Douluo: My martial spirit can cultivate

Chapter 18 Tang Hao who protects the calf

Chapter 18 Tang Hao who protects the calf
Yan Ming sat next to Xiao Wu, with a happy expression on his face.

Seeing that Yan Ming was so happy, Xiao Wu said, "Shouldn't we just have a fight, as for being so happy?"

Yan Ming replied, "It must be a good mood to hit someone to vent your anger."

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San who was being carried away on the field, and said, "You beat Tang San like that, aren't you afraid of being hated?"

Yan Ming said, "This is a soul fight. Injuries are common. People must have setbacks to grow. I'm doing this for his own good."

The loudspeaker shouted; "I invite Xiao Wu, and I invite Yun Lan to come on stage."

Xiao Wu stood up and said, "When you were playing on the field, I kept cheering for you, and you must also cheer for me."

Yan Ming said perfunctorily; "Okay, okay, you can go."

Xiao Wu snorted and went to the competition.

Yan Ming saw that Yun Lan on the field was a woman, so he was not interested in watching it anymore. What's so interesting about two women fighting, it's better to go out and wander around Suoto City.

Yan Ming got up and left the audience area, and came out from the Great Soul Arena.

"The whole house is on sale, you can't buy it to lose money, you can't buy it to be fooled."

"The largest leather factory in Suotuo City closed down. The bastard Zhang San ran away with his sister-in-law after eating, drinking, whoring and gambling."

"Notting City lamb skewers, mom, I want to eat lamb skewers, a few skewers, two skewers are enough, mom is so kind."

These brainwashing voices gave Yan Ming the illusion of returning to the original world.

The entire street of Dahunchang is a pedestrian street. Due to the cultural invasion of the entertainment and culture company, Douluo has completely changed.

Yan Ming came to a shop selling mutton skewers and said, "Boss, give me three skewers."

"Okay, here you are." The boss handed Yan Ming the freshly grilled mutton skewers.

Yan Ming took it and took a sip, "It still tastes familiar."

Yan Ming was walking on the pedestrian street, looking at various billboards around, including a milk tea shop and a Ji Deken burger shop.

It has to be said that after beating Tang San to vent his anger, he was in a good mood, even when he went shopping, he felt that the sun was so bright.


A black shadow grabbed Yan Ming.

Yan Ming felt that his eyes were dark, so he came to a corner where no one was around.


Before Yan Ming could react, he was already embedded in the wall. The pain from all over his body made Yan Ming dizzy.

The man in black said, "If you dare to beat my son like that, I will abolish you today."

Yan Ming didn't see what the man in black looked like, but he already guessed who it was, it was Tang Hao.

Yan Ming really didn't expect that he still underestimated Tang Hao's character, but thinking about it, in the original book, because Zhao Wuji beat Tang San, Tang Hao came to take revenge that night.


Tang Hao pinched Yan Ming's neck and hit the ground heavily.

Yan Ming had already been beaten unconscious by Tang Hao.

Tang Hao saw that golden blood flowed from the wounds on Yan Ming's body, frowned, and thought to himself; golden blood, this guy is not easy, if he can't, he must kill people to silence him, so as not to be retaliated by this guy in the future.

Tang Hao raised his fist and punched Yan Ming's chest.


The ground was sunken, Yan Ming's chest was also pitted, and golden blood flowed continuously from his mouth.

Seeing that Yan Ming was out of breath, Tang Hao got up and disappeared in the corner of the street.

This place is a dark corner of Soto City. Few people pass by here. Even if someone dies here, no one cares.

After Xiao Wu finished the competition, she went to the audience area to look for Yan Ming. When she found that Yan Ming was not there, she scolded, "Stinky Yan Ming, you agreed to cheer for me, why did you run away?"

After that, Xiao Wu searched the entire Great Soul Arena, but she couldn't find Yan Ming. She asked the Shrek members, but they all said that she didn't see Yan Ming.

Xiao Wu thought; did Yan Ming go out shopping, hmph, you don't take me for shopping, if I find you, I won't beat you up.

Xiao Wu searched for Yan Ming in Suotuo City, but after searching for a long time, there was still no sign of Yan Ming.

Xiao Wu began to panic, worried that Yan Ming might be in danger, and after searching for a long time, there was no sign of Yan Ming.

The sky had already darkened, and various colored lights lit up on the side of the street. Xiao Wu passed a dark corner and saw Yan Ming lying motionless in the pit.

Xiao Wu's heart skipped a beat, and she hurried to check, she saw Yan Ming dying, hugged Yan Ming in her arms, and shouted, "Wake up, Yan Ming, don't scare me, wake up, you can't sleep."

The tears from the corners of Xiao Wu's eyes fell one by one, and she carefully carried Yan Ming on her back, and rushed to the Great Spirit Arena to find Flender.

"Yan Ming, Yan Ming, you can't sleep, wake up quickly, I beg you Yan Ming, wake up quickly."

Along the way, Xiao Wu kept calling Yan Ming's name, hoping that Yan Ming could hear the shout and wake up. The golden blood on Yan Ming's body flowed on Xiao Wu's clothes, dyeing the original pink clothes with gold.

After rushing to the Great Soul Arena and finding Flender, Xiao Wu hurriedly said, "Principal Flender, save Yan Ming quickly." After speaking, tears rolled down her cheeks unstoppably.

Seeing Yan Ming's miserable state, Flender took Yan Ming to the infirmary of the Great Soul Arena without saying a word.

The healing soul master also quickly used soul skills to rescue him, Xiao Wu and Flender were waiting outside the medical room.

Flender said, "How did he get injured? His chest is dented."

Xiao Wu shook her head and said with a downcast expression; "I don't know, when I found Yan Ming, he was lying in the pit dying."

Flender sighed, thinking; he can't die, if he dies, the company will definitely come to him, and he will definitely feel bad when he dies.

After an hour of rescue in the medical room, two healing soul masters came out.

Flender hurried forward and asked, "How is the person?"

The healing soul master said; "He is in a coma now, we don't know when he will wake up."

Another healing soul master said: "Such a serious injury, with a sunken chest and almost broken bones, it is already a miracle to survive."

After the two healing soul masters finished speaking, they shook their heads and left.

Flender said, "I'll settle the money for the treatment, and you can take care of it temporarily."

Xiao Wu nodded and entered the medical room.

Flender sighed; "I thought my spring was coming, and I made up my mind to chase Liu Erlong. If he dies, I'm afraid my business will be messed up too. You mustn't die."

Here Xiao Wu entered the medical room, and saw Yan Ming's upper body was naked and his chest was sunken. With such a serious injury, Yan Ming's weak breathing could still be heard.

Xiao Wu came to Yan Ming's bed and sat down, held Yan Ming's hand, and said nothing.

Quietly looking at Yan Ming's face, I'm afraid I won't see Yan Ming again in the future.

The tears had dried up, and I could only sob silently. Thousands of words came to my lips, but I couldn't say a single word.

After hearing the news, Zhu Zhuqing also came to the medical room, seeing Yan Ming's miserable condition, he could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing Xiao Wu's heartbroken appearance, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't bear to step forward to comfort Xiao Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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