Chapter 69 Dialogue
"Where do we start talking?"

Banner led Zhishui to the living room, which was a rather simple little room, which looked as if it was made of randomly matched wood.

Banner poured a cup of steaming boiling water for himself and Zhishui respectively, and then sat on the sofa.

He thought about it carefully, then said slowly

"Let's talk about the whereabouts of the companion you care about the most."

"I woke up after you fought the Hulk, but after I woke up, I didn't have the terrifying power of the Hulk, but fortunately, the avatar technique is not difficult, and the momentum they created is quite large, so It's not hard to get where they go."

Zhishui pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and Banner didn't hold back, and said directly
"The two Uchiha clansmen who fought against the fire unicorn were taken away by Dio in the end. As for the other ninja who fought against the blood-sucking monster, he is fine, but I am afraid he is very angry..."

"What?! Seniors Daohuo and Tiehuo were captured by Dio? Shouldn't he have been killed by Master Jiraiya? How did he come here?!"

Zhishui's heart skipped a beat. As someone who had personally fought against a corpse, he knew very well the methods of vampires.

Once it falls into his hands, it is likely to be transformed into a corpse by him. At that time, Iron Fire and Rice Fire will become Dio's puppets and survive as dark creatures...

"Vampires are a very mysterious race. They originated from the Pillar Clan thousands of years ago. Although they are allies with the Demon Clan, they don't know much about each other."

Speaking of this, Banner took a sip of water, and then continued to explain
"However, the vitality of vampires has been recognized by everyone. It is not an incomprehensible phenomenon that Dior can continue to be reborn after his body is destroyed."

"..." Zhishui was silent for a moment, then rubbed his temples and said with a headache

"Then do you know the whereabouts of Dio? I have to rescue Senior Iron Fire and Senior Rice Fire."

"Are you sure?" Banner raised his brows, as if he was a bit surprised by the decision of Zhishui

"You have to know that if Dior takes them away, he will definitely turn them into corpses who serve him loyally. At that time, they will no longer be your seniors, but your enemies."

"...I understand...but I have my own solution."

Shisui touched his eyes, this pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan named Bietenshin possessed the strongest illusion of the Uchiha clan, it was the ultimate pupil technique that could rewrite even the will of a person unconsciously .

As long as the power of these eyes is used, it is enough to correct the will of the corpse.

If other people use the other gods, it will take more than ten years to buffer before using the second gods.

But Shisui, as the rightful master, is comparable to or even surpassed Danzo who fused the cells of the first generation of Hokage in the degree of using other gods!
"Is it the power of the kaleidoscope?" Guessing Zhishui's idea, Banner nodded slightly, but then he still did not agree with Zhishui's idea
"Dior is currently an ally of the ninja demon clan left behind. Vampire monsters should also join it, that is, the vampire who fought against your patriarch Uchiha Fugaku. His strength is comparable to king-level demons in certain links. Back then Among the demon army, only the Holy Master can stabilize him."

"In the previous battle, Uchiha Fugaku and the two teamed up and could only rely on dragging until dawn to get rid of each other. With all due respect, in this case, even if the power of the Uchiha clan is exhausted, Dio cannot be defeated."


Silent, Zhishui didn't know what to say for a while.

He knew Banner was right
In the recent battle, the strength shown by the demons was only the tip of the iceberg, but that was enough to drive them to a dead end.

Going to the opponent's lair under such circumstances is undoubtedly the way to death.

"...Then what should I do? And... how do you know so much about the demons?"

Zhishui is not an ignorant person, if he knows what can't be done, then naturally he won't get into a dead end.

If the goal of the Demon Race is to release the Holy Master, then there will naturally be opportunities to fight in the future. As long as Dior doesn't kill the two of them, there will be plenty of opportunities.

Thinking of this, his heart relaxed a lot.

And once a person is relieved from the tension, he will naturally think about the current situation, and he naturally asked the question about Banner's identity.

A human who can transform into a demon?
Banner gave a wry smile, then heaved a long sigh, saying
"You can understand me as a half-devil..."

Zhishui was puzzled: "Half-devil?"

"It's a creature between humans and demons. Generally speaking, it is a hybrid, but I have to be special."

His eyes were blurred as if he was remembering something, followed by a helpless sentence
"I was originally an ordinary villager, but one day I was taken away by a man called a doctor."

"According to what he said, he was conducting an experiment to expand the fighting power of the demons. During the war thousands of years ago, the demons realized that it was difficult to deal with the combined forces of the entire world with their own strength."

"So they set their sights on the half-devils. As long as enough half-devils are added, they, who do not lack high-end combat power, will also expand their basic-level combat power. At that time, even if other races show up again, they will not be able to fight." It may not be possible to win like before.”

"Half-devil..." Zhishui frowned, and said carefully

"What kind of experiment is that?"

"I don't know about the others, but I was transformed by the doctor using one of the powers of the Holy Lord."

"Holy Lord?! Isn't he sealed?!"

"Have you forgotten the devilish energy he left behind?"

Banner stretched out a finger and turned the finger green as if he had performed the previous Hulk transformation.

"This is the characteristic of the mountain's devilish energy. The doctor used the power of the devil to transform my bloodline. His original intention was to transform me into a subordinate devil of the Mountain Legion, one of the eight legions under the command of the Lord. At the end of the experiment, there was an accident..."

Zhishui held his breath, he knew in his heart that this so-called accident must have turned Banner into what he is today.

But Banner did not say it immediately, but changed the subject

"The ninja world we are in is just a planet in a vast world, you should know this, right?"

"Hmm... I heard rumors that even the moon in the sky was created by the Sages of the Six Paths."

"In addition to the moon created by the Sages of the Six Paths, there are many planets in this world. No, you can't use the word many, but you should use the quantifier countless. These planets are planets, and planets revolve around stars. Thousands Billions of stars make up galaxies..."

"And the world formed by these countless galaxies is what we call the universe."

(End of this chapter)

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