I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 642 Our Huomao Village is really amazing!

Chapter 642 Our Huomao Village is really amazing!
Even if the NPC knew about it, they would still go through the process and conduct investigations step by step before telling themselves the data.

And the village administrator's answer was not as expected by Northwest Cut King.

He replied to the Northwest Cut King: "My lord, I will first ask the original village head, but if the village head cannot provide accurate data, I will investigate one by one. In terms of area, it will take about one and a half to two days."

One and a half to two days, this time is a bit long, the Northwest Cut King is naturally not very satisfied, he can't help complaining: "This is too slow."

The village administrator immediately replied: "If you want to speed up the implementation of this order, please ask the lord to equip Mi Cang Village with more management personnel."

"I have a list of management NPCs here, which is the level and price of NPCs that can be hired in Micang Village at present."

"If you are interested, Mr. Northwest Cutting King, you can hire him."

"I will send the information to the nearest city, and a new village NPC will come soon."

Northwest Cut King received a list from the village administrator, and found that although Micang Village is only a small village with a population of a few hundred, there are quite a lot of NPCs that can be hired!

Grocer, agronomist, blacksmith, carpenter, baker...

Infantry, archers, slingers, cavalry, instructors...

Firefighters, engineers, doctors...

All kinds of NPCs are comparable to the original Tudou Village!

Of course, the price marked behind these NPCs is also very beautiful.

The Northwest Cut King roughly estimated his financial situation, and felt that among the hundreds of NPCs, he could hire at most two or three, which might be the limit.

If you want to hire more NPCs with more complete types.

Even hiring armed forces such as NPC patrols, it is necessary to develop Mi Cang Village, otherwise, you have to pay for it yourself, which may not be affordable!

After thinking about it, the Northwest Cut King understood that the player is not Flynn.

It is impossible for our player's own territory to use a large number of NPCs like the original Tudou Village.

Village posts like bakers, blacksmiths, hunters, loggers, and patrols.

In the previous Tudou Village, NPCs could be in charge.

But in my Micang Village, I must find suitable villagers to take on the job.

"It's kind of interesting." Northwest Cut King couldn't help but feel a kind of pleasure of cultivating and farming.

At the same time, as an old player, he also recalled the difficult years when Tudou Village started its business.

"Could it be that I'm following Mr. Fu's old entrepreneurial path?"

"When Mr. Fu established Tudou Village and developed it, it felt very similar to my current Miicang Village."

"But my Micang Village has a population of several hundred and is self-sufficient. The villagers are also richer and they don't go hungry. It's a much better foundation than Tudou Village back then."

"Master Flynn's Tudou Village can develop to where it is today, so the future of my Miicang Village is even more limitless!"

"At that time, my Mi Cang Village will also develop into an earldom, and even a duchy."

"Wouldn't it be great to finally establish an independent country and sit on an equal footing with Lord Flynn?"

"Hahahaha! Cool!"

Soon, the two newly appointed knights entered their roles and began to plan the development of their own village.

Brother Bao Ying on the other side found that although his village has a small population, there are only about 300 people.

But generally speaking, it should be okay, after all, at least Huomao Village doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

You know, in this era, not worrying about eating and drinking is already a very good standard.

After noticing that Huomao Village has fertile arable land, the grain produced in a year is enough to guarantee the livelihood of the villagers, and there is still surplus grain to be handed in, Brother Bao Ying feels relieved.

At the beginning, he still thought that if he was as poor as Tudou Village back then, he would have to spend a lot of effort to help the villagers get rid of hunger.

Brother Bao Ying once thought that there was nothing to worry about the food problem, but after a careful investigation, he asked the villagers about their daily rations.

Brother Bao Ying discovered that although the grain output of Huomao Village is theoretically enough for the villagers to pay taxes while feeding their stomachs.

But in fact, because the life of the villagers can't just barely manage their stomachs, plus paying taxes is enough.

Therefore, many villagers will choose to eat a little less, save a little bit in each meal, and accumulate a little bit in exchange for some dinars, which are used to buy other daily necessities.

You can eat enough, but you have to take the initiative to eat less and starve!

This is the status quo of this era.

It can be said that even in relatively affluent villages, life for ordinary villagers is still quite difficult.

Brother Bao Ying has also seen many people living in misery in this era, but now seeing the hardships of his own people, he can't help feeling how difficult the people's livelihood is.

Then silently, set the first goal down.

That is to at least let the villagers of his Huomao Village have enough food, at least up to the food level of the villagers of Flynn's Tudou Village.

He didn't want to let his villagers go hungry, and looked at the tax situation, it was indeed pitifully low.

A sentence of emotion: "Sure enough, the taxes provided by ordinary farmers in this era are too little, and they have to rely on industry to get rich."

So the first lord order issued by Brother Bao Ying was to announce the three fires due to the impact of the war and the appointment of the new official.

Therefore, this year, the villagers of Huomao Village no longer need to hand in food as tax.

Tax free for one year!
Free food!

You must know that most of the lords will never declare that their people will be exempted from paying food.

Even because of factors of famine and war, food production has been affected.

Even a well-meaning and generous lord will only allow arrears, but it is generally required to make up in the second or third year or even within a few years.

Brother Bao Ying announced so generously that he would no longer need to hand in food for the whole year this year, and he would not need to make up for the lord in the future.


But very few.

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people, if the lord can take less food from the people, the people will be able to eat more meals.

The happiness index is doubled.

With just this order, Brother Bao Ying gave a wave of goodwill to all his subjects.

All the villagers are very grateful to Brother Bao Ying and thank you loudly.

"Long live the lord!"

"Long live the owner of Baoying technology!"

"Let's sing Huomaohong and walk into a new era together!"

"Hello, Master Knight! Master Knight, second! Master Knight, croak!"

"I love Huomao Village, our lord of Huomao Village is really amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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