I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 247 Conquering the judges? (2 in 1)

Chapter 247 Conquering the judges? (two in one)

Several oval-shaped 'Mentaizi' are placed on a white porcelain tray, even through the envelope, you can see that the grains are round, like the sunset red clouds.

The islanders have their own unique method of pickling 'Mentaiko'. The top-quality products do not use other spices except salt. They use silver needles to open holes in the capsule, and the salt air penetrates into it.

Whether this dish is delicious or not depends on the master of salt and time used by the pickling master, as well as the quality of the ingredients themselves. The place where Cha Jae-hee is tested is mainly in the 'opening film'.

Because this 'Zhenxiang Yinyang Fish' uses a super bowl, Cha Zaixi first put four 'Mentaizi' on the half of the 'Yinyang Fish' vacant space,

Then holding the silver needle in his hand, he stared at 'Mentaizi' with both eyes.

Under the heat of the rice, the four mentaiko are slowly changing their shape, and some fish eggs slowly flow out from the pinholes made during the previous pickling.

Che Zaixi quickly made a move. First, he went down with a few needles to widen the needle hole and let more fish eggs flow out. Then, the needles fell like rain, and the fish eggs that flowed out of the envelope were exploded. The fresh juice in the eggs instantly made the rice Dye a piece of red, and at the same time lower the temperature of the rice slightly.

"Yu Xi, Cha Sang is indeed an excellent chef. It seems that the title of 'Kimchi King' really wronged him."

Inuyang Jingzhai looked at it with a smile on his face,
When it comes to dealing with 'Mentaiko', he is also an expert among experts, and he can tell at a glance that Cha Jae-hee is using a silver needle to 'break the eggs and even out the smell'.

Exploding the fish eggs closest to the pinhole can not only use these fish eggs to raise fresh rice, but also has the effect of showing off skills. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. If it is not the top chefs in the island country and Smecta country, they will not have this awareness of.

Zhou Dong, on the other hand, smiled slightly, pointing to the Su family brothers who were sitting beside him, and said, "Do you two understand?

A good chef needs to be as familiar with every ingredient in front of you as he is familiar with his own body.

Island countries and Smecta countries treat fish eggs differently from Westerners. In order to ensure the essential taste of the ingredients, they will deliberately simplify the pickling process.
And in this process, they will never remove the fish egg envelope,
In order to make the fish roe tasty, silver needles are used to open holes in the coating, which makes the fish roe near the pinhole taste more salty.

Uneven taste, this is the most taboo thing in a delicacy, so he will break these fish eggs,

This not only ensures the uniform taste, but also enhances the freshness of the rice. For a seemingly simple fish roe rice, it is so hard.
What is ingenuity?This is!

He even specially practiced a set of acupuncture for this "Zhenxiang Yinyang Fish". This is the chef's persistence, which needs to be learned by you. "

Even if he was the opponent, Cha Zaixi's performance made Zhou Dong secretly admire,
Any chef who is sincere in the way of gourmet food is actually worthy of respect.


The Su brothers looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak out when they had doubts.
I said in my heart that I didn't see Teacher, how much effort you put in to learn Chifeng pairs, it seems that you just went to my old shop to eat a few bites?

If given a choice, 'we' still hope to be people like teachers.

The coating of 'Mentaiko' is extremely thin, and it was stored in the freezer before. Now it is stimulated by hot rice, and it expands and contracts. Zhi Bing Bing', as the capsule swells and cracks, many fish eggs in the inner position also rush out
Inuyang Jingzhai's eyes froze all of a sudden,
He is a master in this way, so he naturally knows that this bowl of 'Zhenxiang Yinyang Fish' has reached the critical moment of plastic surgery,

If Cha Jae-hee doesn’t handle it properly, fish roe floods into the kimchi and radish area, not only will the taste be messed up, but the bowl of rice will also become red or white, the color that ranks first in the color and aroma The words are gone!

If you trace the source, the culinary skills of the island country and the Smecta country are actually from China, and we must also pay attention to several elements of Chinese cuisine.

Che Zaixi was not in a hurry, the silver needle in his hand suddenly turned into a thorn, but he directly opened several openings in different positions of the envelope, and the more channels for the fish eggs to flow out, the speed of the flow suddenly slowed down , and at the same time, the capsule shrinks into a thin sheet because most of the eggs are leaked out.

"Ready to serve!"

While Che Zaixi gave the order to the assistant, he waved the silver needle in his hand, and accurately inserted it into one end of the long envelope. The envelope that had lost [-] to [-]% of the eggs was turned over by his wrist and lifted sideways.

He shook his wrist quickly and powerfully a few times, shaking off the remaining fish roe in the envelope on top of the rice, which were covered by the previous fish roe, and did not cover or were covered but "thin".

After quickly shaking off the fish eggs, Cha Zaixi drew the envelope towards the middle of the rice, just falling on the boundary between the kimchi radish and the fish eggs, filling a quarter of the 'S' dividing line.

The remaining three 'Mentaiko' were also taken according to the prescription and treated one by one. In a blink of an eye, an S-shaped dividing line composed of the envelope of 'Mentaiko' was erected in the middle of the rice.
At this time, the fish eggs baked by the heat of the rice gradually came in, together with the shredded pickles and radish before, they formed a picture of Yin and Yang, which is half as white as jade and half as bright as red!
"It's really good. This really fragrant yin and yang fish seems to have simple ingredients. It's just three kinds of rice, pickled radish and 'mentaiko'.

In fact, he has extremely high requirements on the skills of chefs. Cha Zaixi really deserves to be the top chef in our Smecta country. "

Many judges watched and nodded secretly. The judge Jin Tae-jung from Smecta even nodded repeatedly and praised it on the spot. Those who didn't know thought he was from a bel canto background. Otherwise, why is his voice so powerful?
"Hehe, this set of acupuncture techniques is remarkable. It can be seen that some effort has been put into it. It reminds me of our traditional Chinese medical skills."

Yi Zhiyu glanced at Jin Taezong with a sneer, shook his head slightly and said, "But if our top chef in Huaxia were replaced, the time to make this 'True Fragrance Yin Yang Fish' would definitely be shorter,

After all, we Huaxia people understand the truth of 'open mindedness' and will not show off too much. "

While talking, he looked at the place where Zhou Dong was, and said to himself that you have only seen such a big day, that a Che Zaixi is a treasure?

If it was Zhou boy who went up here, wouldn't your jaw be shocked?

Hmph, never seen the world!

"Huh, Mr. Yi is too much, whether the method of silver needles came from your Huaxia, or from our Smecta country, I'm afraid it has not yet been determined!
Well, today is not the time to argue about this,
I only hope Mr. Yi, you Chinese judges, will not favor your own contestants because of their nationality, otherwise I will protest to the organizing committee!"

"Partiality, don't you look at who my old man is! Would you do such a shameless thing?
Don't worry, our judges in Huaxia will score fairly, but your attitude is very worrying. "

"Hmph, please rest assured that Smecta people have their own pride,
When dealing with food, we will naturally uphold the fairness! "

"It's still like talk."

Amidst the exchanges or disputes among some of the judges, 'Zhenxiang Yinyang Fish' has been sent to the judges' seats,
Because there are too many judges, and the content of this dish is not allowed to be divided into bowls, so the time to stay in front of each judge will not exceed ten seconds.
During these ten seconds, the judges need to use a public spoon to put the part they are going to taste into the plate in front of them, and then taste it slowly.

After the judges give the scores, the organizing committee will remove the highest and lowest scores and first get an average score.
Then, based on this average score, scores that are higher or lower than the average score by more than 0.5 points will be divided by one hundred and calculated as a small score.
For the remaining reasonable scores, an average score is obtained again, and the small score obtained by dividing by [-] is used to determine the winner of the player.

In fact, this is already the scoring method in the final stage, which can guarantee fairness to the greatest extent. Even if the contestants belong to the same nationality as the judges, there is no need to shy away from it.

Facing the judges, Cha Zaixi is still very kind and pleasant. Even if he only stays in front of each judge for ten seconds, he will stand in front of each judge with a smile on his face, fully expressing his respect and kindness to the judges.

Moreover, this delicacy made of fish eggs, kimchi radish and rice is definitely a combination of East and West, and even those judges from Europe and Central Asia will be very interested.


A judge from the French Council of Gastronomy took a mouthful of rice wrapped in fish roe and gave him a thumbs up: "Oh, car!

I can assure you, this is the tastiest roe I've ever had, and I already have a hunch it will help you get to the finale! "

"Thank you and may God be with you."

Cha Zaixi saw the cross-shaped pendant hanging on the collar of the judge at a glance.

This kind of situation happened in many judges one after another, Yi Zhiyu frowned slightly, looked at Dong Qishen and said: "Old Dong, I think the boy Zhou's new recruit is going to hang up?

This 'True Fragrance Yin-Yang Fish' is probably really good. "

"Hehe, could Zhou Aiguo's 'Buddha Jumping Over the Wall' be wrong?
You are also concerned about chaos, and you don't think whose student he is? "

Dong Qi took a deep look at Che Zaixi who was walking towards him and said, "Don't worry, let's talk after eating first."

Yizhiyu savors this 'True Fragrance Yin-Yang Fish' with a discerning mind.

The top-grade 'Mentaiko' dyed with safflower has a slight sense of transparency, and its appearance is very good. Even picky people like Guan Dasheng and Yi Zhiyu will have an appetite immediately after seeing it.

The entrance is moderately salty, and the salty taste not only does not dilute the umami taste of the fish eggs, but has a special refreshing effect, highlighting the sweetness of the fish eggs itself,

When you touch your teeth lightly, you can feel the crispy taste of fish eggs popping in your mouth.

When this taste is about to disappear and the raw fishy smell of fish eggs is about to appear, the aggressive umami flavor of radish has overwhelmed it, making people feel the vigorous 'power' when tasting food!
Finally, the perfect ending is the Busan rice soaked in the taste of fish eggs and kimchi radish.
Under the mild adjustment of the rice, the various flavors are almost perfectly unified in the mouth, making people feel comfortable and just want to burp.

very happy
"Old Dong, how many points are you going to give?"

Yi Zhiyu sighed inwardly.

Like many Chinese people, he hates sticks very much, but he is also a judge with a bottom line.
This 'True Fragrant Yin-Yang Fish' meal made him feel like traveling through time and space.

As if returning to that morning again,

In the dim morning light of Chudu, it was the first time that he saw the hot Goubuli, the gorgeous omelette and the stewed fire that he was deeply fascinated by.
"According to conscience, it should be given 9 points. The eyes of the judges are sharp."

Dong Qishen replied.

"Well, 9 points."

Yi Zhiyu nodded. The highest score the judges can give is 10 points, but unless there is a master chef, it is impossible for ordinary chefs to conquer the poisonous tongues present and get full marks.

At this moment Cha Jae Hee is smiling like a sunny boy,
Before the official scoring session, this 'True Fragrance Yin Yang Fish' was eaten up by the judges!

He even saw a judge from A Sanguo ask for the remaining bite of 'Zhenxiang Yinyang Fish' rice,

Although there was no curry in this dish, which is indispensable for Ah San, the judge still ate it with great relish and never tired of it.

In his opinion, the result is already ready to come out,

No matter how hard that foolish boy who is still stewing Buddha jumping over the wall works hard, there is no possibility of turning the tables, right?
Glancing quietly at Inuyang Jingzhai, Cha Zaixi began to consider whether to fulfill his promise to an arrogant and arrogant islander.

One thing is the same as the Huaxia people, the Smectians also dislike the islanders very much.

"Everyone, Mr. Cha Zaixi from Smecta Country is going to win this competition early?

Remove a highest score of 9.5 points, remove a lowest score of 8.5 points, and the scores of six judges are higher or lower than the initial average score by more than 0.5 points, which cannot be included in the average score.

After the second calculation, Cha Jae-hee's average score: 8.97 points!
The scores of the six judges are calculated as a small score: 0.081 points!
The total is: 9.051 points!
Let's congratulate Cha Jae-hee, you scored more than 9 points! "

This score obviously made the beautiful host a little excited,

After congratulating Cha Zaixi, she smiled and walked in front of Zhou Aiguo: "Excuse me, Zhou Aiguo, Che got such a high score, do you feel the pressure?"

Zhou Aiguo looked down at the stew pot without raising his head and asked, "What is pressure?"

"Oh, player Che got a high score of 9.051, are you really not under any pressure?"

"9.051, is it a perfect score?"

Zhou Aiguo raised his head and gave her an unhappy look: "Since it's not a full score, it's fine for me to be higher than him. Why should there be pressure?"

Cha Jae-hee, who was standing opposite, changed his expression,
This kid is so arrogant!

Don't you know that you are just a rookie chef, if it is not because you are from Africa, if it is not because you have a good teacher, it is impossible to get to this competition!
It really makes no sense!
Huai Liangren in the audience laughed so hard that his stomach ached, looking at the beautiful hostess who didn't know what to do with Zhou Aiguo, he gave Zhou Dong a thumbs up and said, "Old Zhou, you are a good student.

Sure enough, you have style. "

Zhou Dong gave him a blank look, ignored him, and said in his heart that since I am such a polite person, when did I offend others casually?

But the Su brothers' eyes lit up when they heard it, and their hearts were about to move.

It turns out that a person who knows how to hate is a teacher?
This has to be remembered,

To test!

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(End of this chapter)

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