I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 24 The Taste of the Past

Chapter 24 The Taste of the Past

The characteristic of a single high technology is that once the host uses it, it will have a level equivalent to that of a senior technician.

Zhou Dong's current single high-tech is Goubuli steamed stuffed buns. At this time, he is a rare Goubuli senior technician in China; as long as it is involved in making Goubuli, such as hanging soup, stuffing, and noodles , until the buns with eighteen pleats are wrapped, everything is perfect.

Master Zhang and Master He wanted to help, but Zhou Dong stopped them.

What he wants to do now is not the food produced on the 'assembly line', but the essence of the buns. Naturally, he has to operate every step by himself, and no one else is allowed to intervene.

The onlookers Liu Changqing and the chefs were not surprised. This student Zhou has the temper of a top chef?
Anyone who works diligently knows that the more high-end hotels are now, the more they will subdivide the procedures.For example, Kyushu Dingshi is like this. There is a clear division of labor from the water table to the stove head. The advantage of this is that the dishes are delivered quickly and the quality of the dishes is relatively stable, which is suitable for large-scale operations.

But the dishes with real soul are not made in this way. Have you seen those private dishes in Yanjing courtyard?Selecting dishes, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, serving dishes, and cooking are all done by the chef alone. He is afraid that if something goes wrong in any link, his own brand will be smashed. This is called a standard private dish.

The chefs of Kyushu Dingshi occasionally do this. It is because they meet experts who know how to eat, and they will be laughed at when they use the assembly line to produce things.

But you are just making a steamed stuffed bun, so you can call it a dog, right?Is it necessary to act like a top private chef?

This kid shouldn't be a good-looking guy, right?Liu Changqing really felt guilty.If it wasn't for Shang Shicheng and Hua Yidao, he might have called a stop on the spot. You, a Qingxiang intern, are you pretending to be in front of several old masters? Stop wasting my meat and noodles.
Goubuli has three elements: noodles, stuffing, and pork rib soup with stuffing.The production sequence has long been clearly listed in Zhou Dong's mind.

Half-raised dough is also used for raising dough, so the first thing to do is to prepare this part of the dough.Zhou Dong chose rich and strong powder, crude fiber powder produced in Tianshui area and fermentation powder produced in Huizhou Province.

Crude fiber powder can improve the taste, and is rich in various natural vitamins and vegetable proteins; the Huifen that Master Zhang once asked grows in the gap between two rice crops. Although the nutritional content is not high, it is the most viscous fermentation powder , the cooked noodles made with it are the most suitable for half-raised noodles.

As for Fuqiang Powder, don’t underestimate this popular product. It has the strongest original aroma of wheat and is one of the indispensable raw materials for making Goubuli.

The three kinds of flour were quickly mixed together in Zhou Dong's hands, without using a scale at all, just grabbing it with his hands.

Grab a handful of this now, grab a handful of that, and add water in several stages, and the speed and amount of adding water are different each time.Experts can tell at a glance that Zhou Dong's rhythm is natural!
The eyes of Liu Changqing and the other masters were all blurred. It's not like they haven't prepared flour before.If the master on the white case doesn't know how to make fans, it is equivalent to a League of Legends player who can only use one natal hero, and will never be called a professional.

But who can be so confident and quickly mix several types of flour?It is Liu Changqing, the technician on the white case, who has to be careful when mixing powder. Even if he doesn't need to use scales and measuring devices based on his experience, he doesn't grab it like Zhou Dong. Why does this kid look like an acrobat? Woolen cloth?

Zhou Dongcai didn't care what Liu Changqing and the others thought, he quickly finished mixing the dough and was ready to make pork rib soup.Hang the soup first, then chop the stuffing, and then wait until the noodles are about to rise, and then add the raw noodles. The combination of raw and cooked noodles is the most test of skill.

"Masters, I like to be quiet when I'm making things, and everyone has watched half of it, so you should be able to trust me, right?
If there is nothing to do, please go to the restaurant outside and wait, all crowded here will affect my performance. "

Zhou Dong frowned slightly, holding some of the best spine steaks he had borrowed from the front hall of Lu Cuisine earlier in his hand.

Well, it's the chef's temper.
Liu Changqing and others had no choice but to leave the kitchen.

This is the rule of diligence, unless the apprentice cooking master can watch from the sidelines unconditionally, otherwise no matter the chef's identity or rank, he can ask his peers to avoid it.

Even if Zhou Dong is an intern, if he still calls him Mr. Liu, that is not considered a master-student relationship in the traditional sense. He must abide by the rules of diligence.

Zhou Dong is going to use the perfect level of vegetable washing to wash the two catties of ribs.

Different from master-level vegetable washing, perfect-level vegetable washing may be noticed by careful people. He doesn't want to be treated as a monster and sent to slice for research.

Zhou Dong has calculated that it takes about 20 praise points to wash a catty of vegetables with the perfect level, but it will not lose money. There are more than a dozen people in the department early on. ah? 40 appreciation points can be earned back in minutes.

This pot of pork rib soup is so important, it is the essence of Goubuli buns.

The biggest difference between Goubuli and ordinary meat buns is that pork rib soup is used for filling, so that lean meat can be used as filling instead of adding fatty pork to suit the taste.

It is precisely because pork rib soup is used instead of fatty pork that Goubuli can maintain the taste without making people feel too greasy.

It is very cost-effective to spend some praise on the ribs.

The method of washing vegetables at the perfect level is basically the same as that of the master level, but the good fortune kitchen in the system instantly lights up the 'virtual water table', and each appreciation value is quickly converted into special energy in the water table, and along Zhou Dong's hands and ten fingers Toss into the chops being cleaned.

If someone was watching at this time, they could see faint white brilliance from Zhou Dong's ten fingertips!

The pork ribs purchased by the Lu Cuisine front office are of course top-grade, but after all, they started from the pig slaughterhouse and passed through layers of joints. No matter how fast it was, it was a few hours ago.

Under the effect of the Perfect Level Vegetable Washing Skill, these spare ribs took on a new look, as if they were just slaughtered 10 minutes ago, and while being fresh again, the quality has also improved to a certain extent, which has faintly exceeded the quality that Huadong White Pig should have!

Wash and chop the pork ribs, put them into the pot to hang the soup, Zhou Dong checked the time, this pot of soup should not exceed 10 minutes at most, what Goubuli wants is the ribs clear soup, the thick soup is too oily.

After serving the noodles and soup, Zhou Dong began to chop the stuffing.

The magic of a single high skill is that as long as it is related to being a dog, all his basic skills will be upgraded to the level of a senior technician in an instant.Zhou Dong took two kitchen knives, and the two knives flew together. The sound of the knives spread to the restaurant in front like a symphony.

Liu Changqing's complexion changed as soon as the sound of the knife came to his ears!
Are Qingxiang's interns so strong now?Just based on the sound of the knife, why do I sound like a special level (senior technician)?
And this kid seems to really understand, it's not that there is no meat grinder in the kitchen, but he discards it.This is to understand that the meat grinder will cause the tendons of the meat to stick to each other, turning into unpalatable meat lumps, which will affect the taste.

It seems that you can look forward to it?

Zhou Dong didn't make Liu Changqing wait for too long. Seeing that the soup was about to be ready and the dough was about to rise, he began to add wheat core powder to the dough.This kind of powder is strong and elastic, and as long as the ratio is reasonable, it can be perfectly blended with the previous dough to form the half-raised dough that Goubuli needs.

There is no problem with the ratio. Zhou Dong, who has a single high-tech, adds more water, it is natural, and there is no need to think about how much to add and how to add it?Just like Huang Yaoshi can see at a glance that Master Lingzhi's weakness is at the back of the neck, just grab it directly, why are there so many?
Not long after, a scent of steamed buns overflowed from the kitchen, gradually filling the entire breakfast department.

Liu Changqing and a dozen or so breakfast chefs and employees stood up abruptly. Everyone's noses and wings were beating, and their saliva was hitting their teeth desperately!

There is a taste called the taste of the past,

I thought I would never find it, never find it again.

But here it comes, so suddenly
(End of this chapter)

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