I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 628 Roman Orthodoxy in Flynn

Chapter 628 Roman Orthodoxy in Flynn

Big ships are not only strong in defense.

It must be noted that on a large ship, various long-range archers, magicians, and even catapult troops can also be deployed!
On the lake, they faced the defenders on the opposite bank and suppressed firepower.

If it is placed on the earth, it will be a battle between ship-borne guns and coastal defense guns!
With large naval ships, as long as there is a quick surprise attack, there is a good chance that the lake can be crossed.

But where did the big navy ship come from?

When Flynn built the canal on Lake Como, he had a shipyard. After development, he also had the ability to build large ships.

But Flynn's current big ships are basically merchant ships and transport ships, and they can't quench their thirst far away.

Even if Flynn has a cruise fleet and a medieval battleship, it's still by the sea!
Generally speaking, there are no large naval ships in inland lakes.

But the hired pirates gave Flynn the possibility of sailing into the lake with a large navy ship.

That is, sailing on dry land.

Flynn learned that it was very similar to the Vikings on Earth.

The group of pirates I hired, known as the Phoenicians, used a pirate ship that was not small but very light.

This kind of Phoenician pirate ship can carry hundreds of soldiers, and it can also place heavy weapons such as several catapults on it.

At the same time, because the hull itself is made of special wood and processing technology, the hull is very light.

A pirate ship often has dozens of pirates, and these dozens of pirates can even carry the ship across mountains and seas like walking on flat ground.

In the past, there were often Phoenician pirates who carried their pirate ships ashore, bypassed the enemy's defense line, and went down the river behind the enemy's defense line to hit the enemy's fortress.

Various ways of sailing on dry land are exactly what they are good at.

Coincidentally, this kind of pirate ship that can be easily carried on the shoulder will definitely come in handy on the hexagonal iron lake.

If you can suddenly move dozens, or even hundreds of large naval ships to the lake without anyone noticing.

It is completely possible to organize a wave and capture the position by the lake!

Then let more follow-up troops swim across, or come to support by boat.

As long as you can occupy a position by the lake, you can continue to extend it and establish your own base behind the hexagonal iron fortress.

Under double attack, the hexagonal iron fortress can definitely be easily breached.

At the beginning, when he heard about the Phoenician pirates and had the idea of ​​hiring them, Flynn was a little worried.

Will using the method of sailing on dry land cause adverse reactions among the Jing Luo group among the players?

After all, Flynn knew that many of his players were Jingluo players, and he was afraid that they would be furious and fight the Phoenician pirates after seeing the boat sailing on dry land.

But Flynn thought again that carrying a light ship and crossing mountains and mountains was originally a symbolic behavior of Vikings.

It is a tradition for the Vikings to work for Byzantium.

The ancient Vikings of the earth worked for Byzantium.

Today, Phoenician pirates, not unlike the Vikings, come to work for themselves.

And it is a big boat carrying dry land to work for myself.

Mega City Rome Says!
Therefore, the Jingluo players under their banner should not only not be outraged, but should be ecstatic!

There should be no problem with internal conflicts.

So Flynn made up his mind to use a considerable amount of mithril powder as a reward, find a mercenary intermediary, and hire thousands of pirates.

These thousands of Phoenician pirates, there are about 100 pirate ships, if they spread out in an instant, they can completely sweep the entire lake of the Hexagon Iron Fortress like a huge wave.

Don't care about the casualties of pirates, and don't care about the extra hiring fees if you damage the ship.

As long as the fleet can be used to win a beachhead on the shore, it is worthwhile to hire these thousands of pirates!
After negotiating the terms and deciding to hire pirates, Flynn couldn't help complaining.

"I said you intermediaries, where did you find so many pirates?"

"A pirate group of thousands of people was hired by me in a matter of minutes. This is simply a system that is killing troops."

The mercenary intermediary didn't know what the system meant, but he seemed to understand it—Master Flynn cared about why there were so many pirates, and there were thousands of them with a single move.

Because Flynn is a big customer, the mercenary agency is also very attentive to Flynn.

Even though Flynn just complained and didn't really intend to ask questions, the mercenary agency still answered the doubts patiently and meticulously.

It turns out that not all of these Phoenician pirates sailed at sea.

This Phoenician pirate team is actually a sea nation. They also have their own base and their own family.

Most of the pirates are actually ordinary farmers in many cases, and they go home to farm with their wives and children when the farming is busy.

After the busy farming is over, they go out on a pirate ship to make extra money. This is the way of life of their people.

This is like many barbarians.

Many barbarians are born fighters, but at the same time many barbarians are born fighters and not professional fighters.

Most of the barbarians, whether nomadic, fishing, farming, or pirate nations like Phoenician pirates.

In fact, they all have a main business and a side business. Riding a horse to fight the autumn wind and driving a pirate ship to plunder is just extra money.

Flynn is ready for both hands.

While waiting for the pirates to meet up with the big ship, Flynn waited patiently for the good news from the Blue Snake and the others.

And Blue Snake and the others who sneaked into the fortress had been squatting in a toilet that was abandoned due to overcrowding for almost a day.

The little brother next to Blue Snake couldn't help complaining to Blue Snake in a low voice: "Brother Snake, even though I'm a fan of Lao Ba on earth, I don't laugh at people, Lao Ba is a real man. But Brother Snake, we are here on this old man. Squatting in the eight happy pit for a day, isn't it a bit too much?"

Another little brother also helped out: "That's right, although the sense of pain is weakened in this game, the sense of smell is not weakened. I'm about to vomit and I get used to it."

The third little brother also said: "Although I know toilets are smelly, this ancient toilet is really more disgusting than I imagined."

"These soldiers have repaired the toilets so poorly and so dirty and smelly, aren't they afraid of plagues in the barracks?"

"When President Fu conquers the Tieqiu Kingdom later, he must suggest to President Fu that a nationwide sanitation campaign be launched."

The fourth little brother was about to continue complaining, but Blue Snake took the initiative to tell everyone to shut up, and then said, "It stinks a little here."

"Okay, it's a billion points."

(End of this chapter)

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