Chapter 636
After all, Flynn wasn't in a fantasy novel.

If it's a traditional fantasy novel that fights monsters and upgrades, then you can start off with a day against the sky, falling out with your parents, clan, master, fiancée, brothers, sisters and cousins.

Fighting with the whole world, becoming the lone star of the evil spirit is also true.

But Flynn didn't want to be the lone star of the devil like the male protagonist in fantasy novels.

Flynn doesn't want to be enemies with the whole world.

What Flynn wanted was to become a recognized orthodox feudal king, not Long Aotian, who slashed the sky and turned the world upside down.

Mainly, he doesn't have that ability, does he?

Rice should be eaten bite by bite.

Is it really unifying the continent like the plot of the novel?

That would have to be a late event.

At least, at this stage, diplomatic reputation is very important.

Lord Flynn, who is becoming more and more feudal and reactionary, also pays more and more attention to this point, becoming more and more like a traditional feudal lord.

Therefore, the closer it is to the last moment of the war, the more cautious it is to deal with it.

Anyway, the victory of the war now has become the cherry on the cake, and he can eat it at any time.

So there is no need to hastily lead an army to attack the city.

As long as I can end this war more perfectly.

Coupled with the dragon flag that may be obtained in the future, then one's own legitimacy will be absolutely full!

Become the orthodox human king recognized by the entire continent, whether it is the empire, the church, other countries, or even other non-human countries.

Just like those human hero kings in ancient legends.

Great warlord?


Legendary Hero King?


On the one hand, Flynn stabilized the area he had already occupied, and at the same time began to actively carry out diplomatic activities, announcing his own cause, including warning some barbarian forces around him that were about to move.

Let these barbarians not think about taking advantage of the civil strife in the Tieqiu Kingdom and dare to come and plunder.

At the same time, under Flynn's arrangement and the voluntary actions of those lords, news about Flynn's generosity and integrity, kindness, kindness, strength and many other qualities were quickly spread in the Iron Hill Kingdom, including the capital. is spreading.

"Lord Flynn is a great man from heaven!"

"Lord Flynn is the savior of the citizens who represent divine power!"

"Follow Lord Flynn, there is meat to eat!"

"Master Flynn throws away tens of millions of gold coins every time he travels!"

"Master Flynn has 60 billion troops!"

Blow to death!
Blowing like killing!

The Flynn camp is blowing the sky, and it's a happy scene.

As for Caracalla II, it was not so easy.

Under the mental pressure of being besieged all day long, the citizens of King Tieqiu's capital will also feel panic.

They complained about the soaring food prices caused by the war, and worried that their property would be lost in the war.

Although in this feudal era, most ordinary people had no human rights, and no one cared about their opinions.

But kings are different.

Compared with the citizens of other lord cities and those border villages, the citizens of the royal capital, especially the citizens above the middle class, are on a higher level.

The citizens of the royal capital already have a certain right to speak in the political life of the country.

Even in history, there have been civil riots, forcing the king to flee, and finally being abolished by the Imperial Guards, thus allowing the new king to ascend the throne.

Under Flynn's military pressure and propaganda offensive, there were undercurrents surging in King Tieqiu's capital.

More and more nobles have established contact with Flynn, expressing their willingness to respect Flynn's rule.

There are also more and more people calling on the current king Caracalla II to step down and end this meaningless war.

Among them, the decisive event was the civil riot in the royal capital arena.

Caracalla II originally planned to hold a competitive competition to boost the morale of his army and people, and at the same time show his strong strength.

As a result, in the competitive competition, Caracalla II was booed by 10 people on the rostrum!

You must know that the people who can enter the venue are generally middle-class and above, and there are many small and medium-sized nobles among them. These people have certain wealth, social status, and political energy.

Although they may not have any official positions, if these civilians with the right to speak gather together, they can still have a major impact on the country's politics.

Just like now, the citizens of the capital who don't want to continue the war and think that Caracalla II's rule is at an end.

In order to avoid continued siege and loss of property, in order to avoid danger in possible future siege battles.

So the brave and kind citizens want their king dismissed from get out of class.

"Caracalla II, step down! Tyrant! Step down!"

"Tyrant! Leave the city! Leave the people!"

"The people of our royal capital have awakened. Caracalla II leaves as soon as possible and steps down! We ask you to step down!"

At the beginning, it was just the sound of getting out of class one after another, and later it even evolved into a collective attack on the VIP table.

Thousands of angry people surrounded the VIP platform, and made a gesture of rushing to the stage to tear Caracalla II into pieces.

Unexpectedly, in his royal capital, he would be surrounded by his own people. Caracalla II was shocked and furious. He was so angry that he immediately shouted: "Arrest! Arrest the mob! Anyone who dares to resist All shoot to kill!"

"Kill them all!"

But the number of guards brought by the king to watch the battle was relatively small, only a few dozen people.

The city guards in charge of the scene, after receiving the order from Karaka II, chose to stand by and watch.

Army, this is half-rebellious!

At the beginning, the imperial guards wanted to cooperate with the local guards to suppress the situation.

But then seeing the rebellious appearance of the local guards, both the Praetorian Guards and Caracalla II himself realized that it was time to leave here.

There are only a few dozen people in the imperial guards, and they are not opponents of tens of thousands of people at the scene.

If you don't leave here, when those angry people really completely lose their minds and rush up collectively, it will be really unpredictable life and death.

Caracalla II returned to his palace in a panic.

And the angry people followed behind.

Outside the palace, more and more angry people gathered. Before, they were just spectators in the arena, but now the whole city has participated.

Tens of 10 people surrounded the entire palace. Although they did not launch a siege, they kept making loud noises, shouting in unison that Caracalla II would be dismissed from get out of class!

(End of this chapter)

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