I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 656 Bishop's Territory

Chapter 656 Bishop's Territory
But obviously, the Earl of Cumberland did not dare to express his true thoughts, so he could only nod and said, "Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Flynn!"

"In the words I learned from the brave men."

"Master Flynn, you are worthy of being the God of Eternity!"


The next destination of Flynn's inspection was the site of a bishop.

In this era, religious forces can also be seen everywhere, which is very common.

Just like the Holy Roman Empire on earth, there are many places ruled by bishops.

In this world, there are many lands controlled by churches.

The owner of these church lands is often the local bishop, or even just a priest.

Religious feudal lords, although they have no titles, they are actually equivalent to feudal lords.


And because these feudal lord-like bishops often have backgrounds in the central church.

So when dealing with these people, we must be doubly careful.

Flynn came to Bishop Isaac's territory and entered with a high profile.

The area of ​​this land is not large, but the population is quite large, there are less than 10 people living on this land.

It seems that because Bishop Isaac is obsessed with cleansing and doesn't care much about tax collection, the tax rate he set is relatively low.

Bishop Isaac did not pursue personal enjoyment and never married.

No children, no need to accumulate inheritance for their descendants.

Therefore, he does not need to squeeze his people as much as other feudal lords do.

Such a unique ruling system is destined to lead a relatively good life for the people under Bishop Isaac's rule.

Isaac Flynn's ruling land can have so many people, close to 10 people, in a small area.

The reason is exactly the same.

After all, everyone will vote with their feet, and many refugees, etc., will come to seek refuge on purpose.


Before Flynn came, he knew about Bishop Isaac, because he ruled relatively loosely and oppressed the people under his hands relatively lightly, so he had a good reputation.

Although it may not feel necessary to inspect the territory of Bishop Isaac, but it is also on the way anyway, so I just stopped by to take a look.

In the territory of Bishop Isaac, Flynn saw that the general mental outlook of the people here was very good, and there was a special team organizing production.

Whether it is fertile fields or barren hills.

Whether it's by the lake or in the mines, in many places, there are special people who lead the common people to develop.

In view of the scope of Bishop Isaac's territory, it is not very large.

And the population is larger.

Therefore, it is very important to improve development efficiency and use limited land as much as possible to feed more people and create more employment opportunities.

It can be seen that Bishop Isaac is quite concerned about the construction of his territory.

While talking with Bishop Isaac, Flynn learned that he was different from other lords who didn't value their people, but only valued wealth.

The Bishop Isaac attached great importance to the lives of the people under his rule. He said to Flynn: "It must be satisfied, the lives of the people, especially so that they can have enough food and clothing."

"In this way, they can be truly devout."

"Look, my lord, this church is very magnificent, right?"

"I can proudly say that this magnificent and majestic church didn't even cost me a penny of my own money."

"Nor have any church funds been used."

"The splendid church is entirely funded by the local believers."

"Because they are living happily in this blessed land."

"They are also willing to pay for the construction of a cathedral for this kind of happy life, to express their gratitude to the saint."

For Bishop Isaac's rule, Flynn does not have much to criticize.

Still the same sentence, because this Lord Bishop Isaac, he does not pursue personal enjoyment, nor does he need to leave a legacy to his descendants.

So he doesn't need it at all, to squeeze and collect money.

Flynn had planned to leave at this point.

But after going down for a little stroll, Flynn found something was wrong.

On the site of Bishop Isaac, there are too many religious buildings, decorations, statues, large and small churches, even separate prayer rooms, atonement rooms and the like.

Whether in towns or in villages, it can be seen everywhere that some people lead the nearby people to perform collective religious sacrifices.

Activities of very high frequency and duration.

Flynn, specially observed for a whole day.

It can be seen that there is a group of children in the east, who have been practicing in the choir for a whole day, and their voices are hoarse.

And at night, they are also responsible for voluntarily cleaning the religious icons in this area.

On the west side, it surrounds a newly built church.

Hundreds of people gathered there, listening to the dull lectures of the priest in the church, and for a whole day, no one ate anything—to show their piety, there was no time to eat.

Going a little farther, you can see a few ordinary farmers who are working hard on the fields.

But during the farming period, he would take a break at any time and study religious classics under the leadership of a priest who looked like a farmer.

Although many of these farmers were illiterate, they were also required to follow the priest to recite the scriptures aloud.

On another piece of land nearby, it was originally fertile and good land, but a large open space was opened up for the establishment of a new sacred image.

The sacred elephant and the base occupy a large area, wasting a lot of fertile land.


Ever since, Flynn discovered the problem here.

The lord here, Bishop Isaac, did collect less taxes and did not squeeze too much.

The people here seem to be living happily.

They enjoy lower taxes here, and at the same time carry out cumbersome religious activities.

But because they are all devout believers, this doesn't seem to make them feel painful.

Although the local people are enjoying it.

But Flynn couldn't take it anymore.

You are pious to pious, and Flynn has no objection to your pious.

However, at any rate, don't affect normal production and life!

According to Flynn's observations, the people in Bishop Isaac's territory probably spend more than [-]% or even half of their time and energy on religious activities every day.

If this continues, it will be equivalent to reducing the production efficiency of the entire society by [-]%, or even more than half.

Is this reasonable?

This is really unreasonable!
(End of this chapter)

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