I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 653 Flynn Wants To Be Lazy

Chapter 653 Flynn Wants To Be Lazy

Flynn likes to see players organize their own armies to start a war.

After all, this is the feudal era.

In the feudal era, the lords below did not need the consent of the lords above to start a war.

But Flynn absolutely can't really let the players fight this battle alone.

If this war is outside the Tieqiu Kingdom.

Then, maybe you can still be a shopkeeper.

But in the Iron Hill Kingdom, the war against the mysterious and unknown dungeon must be treated with caution.

Flynn dispatched troops, on the one hand, he did not interfere directly, on the other hand, he also urgently dispatched Knight Fekir.

Let him take 2000 elite Apocalypse Knights and rush to the battlefield to hold the formation outside.

Fekir Knight's 2000 elite cavalry will not directly enter the underground world.

After all, the passage of the underground world looks very narrow, not suitable for bringing war horses in.

As for the dismounted armored cavalry, even though they were elite heavy infantry, that was too wasteful...

Fekir and the others just need to be outside, ready to accept Flynn's orders at all times.

Flynn will pay attention to the battlefield situation through the player radar.

If something unexpected happens, let Fekir and the Knights become the first line of defense on the ground.

After arranging Fekir Knights to garrison outside the village, Flynn was still not at ease.

And let his second army move to that area.

Not necessarily, they have to be transferred outside the village.

But it must be kept on the main road, a relatively short distance from the entrance of the dungeon.

In this case, once a problem occurs.

Since I have a player radar, I can keep track of the situation at any time.

It is possible to issue an order at the first time to let the Second Legion cooperate with Fekir Knight's Apocalypse Knight.

With these two elite troops pressing down, it must be a peace of mind.

I have to say that Flynn is indeed a very responsible lord.

When it comes to work, it is quite a workaholic.

After resuming work after a short vacation, Flynn has a full schedule!
First, arrange for Knight Fekir to go to support the battlefield.

Afterwards, he walked non-stop and began to conduct inspections by the Lord Protector across the country.

During this period of time, Flynn had arranged for his men to investigate some lords with poor reputations in the Iron Hill Kingdom.

These lords are often very greedy and brutal, and the ordinary people under their rule often lead quite miserable lives.

In other words, the life of the people at the bottom of any era is very difficult, especially in this era.

And the common people who live under those not-so-good lords are even more heartbroken.

In the past, perhaps Flynn would not care so much.

Because after all, this is a matter of the times, and it is impossible to lead to modern civilization all at once.

But now, with Flynn successfully in charge of the power of the entire country.

Although he did not ascend the throne and become the king, he has actually become the supreme military dictatorship of the Iron Hill Kingdom.

Moreover, Flynn has his own team of brave warriors who are strong and active around the clock.

The army of the brave, plus Flynn's existing, ordinary human armies such as the Second Legion.

Let Flynn become an absolute and powerful ruler without any suspense.

Within the kingdom, no one has the strength to challenge Flynn's rule.

Because of this, Flynn can carry out social reforms to a certain extent, and has the ability to solve the opposition.

Flynn knew the problems of the times, and he couldn't end it himself.

But even in this ignorant and backward, relatively dark age.

Flynn also wants to, to some extent, carry out social reform.

Flynn didn't want to do a sweeping, society-wide overhaul—that would be turbulent for years, and it would be tiring.

But at the very least, the Kingdom needs some level of progress.

This kind of progress is currently in the area under the direct control of Flynn, which was originally ruled by Super Power City.

Areas such as Dunshan Town, Mercury Bay, Tongniu Town, Qiming Fort, Jianmu City, Nine Mountains, etc. have gradually matured.

But now, Flynn's ruling area and population have surged a lot.

Even though the people of the Iron Hill Kingdom belonged to other lords, at the same time, they theoretically belonged to Flynn.

If Flynn, the protector of the country, is regarded as the king of the Iron Hill Kingdom.

Well, Flynn is "the protector of the people of Ironhill."

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the basic life of the people within the entire kingdom.

At the very least, it can no longer be completely ignorant and dark like other countries.

In your own Iron Hill Kingdom, you must be a lighthouse in this world!
In this dark, ignorant and backward ocean of ignorance, Iron Hill Kingdom will become a shining beacon of knowledge under the leadership of Flynn and a group of emerging cities represented by Super Power City!
Flynn's inspection this time is a long-term inspection nationwide.

The footsteps will cover most of the entire Iron Hill Kingdom.

In particular, those lords with a poor reputation after investigation are the key targets of Flynn's inspection.

Of course, given that this era is what this bird looks like.

So this time, Flynn didn't mean to go on a killing spree or anything.

Even Flynn didn't intend to really punish a certain lord.

Let's take a stroll first, take a look, learn about the local people's conditions, and learn about the actual situation of each lord.

If you should say hello, just say hello.

Be warned, be warned.

With their own strength as an endorsement, most lords must give themselves this face.

After conducting a full tour, Flynn will consider introducing a constitution for the Kingdom of Ironhill.

Call a meeting of national representatives, and if the meeting passes, a legal constitution will be introduced, and the existing legal system of the Iron Hill Kingdom will be gradually changed.

Use systems and frameworks to constrain the behavior of lords.

Gradually implement the social reform that Flynn dreamed of.

It doesn't need to be too intense, but there must be a certain degree of progress.

In fact, Flynn thought even further.

Flynn's thinking is that maybe he can gradually weaken the power of his protector.

In other words, while retaining the final decision-making power, divide the power of its own administrative management.

Let other people run the country for themselves.

It stands to reason that Flynn, as a feudal emperor-level existence, should try to centralize power.

But Flynn, was different from the others.

Flynn does not want to govern a country in all aspects.

that would be too tiring...

A modern, sound legal system.

Even if it's just a beggar's version of the modern legal system.

All can help Flynn manage the country to a large extent.

(End of this chapter)

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