I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 672 Humans Die to the Ogre Lord!

Chapter 672 Humans Die to the Ogre Lord!

I only heard the ogre leader on the opposite side continue to say: "It seems that you are the enemy of the Deba Knights."

"And so are we!"

"The opportunity to challenge the Deba Knights belongs to our Motu tribe!"

"Human? Want to snatch?"

"Then fight with us and practice your hands!"

The battle is about to break out, but before it breaks out, you can talk about it first.

Some curious players took the initiative to communicate with the ogre leader on the opposite side, and asked more about the situation.

So everyone discovered that they had a certain interest in this ogre group that claimed to be the Motu tribe.

Players, they came in to fight with the Deba Knights.

And the ogre tribe also came to fight with the Deba Knights.

Everyone, we are colleagues!
Moreover, the old ogre brothers of the Motu tribe have been here for a long, long time, so long that it is abnormal.

It seems to be the leader of the Motu ogre tribe, that is, the tall and big ogre in front of him.

He has been an invincible existence in the tribe since he was a child.

Not only is the tribe invincible, but it also ravages the ogres of other tribes in various challenges, becoming the well-deserved number one ogre warrior.

For an ogre who advocates force, it is a great honor to be the number one warrior.

But it was this invincible number one ogre warrior who was singled out by a young knight of the Deba Knights in a battle!

The invincible No. [-] ogre warrior, against a little-known tiny human being, was hanged and beaten!

For the ogre, who valued the honor of battle, he was defeated by a human knight who was far weaker than him in body and strength.

is a disgrace!

For the ogre leader, such a super ogre who has been invincible since childhood, it is an unacceptable shame!

Therefore, when the Deba Knights entered the eternal sleep of the Holy Tomb, the leader of the Motu Ogre tribe also issued a military order for himself.

He will lead his loyal guards in the holy tomb of the Deba Knights, preparing for the next challenge.

But the ogre leader knew that his strength was not enough to defeat the Deba Knights.

Whether it's a one-on-one fight by yourself, or a team battle between your own guards and the Deba Knights, they are definitely not opponents.

Therefore, the leader of the ogre is in the holy tomb, leading the team for training, training...

Go on, eternal training.

From the time they entered the Holy Tomb until now, they have been training for an unknown number of years, and time seems to have stood still for them.

Maybe you have to wait until the leader of the ogre feels that he is strong enough.

Strong enough to challenge the Deba Knights, and after successfully defeating the Deba Knights, the eternal practice and preparation of revenge of the Motu Ogre tribe will stop, right?
The opportunity to fight for revenge against the Deba Knights is so important, the ogre leader will never give it up to others!

Want to move on and challenge the sleeping Deba Knights?
It is necessary to defeat the Motu ogre tribe!
After understanding these plots, the players understand it.

Although the plot is set, the Motu ogre tribe is the sworn enemy of the Deba Knights.

The leader of the ogre, would rather enter the Holy Sepulcher as a living dead, but also personally overthrow the Deba Knights to complete revenge.

Finished, his quest for glory.

But in fact... From the perspective of the players, the Motu ogre tribe has become the tomb guard of the Deba Knights.

They have been practicing here for eternity, and they don't know how many years of practice, but they have never launched an attack on the Deba Knights.

And during this practice, they became guardians of the cemetery.

If outsiders want to disturb the Deba Knights, they need to pass the ogre level first.

It stands to reason that it is obviously a enemy.

In the end, he became the gate guard for the Deba Knights.

I don't know it's these ogres, too silly?
Or is the Knights of Deba too cunning?

The ogres are unwilling to give up the opportunity to challenge, and if the players want to pass here, they must prove that they are indeed stronger than the ogres.

It is necessary to prove that the brave are qualified to challenge the Deba Knights.

So, the battle is on the verge of breaking out!
The ogre's fighting style also highlights a fierceness.

After a series of battle cries, the ogre and the players collided into a ball in duangduang.

An ogre wearing red armor, holding a pear blossom mountain axe, rushed into the player's team like a red iron bull, and let out a roar.

"Come on, little human cubs, taste the big eagle of your ogre grandpa!"

Being provoked by the ogre like this, how can the players let him go?
A fire output!
Beat the red ogre black and blue.

But the red ogre's provocation was not without effect.

Since he alone attracted the attention of close to 100 players, he created a fairly good output environment for his teammates.

The leader of the biggest ogre before led a wave of assault with his elite brothers, directly dividing and surrounding the players.

The ogre leader, wielding his giant double-edged gun, formed a whirlwind of steel and iron, directly cutting through a large area of ​​players.

Comrade Vodka, who was the first to be hit by the steel whirlwind, was immediately blown away.

Gliding tens of meters in the air, it hit the ceiling all the way.

It was even very iron-headed, hitting a hole in the ceiling, hanging the whole person on it, and dying after a long time.

At this time, the players who were provoked before also realized that something was wrong.

After they were provoked by the red ogre, all kinds of firepower were concentrated, with knives, axes, swords and magic, and the red ogre was bruised all over.

Seriously overloaded firepower output, but has not been able to kill the red ogre.

The players are not fools, they can see that the red ogre is obviously the meat shield responsible for attracting firepower.

But even if it is a meat shield type ogre, logically speaking, it shouldn't be so fleshy, right?

Some players shouted: "Don't rush to fight this meat shield! There is a problem!"

The crowd ceased fire.

After the smoke of the attack, especially those magical spells with brilliant light effects dissipated, the players who had been divided and surrounded, and were beaten by ogre fathers in various ways, finally saw it.

It turned out that it was where the red ogre was injured.

There are continuous golden rays of light overflowing.

Although I don't know what these inconspicuous golden rays of light are.

But it should have something to do with the level of the ogre's meat shield.

It is probably because of the existence of golden light that the red ogre is so fleshy.

He was obviously beaten by all kinds of firepower for a long time, and his body was covered with bruises, but he never died.

There is a reason.

(End of this chapter)

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