Chapter 316

Looking at the angry and aggrieved neighbors sitting on the ground, Shazhu wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh!

He was also very annoyed by the harsh words of the people just now.

"Hmph, why didn't you scold? Why didn't Xu Damao stick to scold?" Seeing everyone sitting on the ground, Jingru was delighted!

Rain shook his head and sighed! "Forget it, Jingru don't talk about it!"

Xu Damao lowered his head and dared not speak!
Trembling with anger, but he didn't dare to say any more.

"You guys are so bold, just a few horse barks scares you, and you even want to run up to our stone house!"

"The next time you enter the cave again, we won't make things difficult for you, but we'll move out and leave this place to you!" Cheng Mingdong threw Sha Zhu's wooden stick back to Sha Zhu's feet after speaking!
Seeing him put down the stick, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you all go back first!" the uncle shouted!

He was also glad that he didn't say anything too serious just now!
"Let's go, let's go!" Xu Damao hurriedly stood up, but his thigh was tingling again.

They could leave, but the third master still couldn't help but speak. "Mingdong just misunderstood, if you get angry, don't be angry again!"

"Mingdong, don't move away, we promise to never let them get close to you in the future!" The second uncle also knows that once he moves away, they are really dangerous!

Turning his eyes away from the horse, the uncle spoke seriously. "Okay, you go back first, and tell them whoever dares to talk nonsense or run around here in the future, we will let him move out of here by himself."

"Now, Mingdong, you can rest assured!" The uncle laughed!

What happened just now also made him understand that these people have no courage at all!It is estimated that if there is a wild boar and wolf running over, they will all be scared to death!

"Okay, stop talking, I'm not full yet!" Sha Zhu said angrily.

"Brother, go to the barbecue!" Yu Shui was in no mood to care about anything else while holding the fine vine leading the horse.

Jingru shouted excitedly. "Brother Dong, can you really ride this horse?"

"I want to try it too." Ziyun also said.

Ignoring the uncle, Cheng Mingdong walked up to the white horse, touched the horse's head with his hand and said. "Whoever you try this pony first, I will take you for a while."

"Okay, I'll come first!" Jingru said anxiously.

The rain sighed softly! "You go first! You are the eldest!"

"Of course!" Jing Ru was not polite.

Cheng Mingdong couldn't guarantee whether the horse would take the opportunity to run away, so he had to follow. It is estimated that after a few days of getting familiar with them, they should be able to raise it well.

He can still be caught if he runs away, but he is afraid that he will break the three wives!

Then the sound of horseshoes and Jingru Yushui's laughter spread all over the beach.

Not only the neighbors are not used to it, but Sha Zhu said sourly. "This kid even got two white horses!"

"We are an island, and there are deep forests nearby, how can there be wild horses!" Looking at them, You Fengxia was even more envious!

She was still struggling to survive, but the Cheng family had already started having fun, as if they were on vacation!
The cave they live in is actually two-story, and there is more meat than they can eat. With Cheng Mingdong around, they don't have to worry about giant snakes or wild animals. Now they can even walk with horses!
Xu Damao and the others who were educated by wooden sticks hated it even more!
Not only the legs and feet are burning hot, but my heart is even more aggrieved!

Or because of shared adversity!
The four tigers in the courtyard belong to one genus, and there is a faint tendency to unite.

Yu Li also took a blow. She didn't dare to blame Cheng Mingdong, so she could only vent her anger on Xie Cheng.Unable to hang out with his wife, Xie Cheng had no choice but to join BangGiao's team.

None of the four tigers and one mouse came close to the neighbors, so they all scolded at ease!
"This damned bastard scared us, and even made a move!" His fists were shaking with great vigor.

Listening to their scolding, Xie Cheng followed suit! "As long as he has a little strength, he can do whatever he wants! Sooner or later he will be unlucky!"

"I will remember this grudge, and I will make him look good in the future, as well as that bitch Qin Jingru!" Xu Damao said viciously.

Guangqi also scolded. "Yes, those three girls are not good things either!"

"And silly Zhu deserves to die!"


After running for a full hour, Ziyun was willing to dismount the pony when he was almost tired!
She used to ride horses often in the northwest, so she was the best equestrian among the Cheng family.

In fact, Sha Zhu also wanted to try, but seeing that there were only two horses, he knew it was not his turn!

When the sound of horseshoes stopped, everyone began to return to the cave to prepare for a rest.


There was nothing to say all night, and the neighbors seemed to be even more silent.

Regardless of their mood, the uncle started the meeting again.

"Everyone should know that today we are mainly talking about opening a canal, not only opening one to the rocky slope, but also building one on our side."

"There is also rain and they also promised that they will provide meat and firewood during this time."

The uncle said excitedly, but the neighbors didn't respond.

Shazhu shook his head!He also understood that it was mainly what happened last night that made everyone very unbalanced!
"We don't lack two catties of meat!" Bang Geng sneered.

Seeing that no one paid attention to this matter, Xu Damao and the others felt very happy!

The uncle nodded. "Although there are many fish, they are not as good as bloody red meat, and it is also difficult to find firewood."

"Sir, stop talking, we won't help them anyway!" Xu Damao shouted with a smile.

"Yes, let them do it themselves!"

The people who were beaten last night all started to speak. Although they didn't say anything bad, they didn't have a good word.

The old man shook his head and shouted! "Okay, it's okay for you young people not to participate, but once the canal is completed, those who don't participate don't come to pick up the water!"

"Hmph, there's water on it, who cares!" Guang Qi said disdainfully.

Xu Damao laughed again. "Hehe, do it yourself, don't worry, we won't connect your canals either!"

"Forget it! If you don't agree, forget it!" The uncle was also pissed off by their attitude!

The second and third grandpas were also very conflicted, after all their son and daughter-in-law were also beaten, which made them feel very ashamed!
Seeing that they didn't speak, the uncle frowned. "Actually, Mingdong and Shazhu can also build this canal. Now let us do half a day's work, they are willing to pay two catties of meat and firewood, and this is for everyone!"

"Okay, think about it! If you agree, stay, and if you don't agree, leave!"

"Xu Damao, you don't want to stay either!" the old man shouted again.

With a smile, Xu Damao shouted. "Okay, let's go!"

"This! This is two catties of red meat!" The third mother muttered!

The third master is also very reluctant!After thinking about it, he said. "Why don't you do it first and see how the meat is, if it doesn't taste good, don't do it."

The third mother didn't speak, but the second uncle laughed. "Yes, let's do it for half a day and see what good meat we can get!"

Seeing what the two uncles said, other hesitant people also agreed.

Seeing that Qin Huairu didn't leave, Jia Zhang called back. "Why don't you go?"

"Mom, go get busy with Banggen, and I'll help the elders and aunts too." Qin Huairu said with a sigh!

She also stayed for the convenience of fetching water in the future.

"What you, didn't you just say you disagree?" Jia Zhang shouted anxiously.

However, Qin Huairu also hurried to the elders' side and ignored her.

Similarly, Yu Li is also very tangled!Cheng Mingdong actually hit her, which made her very angry even now!
"Why didn't my wife leave!" Xie Cheng whispered.

"There are a lot of conch fish here, and there is no need to do such tiring work!" Xie Cheng said again.

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but when you talk about Yu Li, you get angry. "Every day is conch meat, you go pick it up yourself! I'll go with your parents to smash the canal."

"Yu Li, didn't you let me..."

"Go away, don't follow me." Yu Li cursed angrily, and Xie Cheng was too frightened to follow.

As soon as Yu Li and Qin Huairu joined, many people hurriedly followed to join the uncle's team.

In the end, Xu Damao and a dozen of them were unwilling to join.

Seeing so many people joining, Xu Damao's smile disappeared. "Qin Huairu, Yu Li and the others join in?"

"Didn't they just say they wouldn't join?" BangJiao and the others quickly got tricked themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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