Chapter 623

Some of the lords among them, when Caracalla II recruited their troops, paddled wildly, complaining bitterly.

But now, after joining Flynn's camp, these previously impoverished households are violently violent one by one, sending out troops far beyond Flynn's imagination.

Flynn was naturally very happy to see more and more troops in his hands.

It's just...King Caracalla II, will he be very angry if he finds out about this situation?

Because lords continued to join Flynn's camp, and lords continued to send troops to join Flynn.

So on the day of trying to attack the Hexagonal Iron Fortress, Flynn had the native auxiliary army on hand, including his own army, the army of the Duke of Balgruf, the army of the Duke of Sanji, and the army of some other newly joined lords, etc.

The number of indigenous troops alone exceeds 10!

This is not counting the tens of thousands of mercenaries!

Originally, Flynn did not expect that these patchwork multinational troops would have any combat effectiveness and enthusiasm.

They came to build momentum, and that's about it.

As a result, today, it seems that it is because everyone wants to show off in front of Flynn, or it may be because of the rumor that Flynn will offer a large reward.

All in all, these feudal lords who are usually very stingy, this time they are going all out, expressing that they are willing to exchange the lives of soldiers for Lord Flynn's great victory!

Seeing these princes who had defected to themselves, one by one volunteered to participate in the main attack on the Hexagonal Iron Fortress.

At first, Flynn was a little puzzled.

This is not the style of the lords!

Preserving strength is a normal phenomenon!

But after a little thought, Flynn also figured it out.

These feudal lords, why did they take the initiative to ask for the drudgery of attacking the fortress?

the reason is simple.

Yes, the feudal lords of this era were keen to preserve their power.

But the lords who preserve their strength don't really care about the lives of ordinary soldiers. They only care about military expenses and the dinars in their private treasury, but they don't care about their own people or the gray animals at the grassroots level.

For example, the king summoned an army, and the lord responded to the call. The food and clothing of thousands of people, as well as the high wages, all had to be paid by the lord himself!

But this time the war, in terms of military expenses, was borne by Flynn.

From food supplies, to wages during joining the army, and even death benefits, Flynn generously contracted everything in order to win people's hearts.

These lords who came to fight, they only need to send out people.

They don't care about food, supplies, wages, etc.

Without needing to use their own dinars, these stingy feudal lords would be rarely proactive, which makes sense.

The princes ask for a battle, do you want the princes to fight?

Flynn's inner thought is that he doesn't think highly of the armies of the princes and allies. The main reason is that the hexagonal iron fortress is too steep, and the ordinary army will take the lead?
But he was so proactive and enthusiastic about fighting, so Flynn was naturally not very good at dampening his enthusiasm.

So Flynn ordered that the player be the vanguard, followed by the elite of the coalition of princes, gather a hundred thousand troops, and storm the Hexagonal Iron Fortress!
Of course, although the number is 666, the width of the battlefield is such that most of the troops can only shout [-] from behind.

The hexagonal iron fortress is very difficult to break through from the front.

But more and more rumors and intelligence revealed that the defenders inside the Hexagonal Iron Fortress were not the Iron Army either.

The strong wind was blowing towards Flynn, and the defenders might be moved.

Flynn also had some expectations: If the morale of the defenders is too low and they collapse at the first touch, then it is not impossible to attack the Hexagonal Iron Fortress head-on.

The east wind is blowing, the drums are beating, and the army is attacking the hexagonal iron!
Flynn, full of expectations.

A day later, Flynn recognized the reality.

The hexagonal iron fortress is still your uncle, it is too difficult to attack the hexagonal iron from the front.

After two days of trying, the enthusiasm of the princes and coalition forces has almost dissipated. Although they don't care about the lives of ordinary soldiers under their command, it is not a matter of giving them away for nothing.

Besides, although ordinary soldiers will be encouraged to become brave warriors by rewards, they will not be willing to die for several days in vain.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the morale of the coalition forces is somewhat low, and only Flynn's Second Iron Army Corps still maintains high morale.

Of course, Flynn has also been hiding the Second Army, only allowing them to attack and mess around symbolically, instead of letting the Second Army die in vain.

The situation of the players is much better. Even if the players died in the two days of attack, the death is called a river of blood, which is terrible.

But even though they were deflated again and again, the top players were still in high spirits.

Even launched several night raids!
In the fiercest wave of night raids, there was even an army of players—hundreds of people from the Xiliang Army—successfully climbed onto the walls of the Hexagonal Iron Fortress, and persisted there for a short period of time.

It's a pity that there are too many defenders in the Hexagonal Iron Fortress, and all kinds of war equipment, mage archers, etc. are also fully equipped.

The players of the Xiliang Army who attacked the top of the city, although equipped with excellent American equipment, still could not last long, and were quickly wiped out.

In a way, Flynn admired the performance of the defenders.

Facing the offensive of the mad dog players, the fortress defenders showed considerable discipline and will to fight.

Far from being the instant waste that Flynn thought it would be.

It is worth mentioning that despite the hexagonal iron fortress as a natural danger, the Iron Hill Kingdom did not blindly defend it.

In the middle of the night of the day, it may be a time period for a player to go offline to rest collectively.

Inside the Hexagonal Iron Fortress, a cavalry rushed out and charged at Flynn's camp, as if they wanted to use the night attack to decapitate Flynn.

What courage!
The enemy's night attack and decapitation naturally failed.

After all, Flynn arranged many NPC soldiers near the barracks. The NPC soldiers patrolled 24 hours a day with high intensity and no paddling, making all sneak attacks impossible.

Flynn learned of the news that the enemy dared to rush out of the fortress and launch a night attack almost immediately.

And made considerable arrangements and deployments, and properly defended.

But this time the enemy's night attack was not in vain.

The night attack of these elite cavalry startled the allied forces of the princes on Flynn's side.

That night, in the chaos, several princes' troops exploded, making a lot of noise until dawn, before they were reorganized.

(End of this chapter)

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