I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 964 Has it started yet? ……It has ended

Chapter 964 Has it started yet? ……It has ended
But I don't know why, after the first wave of turbulent offensive, the imperial army on the seventh battlefield started to paddle wirelessly.

Flynn dare not say that the main force of the empire on the seventh battlefield is 100% capable of winning, but at least he has a chance.

As a result, after the first round, they paddled in place and even started a sit-down war.

With millions of troops in hand, they stand still.

There are also quite a few players on the player's side. Because they couldn't hold back, they attacked sporadically.

However, their sporadic and disorderly attacks could not pose any threat at all in the face of the main force of the empire waiting in full force.

It was even difficult to get close, and he was bombarded and killed by the long-range firepower of the imperial army directly on the great plain during the approach.

After a few waves, the players also began to shrink back.

Mainly the main force to fight: can't beat.

No main force, sporadic fighting: even more difficult to fight.

Therefore, the players on the No. [-] battlefield thought that they could get rewards as long as they completed the defense mission anyway. Although the rewards were a little less, they could still complete the mission after all.

The two sides seem to have reached a tacit understanding, looking at each other affectionately, but they don't fight much.

Such a silent war is naturally beneficial to Flynn on the defensive side, so Flynn does not plan to change the status quo in a hurry.

Since the empire that needs to attack is willing to wait.

Naturally, Flynn would not order an attack.

Just let them keep squatting.

In the end, none of the mighty seven-way armies of the empire posed a threat to Flynn.

There is no need for a reserve team, no soldiers and horses from the headquarters, and no need for other lords to contribute.

Flynn only used his own brave troops to successfully stop the empire's armies from seven directions.

It was obviously a super-scale epic war, but it did not have any impact on the Iron Hill Kingdom.

There was no raging war, no civilian casualties, no economic collapse under the war, and no suspicion of defeat.

If it is the kind of villagers who don't care much about the situation, they may not even know that the war happened.

War has happened!
The war is coming!
The war is over!
Under Flynn's command, the empire's all-round battle of the seven armies was easily resolved.

Because of the empire, they also lost their will to fight after they discovered that the Seventh Route Army could not advance an inch.

After trying to attack for the last round, the empire's seven armies all chose to retreat one after another.

Flynn did not order the pursuit, after all, Flynn is not stable in the country now.

In the case that only half of the year is really available, and there will be no magic wave attacks, Flynn naturally cannot use up the half-year opportunity at once.

Therefore, under the circumstances that the leaders on both sides were not very willing to fight, the two sides invested a total of more than 2000 million troops in this battle.

It stands to reason that it can be fought on the scale of the Soviet-German battlefield in World War II. The super epic war that ended all wars ended in an anticlimactic manner.

As the defender, Flynn, since he successfully defended the territory, it is natural that Flynn won.

Regardless of this battle, Flynn did not take advantage of the victory to expand the results.

The empire did not put all its eggs in one basket either, and fought to the end.

But this battle, in which neither side went all out, has huge strategic significance.

After this battle, the empire recognized it.

They can't.

The empire is still an incomparably powerful empire.

But the extremely powerful empire is no longer the opponent of the even more powerful Iron Hill Kingdom.

If it is said that before, when Flynn had only 100 million heroes on hand, the empire could still use its size advantage to play a role in the war.

Well now.

The size of the empire—at least the military size advantage—is gone.

The empire has fully realized that among the tens of thousands of braves in Flynn, most of them are just novice braves who have just been summoned.

Even so, he was not able to win.

So, is it necessary to fight again?

After a period of time, the tens of thousands of brave men that Flynn summoned this time have grown up in the long-term combat adventure.

By that time, the tens of thousands of seasoned brave men will not be directly invincible?

Although very unwilling, but the reality must also be admitted.

Just like in the era when the demons were rampant in history, there will always be opponents that humans cannot defeat.

Fortunately, the super opponent this time is not the demons or the like, but the serious human kingdom.

After the empire retreated, it was already planning to negotiate a peace with Flynn.

Judging from Flynn's performance over such a long period of time, the empire believes that Flynn is a trustworthy leader and a person who can communicate.

Just be reasonable, and Flynn will be reasonable.

As long as Flynn is not the kind of barbarian who only knows how to kill and loot, or even a madman who only wants to destroy the world.

That's already good news.


Flynn himself does not know what the empire thinks for the time being.

However, Flynn also knew that the empire was no longer the threat it was today.

Most of the tens of thousands of brave men are newcomers, and the empire is easily resolved by myself. Wait for a while to develop, and when I go to attack the empire, why don't I hang the empire up and fight?
Maybe at that time, I can even pierce and blow up the empire in one wave!
Of course, Flynn even thinks that he already has the strength to conquer the empire, but Flynn doesn't need to rush.

It is said that there are long nights and many dreams, but we must also pay attention to steady development.

For the current Flynn, he doesn't need to fight fast, nor does he need to give it a go.

As long as you develop slowly, your advantages will continue to accumulate.

How to do?
Flynn was very clear in his heart.


Unlimited development!

Flynn does not intend to attack the empire for the time being, but it does not mean that Flynn does not intend to become emperor.

In other words, it was not that Flynn wanted to be emperor, but the people (feudal aristocrats) chose Flynn to be emperor.

After defeating the empire in succession and killing the demon god Alecto, Flynn's reputation can be said to have reached an unprecedented level.

Yes, due to the emancipation of the mind, many people in China are dissatisfied with Flynn's current political ruling system and are calling for reform.

But there is no conflict between dissatisfaction with Flynn's system and Flynn's unlimited popularity.

On the one hand, Flynn's popularity has soared, and he is almost a god.

On the one hand, it has also accumulated a lot of opposing forces.

If Flynn is compared to Napoleon, it is that Flynn won consecutive battles, defeated many feudal emperors, and reformed many malpractices of this era.

Like Napoleon, he became a liberator, a reformer.

(End of this chapter)

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