the tank by Zhou Dong with the blade of a knife, and was depressed and angry in the air. looked up at him eagerly,
This fish obviously chose the wrong object to vent, and regarded him as an enemy.

Inuyang Jingzhai was angry and impatient, but he also knew that he was doing all sorts of calculations this time, and the result of his calculations was that he might be a Chinese 'monster'. At this time, he couldn't waste his time. In case Zhou Dong is really a master at handling puffer fish, That would be bad!
"Open the water dragon!"

Zhou Dong greeted Lu Luxin, and at the same time flipped the blade, the fattest seven-star porpoise had just landed, and he had already been stunned by the back of his blade. Passing by, fish eyes, fish fins, fish skin, and fish blood were sprinkled one after another, all falling into the water platform!

Quickly solve the puffer fish!
Zhou Dong's saber technique is fast and accurate, and he only makes one stroke every time without repeating it, as if he has practiced thousands of times.

Inuyang Jingzhai did not move as loosely as he pressed the body of the fish lightly with one hand, and also removed the poisonous parts of the puffer fish in a short period of time.
If this were normal, I'm afraid he would have been applauded long ago, and he was praised for his first-class sword skills. He really deserves to be the famous "wrong knife for dogs".

But at this moment, none of the judges and contestants were amazed. On the contrary, they felt that his knife skills were really ordinary.

I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I am afraid of comparing goods. Compared with Zhou Dong, Inuyang Jingzhai still inevitably used the knife repeatedly when dealing with some parts of the pufferfish, but it was not as clean and neat as Zhou Dong, and never repeated the knife!

Good knife!
The thunderous applause on and off the stage was all for Zhou Dong.

The old guy Yi Zhiyu completely forgot his identity, stepped on the stool with one foot and raised his fist and shouted loudly: "Boy Zhou, what a fast knife!

Niu X, you deserve to be our Chinese man! "

What is elegant and not elegant?Huai Liangren tore off the bow tie and threw it into the air. It's pretty cool, it really is my opponent!Seriously good!
The second treasure of the Su family, you look at me, I look at you, Su Jianwen suddenly said: "Oh, my feet hurt!"

"Wen'er, what are you talking about? Aren't your feet in good shape?"

"Bageyalu, didn't you see that I kicked on the iron plate, can it not hurt? You silly baby!"

"Hey, you're right this time, I'm convinced!"

Lu Luxin was also dumbfounded, and felt that what she had been using for more than 20 years was probably a fake black iron knife, but she still insisted: "Hmph, the knife skills are not bad.

It's a pity, you can't handle the skin of this puffer fish either?I thought you could make all the positions of fugu into dishes. "

Zhou Dong was processing the puffer fish with a sharp knife, and said with a smile: "The smell of puffer fish skin is average, and it is the most difficult floating poison to remove.

In fact, it is not impossible to get rid of it, but you don’t need to spend so much effort to win this dog breed, you will know after reading it.
Get a plate, big one! "

"What, you took care of it so quickly?"

Lu Luxin widened her eyes and looked into the water platform, and saw that the white puffer fish had been divided into several pieces, the fish liver and fish ovary were piled aside, the fish blood had been washed away long ago, and the poisonous glands were also removed. .

"It's not fast, the key lies in the correct method of bloodletting, and there is also a trick to removing the poisonous glands, only hands and ears are familiar!
You can see that the other side is not slow, this Quanyang is really a master at dealing with wild puffer fish, it's a pity."

"It's a pity that I met you, right? See who gave you to a cow!"

Lu Luxin looked up, and sure enough, that guy named Inuyang Erlang was taking a porcelain plate with a pale face and putting it on the kitchen counter. The puffer fish meat with cicada wings fell into the plate, and it was not piled up randomly, but gradually piled up into a certain pattern.

"Sure enough, it's puffer fish sashimi. The simplest and best way to reflect the umami flavor of puffer fish has crashed with me."

Zhou Dong smiled slightly, and began to cut the pork meat, like a master chef who has been cutting noodles for many years, the slices of pork meat drew a white line in the air, and fell on the plate in an orderly manner.

Both of them were extremely fast, and they piled up slices of pork meat on the plate almost in no particular order.

Lu Luxin, however, felt more and more wrong the more she looked at it, the last pile of puffer fishes raised by the dog was a crystal clear phoenix, and she did not forget to use cucumber slices at the foot of the phoenix to pile up a 'Phoenix tree', and the obtained is 'Phoenix phoenix'. The implication of "Xi Wutong" is that the time is so short, but the presentation is so exquisite
But what is Zhou Dongdui's stuff?There are a few piles in the east and a pile in the west, which is simply disorganized, like a cook who has just joined the kitchen, and the pork meat piled up has no aesthetic feeling at all.

I'm afraid this is going to lose, no matter the west or the east, they all pay attention to the beauty of the plate, is Lao Zhou dizzy, or has he lost his skills?

The jury was also surprised. Looking at Zhou Dong's sword skills in the early stage, he felt that this should not be the case. Could it be a temporary mistake?
No, it is difficult to put a phoenix unicorn or something, but two little birds are more beautiful than this mess, right?

When Lv Luxin bit the bullet and brought the porcelain plate up, she couldn't help but look back at Zhou Dong, and said in earnest, "Old Zhou, you are sure that the poison has been removed, so you won't poison me to death, right?
I'm still young, and I haven't enjoyed the taste of love yet, so don't destroy it with your hands. "

Zhou Dong was silent for a moment: "Boss Hua, you still have unfulfilled wishes."


Lu Luxin was furious: "My old lady is going all out! Tell you, even if my old lady is poisoned, you are not allowed to give me golden juice. I would rather die than drink that kind of thing!"

"Don't worry, I won't feed you, because it may be too late."

Lu Luxin: ".emmm"

I knew this guy was teasing my old lady, the more I said that, the more relieved my old lady would be
At this time, Inuyang Jiro, who was nervous, also brought the fugu sashimi to the judges' table. According to the rules of fugu cooking, his assistant will test the poison first at this time.

Now he only hoped that Lord Jingzhai's exquisite plate arrangement could directly defeat Zhou Dong, so maybe he wouldn't have to risk his life to test the poison.

"Erlang, you can rest assured that we will win, and your life will not be in danger."

Seeing Zhou Dong's messy arrangement of dishes, a smile rose from the corner of Inuyang Jingzhai's mouth,
Sure enough, everyone has weaknesses. The mighty Chinese Zhou Mian Wang and Zhou Dionysus can't make fish raw?
It's no wonder that people in modern China seldom eat yusheng, and chefs don't do much, so naturally they don't know how to arrange such difficult yusheng.

"Zhou Sang, your sword skills are indeed very good.
It's a pity that your presentation is small.

Hehe, as far as I know, Yusheng actually first appeared in your Huaxia, and it was called 'chau' back then!
It's a pity that, just like your Chinese rituals and music, Yusheng has also been forgotten by you, right? "

Inuyang Jingzhai chuckled: "My Huaxia language is not very good.

But I also know an idiom called "Number of Classics and Forgotten Ancestors". I'm afraid, this is the status quo of your China, right?
Ah, please don't mind if I'm not using the right words, my apologies."


As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of all the Huaxia judges on the judges' table changed.

It's too much, Quanyang Jingzhai is tantamount to scolding all the Chinese people present!
This is the beating nature of the Japanese people. If you are not successful, you will go crazy!
"Is that right?"

Zhou Dong motioned to Lu Luxin to put down the porcelain plate, and then drew out the black iron knife again. With a flick of his wrist, the light of the knife swept across the porcelain plate.

In just a few seconds, when the knife was lighted away, four Huaxia characters made of puffer fish slices appeared on the porcelain plate.

'you!So!quite!Yi! '

 Thanks for the support of the book friends of 'People's Heart Upward' and 'Li Chunchun', and readers and friends who support this book with subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets, thank you :)

(End of this chapter)

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