Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 93 History

Chapter 93 History

Madara murmured, to him, this is a term as unfamiliar as Demon Race and Qibukai, but after Naoto's explanation, he can probably understand what kind of biological group this is.

If everything he said is true, then the fruit eaten by the goddess Uno thousands of years ago is the fruit of life, so that means she can also be counted as a member of the apostles...

"That's right, but breaking the taboo brings bad luck, perhaps because of the wrath of the gods. After eating the fruit, the creatures at that time could no longer understand each other as before. They slowly There is a estrangement, and when there is a estrangement, there will be disputes. Among them, the apostles who ate the fruit of life are the most powerful creatures, but they are not the ultimate, not the only one. Only by integrating all the power of life into one One body, that is the real ultimate creature, that is... God!"

Naoto paused and continued, "The war between the apostles has begun. They waged the world's first war on the earth. The surface of the entire planet was almost destroyed. At the end of the war, they discovered to their astonishment that There are no other creatures in the world except them, and the angry stars swallowed up their energy and the remains of the creatures, forming a new tree of life, which is the sacred tree you mentioned before... "

"The sacred tree was born in accordance with the will of heaven and earth. It is a line of defense created by this planet to protect itself, and because it has the same origin as the apostles, it easily exiled the apostles to a different dimension."

"Hmph...it sounds like a rather ridiculous story, but how does it relate to the Child of Destiny you mentioned?"

After all, Madara doesn't care much about the stories that happened hundreds of millions of years ago, because he has his own goals, and he firmly believes that when his plan is realized, the whole world will never fall into disputes again.As for the so-called apostles, he didn't believe that any creature could survive for such a long time. You must know that even the Sages of the Six Paths back then could not resist the power of time.

Isn't the goddess of Mao also a creature who ate the fruit of life?Isn't it still disappearing without a trace in the long river of time?

"Then let's speed up the topic..." Naoto didn't care about the impatience in Madara's mouth, he just put his hands down from his cheeks, put his arms around his chest, and continued to explain
"Because the creatures that ate the fruit of wisdom didn't get the terrifying power, but they foresaw the terrifying disaster in advance, so they took some people to hide in the ground, thus avoiding the disaster of destroying the world. After being exiled to a different dimension, they came out of the ground again, and respected the sacred tree as a sacred object, and did not allow any creature to eat the fruit on the tree, and passed an unknown amount of time..."

"I don't know how many things happened during this period. For example, what you know is the invasion of demons. In fact, they are the descendants of an apostle who was exiled to a different space. That different space is also called the demon world... ..."

"So that's how it is. Although the apostles are gone, do they still have many family members?" Madara closed her eyes. If the other apostles have also left descendants during this long time, then it is true for the ninja world. The future is not a good thing.

In his plan, people in the ninja world will inevitably fall into the infinite monthly reading. This is a super-large-scale illusion, which will build all creatures into their own most perfect world, but no matter how perfect it is The world in this world is also supported by their own lives.

If other lives enter the ninja world during the period when people are trapped in the infinite monthly reading, it will be fatal to these ninjas who are trapped in the dream. In this case, the intruder only needs a sharp knife. Then they can kill all the masters who may hinder them.

"That's right, the apostles are eager to return to the ninja world. Although they don't know the exact date of their return, sooner or later they will break through the gap between dimensions and return to the ninja world, because only in the ninja world can they implement human Complementary plan, known as the true omnipotent god."

"Human Complementary Plan? What is that?" Madara frowned slightly. What a black hand behind the scenes hates the most is the unknown, because the unknown represents variables. Sometimes only a little variable is enough to make a well-planned plan completely. go astray.

This is the importance of intelligence. For the planners, nothing is more important than intelligence...

"I'll mention it later." Naoto shrugged, and then he ignored Banna's slightly gloomy expression and said to himself, "Let's get back to the topic. In order to prevent later people from eating the fruit of life, the survivors ate the fruit of wisdom." The creature of the fruit has set a seal, and this seal is continued by the blood, that is, as long as it is his descendant, it cannot eat the fruit of life. Originally, this seal can continue to exist forever, because the wisdom of today All life has his blood, without exception..."

"Until, as you know, the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya ate the holy fruit, which is the fruit of life that later became the Chakra fruit!"

"...Wait..." Madara waved his hand and interrupted, "Did you just say that there is a seal?"

"This is the problem..." Naoto suddenly raised his voice, and a shocking sentence lingered in Madara's ear like a thunderclap
"Otsuki Kaguyahime... is not an aborigine of this planet, she comes from a distant alien planet! And the rumored Sage of the Six Paths... is also his son!"

It should also be said that Uchiha Madara is indeed a big boss who is used to seeing the big world. Even if he heard the legendary secret, he was only surprised for a moment, and then his face returned to calm, or he hid the surprise deep in his heart among...

"An alien who ate the fruit of life... Are you fooling me?!"

Although he is old, when Madara questioned him, there was still a faint domineering aura, which made the whole cave a little more depressing out of thin air.

"Heh, this is just the beginning..." Naoto smiled on his face hidden under the mask, and then changed the subject, "You should have discovered what the Sage of the Six Paths left on the stone tablet of your family, right?"

? ? !

Madara's pupils shrunk, this is his own secret, he didn't tell anyone except Obito, but the person in front of him said it easily, but soon made an indifferent expression and said, "That's right , that is a motto that can only be interpreted after opening the kaleidoscope or even having higher pupil power."

"But if I say..." Naoto raised his head, looked straight into Uchiha Madara's eyes, and said word by word

"The motto...was tampered with?"

Just after saying this, a soaring aura erupted from the old man. Under this force, it seemed that even the world was overshadowed by it, and Zhiren was almost unable to breathe due to the strong majesty...

 Thanks for the reward from Tianlong Poshuang!

(End of this chapter)

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