I am Qinxing No.1

第251章 君不见黄河之水天上来(23,33)2合1

Chapter 251 Don't You See The Water of the Yellow River Comes Up from the Sky (23) Two in One
The second treasure of the Su family has now learned how to pull noodles, from Chiu Yeer to Erxi to Longxu Noodles, he can cook everything,
Now the two brothers' favorite thing to do is to pull out a piece of noodles, and then dance in the sun wantonly, with enchanting figures like two proud little princesses.
Don't say that Huai Liangren and Lu Luxin are already looking stupid, and now even Zhou Aiguo, the senior, feels extremely stressed.

The teacher now has three students, if he wants to accept 'internal disciples' in the future, he will probably choose the winner among the three.
If his senior loses to two idiots, will he still have face?
So Zhou Aiguo's enthusiasm for learning began to increase with the progress of the second treasure of the Su family.
Moreover, he was pleasantly surprised to find that under the personal guidance of the teacher, no matter the kung fu on the white case, or the kung fu of knife, fire, and frying, it seemed as if he had accumulated a lot of knowledge, and he was inexplicably enlightened.

Three days ago, Mr. Lu also said that with his talent, he would have to practice hard for at least three months before he dared to challenge the most demanding Su dish, 'Dazhu Gansi'.

Now he can barely try it. Although his knife skills are still insufficient, the dried silk cut out was criticized by Mr. Huai saying that "it can be used to build walls", but he laughed more stupidly than the second Su family.
Cheerful, he knew that he already had a feeling in his heart, and it would not take too much time to make this 'Big Boiled Dried Shredded Shredded Rice'.

"The title of 'Diligent Master' is more powerful than I imagined. I didn't expect that +1 comprehension and +3 talent would have such an effect.
Wouldn't it be more terrifying if Aiguo entered the top five or even the top three in the final, and I would be awarded the title of 'Great Master of Qinxing'? "

Looking at the three students who were making rapid progress, Zhou Dong's eyes brightened slightly.

Being good at being a teacher is a common problem of ordinary people. If you can be full of peaches and plums, who would not like this huge sense of accomplishment?He is also unavoidable.

Not to mention that the higher the student's achievement, the more upgrade skill points he will get, and the road to God of Cooking will be much smoother as a result.

"Old Zhou, I am really convinced this time.

That's all for the Su brothers, after all, they are all in their infancy, so it's normal to progress faster.
But patriotism is different. Why did Lu Zhentou teach him for so long that he only made 'slow progress', but you made rapid progress after you left the field?

If he continues to improve like this, he will be at the level of Super Second in a few months! "

Depressed, Huai Liangren couldn't even maintain his elegant translation accent, and said bitterly, "You want to fly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!"

Lu Luxin was furious when she heard the words: "What do you mean 'slow progress' when I teach?
That's when I laid a solid foundation for my patriotism, and only through thick accumulation can I make thin hair!
Zhou Dong simply took advantage of me!

Fortunately, you are still the winner of the Blue Ribbon Medal, and you don't even understand this truth? "

Huai Liangren hehe said, "Do you believe this?"

"Speak as you speak, hehe, what are you sneering at, if you are not convinced, let's compete with each other, and compare sword skills!"

Lu Luxin glared at her.

"Go, go, I'm the seed player of the competition, you are just an assistant, are you qualified to compare with me?"


These two people pinch each other when they meet, they are both stubborn mules on the same trough.

Zhou Dong shook his head, and was about to go back to the platform to continue his meditation.

I don't know why, as the cooking skills get better and the mood becomes more peaceful, Zhou Dong likes this feeling of returning to the mountains more and more.

In fact, when I think about it, when I was in junior high school, I had endless yearning for the world described in "Peach Blossom Spring", or I got sick later, so I stopped this kind of thinking, and now I may just gradually return to the original point, right?

"When I went to Fengqi Mountain, I fell in love with it immediately. It really wasn't for nothing."

Zhou Dong had a premonition that perhaps his future path would be to live in seclusion under forest springs or in the mountains, right?

"Brother Zhou, the guest is here, where are you the 'master'?"

Watching the ebb and flow of the tide on the coast below the mountain, Zhou Dong's mind was about to drift away, when suddenly there was laughter, and it was the real owner of this villa who had arrived.

"Brother Zhu is here, Mr. Cai, are you here too?"

Zhou Dong walked down the platform and saw Zhu Yanping and an old man in black standing in the garden looking at him with a smile, he was taken aback for a moment.

Didn't this old man in black taste his Xi Rong in the preliminaries, and even praised him as the old man of "a true chef without peers, the only man in a big country"?

Zhou Dong is a pure person, and he must remember this kind of person who once praised him face to face.

"Hehe, Brother Zhou, Chef Huai, Lu Zhentou, do you still have the habit of living with me?"

In order to make Zhou Dong live comfortably, he didn't even leave bodyguards in the villa.
The cleaning lady will come to clean the room at a fixed time every day.

As for Zhu Yanping's personal chef, when he heard that Zhou Dong and Huai Liang were staying, the chef blushed and came to ask for leave, saying that he would go back to Guangdong Province to see his old mother.
Facing the three chefs, he was under too much pressure,
He doesn't know exactly what King Zhou Mian is like, but who in Huaxia Qinxing doesn't know his beloved's poisonous tongue?

Instead of waiting to be sprayed, it's better to give yourself a big vacation.

Zhu Yanping felt very embarrassed because of this, Zhou Dong came to his place as a guest, but in the end he asked him to cook by himself, it was really rude.

The old man in black just nodded at Huai Liangren and Lu Luxin, and then looked at Zhou Dong with a smile, as if he could never get enough of it.

"How can you not get used to such a nice villa? I wish you well, Mr. Cai."

Seeing Zhu Yanping's arrival, Huai Liangren and Lu Luxin stood up to say hello.

Huailiang took another careful look at the old man in black, feeling that the old man in front of him seemed familiar.

He had seen this old man in black that day in the Huaxia competition area. For some reason, this rather mysterious old man always gave him the feeling of "the most familiar stranger".

Moreover, the old man just nodded at himself and didn't like to talk to him at all. Zhou Dong was the only one in his eyes, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The Su brothers looked at this mysterious black-clothed old man curiously, and instinctively told them that this old man must be a genius, shouldn't they lick him and praise him like a flower?

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Aiguo, the senior, lowered his voice and said, "What are you still doing here? The teacher wants to meet guests, so let's go up the mountain."

Su Jianwen hurriedly said: "Teacher, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Cai, the senior said we can't poke here, we are going to climb the mountain."

Su Jianwu followed and nodded heavily: "Yes, the senior also said that there are many beautiful ladies and sisters when climbing the mountain, and they are all as good-looking as Teacher Lu."

Zhou Aiguo was furious, when did I say that, you two bastards!

Seeing the three children leaving while arguing, Zhu Yanping laughed loudly: "Are these two your new students, the children of Chifeng and Jiasu's family?
Last time I heard Chef Huai say that these two boys are not too smart, but I think they are very smart, it seems that they are no worse than Zhou Aiguo. "

"These two boys are sometimes stupid and sometimes smart, but they are not bad in nature, and they both like to joke, which makes Zhu Zhu laugh."

Zhou Dong smiled and said, "Brother Zhu, Mr. Cai, please sit down."

The old man surnamed Cai nodded, slowly sat down beside the rattan table in the garden gazebo, and suddenly said: "It is the good fortune of the Chifeng Su family to accept you, a young master, as a student, even if it is not a real disciple!"

"Hehe, Mr. Cai is too much, what kind of master am I?"

Although he secretly praised the old man's good eyesight in his heart, Zhou Dong still had to say a few words of humility. This is one of the virtues of China and one of the long-standing disadvantages of this great country.

"My old man's eyes are not blind. If there is a young master in Huaxia, it must be you!"

The old man in black looked at Zhou Dong with a smile. If he hadn't been kind and sincere, he might have been misunderstood as deliberately flattering him.

Huai Liang couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't help but interjected: "Mr. Cai, are you also a senior in Qin Xing?"

From Chef Huai's point of view, he and Zhou Dong are just brothers,

But this old man surnamed Cai praised Zhou Dong everywhere, but treated him like a soy saucer, it was unbearable.

At the same time, he was also curious and wanted to find out the truth about the old man.

"The past goes with the wind, why mention him?"

The old man surnamed Cai laughed, and answered Huai Liang casually, but then turned his gaze to Zhou Dong: "I tasted King Zhou's Xi Rong that day, and it really deserves its reputation. I don't know if my old man has a good meal today What about the craftsmanship of King Zhou Mian?"

While talking, he took out a vermilion gourd from his bosom, opened the cork, and the aroma of the wine immediately filled the entire villa, and finally even drifted to the foot of the mountain and the coast along the mountain wind.

This is the real ten lixiang!

Huai Liang's expression turned serious, he is a top chef who has learned both Chinese and Western cultures, how can he not know how to taste wine?
One can tell by the smell of this wine that this gourd wine is not only not ordinary, but also the absolute king of wines!
What decades of Zhuangyuan red, daughter red, bamboo leaf green, Lafite, Mouton, all lost their color in front of it!

A person who can produce such a gourd of wine is definitely a big shot in Qinxing,

Otherwise, no matter how high your status is and how much money you have, you can never imagine owning such a jug of wine!
Zhou Dong's eyes lit up too!
He is a person with "Legendary Winemaking Skills", among which "God's Distinguishing Wine" can accommodate the best wines in the world, and can distinguish the world's wines.
It's a pity that you can't find such a good wine to taste. Seeing the wine king now is like "the old man smells the smell of meat, and the pervert meets a beautiful woman". How can we bear it?
"Hehe, it seems that the name of Zhou Dionysus is not in vain?"

The old man in black smiled slightly: "Dionysus Zhou has taken a fancy to my old man's wine, do you want to have a taste?"

Zhou Dong nodded again and again: "Since such a good wine has been taken out, the old man must be embarrassed to take it back?"

Such a good wine must not be missed, first use words to provoke the old man before talking.

"Haha, don't come here,
My old man has a very thick skin, since he can take it out, of course he can take it back.

You know, no one can brew this 'Shake Light' now, and there are only a few pots left in my collection.

I am willing to take it out today and let you guys smell it, it is all in the name of Zhou Dionysus,

Boy Huai, don't look at me like that, you three-star Michelin chef think you know wine, don't you?
But in my old man's opinion, I'm afraid you are still a little short of skills! "

The old man surnamed Cai chuckled: "Whether you have a good drink of this 'cup shake light' today, it depends on Mr. Zhou,
Since you have the name of Dionysus, then you can identify this jug of wine by its aroma. If you are right, this jug of wine is yours! "

"Does the old man count on what he says?"

Zhou Dong smiled slightly: "You need to order the wine first,
The wine smelled like a king when it was opened, but it was not overbearing, so at least it was extraordinary and refined, becoming the king of wine!
In addition, smelling the aroma of the wine at a close distance, it feels as if there is a thorn piercing the nose!

This is a sign that the aroma of the wine is gradually turning from imaginary to real, and half of it is no longer considered mortal wine, but it can be called divine wine! "

"Shenpin, is it true or not, Lao Zhou, you are not a fool, are you?"

Huailiang was dumbfounded.

He just judged that the gourd wine is of the quality of the wine king. As for the divine grade or something, he has never heard of it. It is almost becoming a fantasy novel.
The face of the old man surnamed Cai moved slightly: "I didn't expect that there are people in this world who can distinguish the wine of the gods, what a wine god of Zhou!"

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "The old man has won the prize, can we drink now?"

"Slow down, I was almost fooled by you,
Perhaps you learned something about the divine wine from someone or an ancient book, and just used it to fool my old man?
How about this. When tasting wine, the most difficult thing is to tell where the water for brewing comes from. This difficulty is far more difficult than to tell the source of the water for making tea.

And the higher the wine quality, the more blurred it is, and people who don't really understand wine can't distinguish clearly.

I'll test you again, but do you know where the water is used to brew this 'flame light'? "

"That's fine, isn't this cheating!"

Both Huai Liangren and Lu Luxin feel disdainful, this is not a test at all, it is a scam!

"The old man makes sense, so I'll give it a try."

Zhou Dong half got up and approached the wine gourd, took a deep breath of the wine, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then suddenly said: "Don't you see,

The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky! "

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Li Chunchun' for their support, and thanks to friends who support this book with subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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