Chapter 679

In just a few tens of seconds, the indestructible warrior phalanx formed by hundreds of players fell down in pieces as if they had been cut into leeks.

"Relying on... damage... there is a delay!"

Almost all the players were trampled to death the moment they fell.

And those who trampled on them were, without a doubt, the Debba ghost knight unit that hadn't caused any damage.

This is the charging power of the Deba Ghost Knights!

Obviously, those players who were in a hurry before were happy too early.

Everyone thought they were unharmed.

The actual situation is that the players were flattened by a wave without any effective resistance.

Fortunately, this is not the end of the world.

The brave warriors with infinite resurrection ability quickly resurrected from the position of the mithril resurrection statue, regrouped and rushed to the battlefield.

This time, they didn't dare to be careless in the face of the Deba Ghost Knights.

The players once again formed a strong phalanx of braves, ready to form a group to resist the cavalry attack of the Deba Knights.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Complete defeat again!
The ghost charge of the Deba Ghost Knights is currently unsolvable.

Not to mention the unsolvable ghost charge, even when not charging, the resurrected players will have a very difficult battle with these ghost cavalry.

Because these ghost knights are almost physically immune.

Most of the players on the scene are physics majors.

Hacking with a knife and an axe, 10 out of 9 knives.

If it is a traditional online game, you can see MISS, MISS, a large piece of MISS!

Absolutely outrageous.

In the game "Super Warfare 2", although there is no MISS icon prompt to make people mental.

But it was clearly a fast and ruthless slash, but it didn't even make a fart, which made the players very depressed.

Asymmetric battles can no longer be called battles, but have turned into unilateral massacres.

"Ah, it's depressing to beat a good dick!"

"Daodao MISS, who can stand up to this?"

"Isn't this too strange?"

"UE: 1, the Ghost Riders are originally from the underworld."

Deba ghosts, who are almost physically immune, are correspondingly more afraid of magic.

In fact, among the hundreds of players, there are also quite a few legal players.

After all, the Faye profession will always be a popular profession.

However, due to the extremely stretched hips of the physics department players, coupled with the strong and wanton charge of the ghost Deba knights ignoring the collision volume.

So mage players, playing is also very uncomfortable.

There is no output environment!

Most of their energy is used to move and avoid attacks.

However, it cannot be effectively avoided.

Because those Deba ghost knights have no collision volume, so in the player's formation, these Deba ghost knights can be said to come and leave whenever they want.

Kill randomly!

Mage players, although their legal output can cause damage to the Deba ghost knights, but because there is no output environment, they are hunted down by the Deba ghost knights.

In the crowd, if the dog's head is randomly taken, and all kinds of money are withdrawn, it is also dead as a dog.

The 400 players at the scene were repeatedly killed several times.

The total number of deaths may have exceeded 2000.

However, enemy casualties were very low.

Of the 1000 or so ghost Deba knights, it is estimated that only a few dozen have died so far.

The exchange ratio cannot be seen at all.

If this progress continues, the 400 players will have to die at least a dozen times per capita before they can slowly consume and win.

That's too embarrassing!
Unless there is really no other way, players are unwilling to use the most mindless corpse pile tactics.

Use dozens of resurrections to consume the enemy's combat power?
This is certainly possible.

But if possible, everyone still wants to make some changes.

After all, everyone is an old player, and they are not the kind of newcomers who only know how to pile up corpses.

After yet another mass wipeout, the resurrected players organized a small meeting.

On the one hand, everyone sent people to the front line to continue pestering to prevent the Deba Ghost Rider from rushing to the resurrection point.

On the other hand, discuss on the spot, what should we do?
Because of time constraints, there is no time to slowly reason about various excellent solutions.

Everyone directly handed over the decision-making power to the world's cutest uncle.

"There is no time for democracy, my lord, we appointed you to be the dictator!"

"My lord, you are one of the most powerful mages here, we trust your judgment, let's see what magic you have, to limit them?"

Uncle Ben, as one of the earliest players in the game, his strength has already been fully recognized by everyone, and he has often become the leader of dungeon adventure activities.

Although her guild - genius alchemist has always been small.

But this does not affect, she dared to command hundreds or thousands of people.

Now that he has obtained the leadership, I don't hesitate to be the most cutest in the world.

"Then I'm not humble!"

After thinking about it, she said, "Deba Ghost Riders, their most destructive thing is the ghost charge, which is completely unstoppable."

"They just need to rush without thinking, and they can easily destroy us."

"Repeated many times, no disadvantages."

"Then, let's give them a surprise."

Grandpa Ben is the cutest in the world. She gathered all mage players and asked everyone to prepare collectively, take out mithril powder, potion, etc. to enhance the power of magic.

Afterwards, everyone was ordered to rejoin the battlefield.

It is still the old rule, let all the players gather together to form an infantry phalanx.

On the other side of the field the ghostly Derba knights, who had seen the foolish invaders, once again formed the infantry phalanx.

They couldn't help but sneered contemptuously.

The leading female Deba ghost knight even shouted: "I know you are tired of killing, but the group of shameless fallen orcs in front, they haven't tasted enough of death yet!"

"Come, my knights! Let them go again! Ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes!"

Without hesitation, the ghost knight charged proudly towards the player phalanx.

They know that the enemy is completely unstoppable.

These shameful invading fallen orcs will once again return to the death they should return to!

The disembodied Derba Ghost Riders charged across the infantry line.

Charged across the second infantry line.

Charged to the front of the third infantry line.

Unstoppable, unstoppable, as always!
The invincible Deba knights suddenly saw a flame!
What rose suddenly was not a mass of flames.

But one, the wall of flames!

A blazing wall of invincible flame.

Hundreds of mage players, using the wall of flames blessed by mithril powder, stretches for hundreds of meters!

(End of this chapter)

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