Siheyuan behind the scenes boss

Chapter 115 Return Chapter 4 Courtyard

Chapter 115 Returning to the Courtyard

In the past month or so, many disturbances have occurred in the north, and even many warehouses and factories have been embezzled.

However, these chaotic elements are naturally unable to resist the torrent of steel, but instead of resisting stubbornly, they scattered and fled after corruption. Get lively.

As soon as he landed on the border of Changbai Mountain, Cheng Mingdong couldn't help but look back, it's a pity that the vast land...

"Finally back! These dozens of days are really exhausting!"

Cheng Mingdong sighed bitterly and shook his head!No one knows how he spent more than a month!

He either sleeps or picks up supplies, and often faints from exhaustion when carrying goods. Fortunately, he can enter Peninsula World to rest, and no one can find out.

Because of the corruption and turmoil of the rioters, no one can suspect that he was responsible. Even if he took out some equipment later, he would only think that he bought it.

The chaos in the north is not limited to the actions of the rioters. After some people in power discovered that the supplies disappeared inexplicably, they couldn't help but take it all by themselves. Anyway, they would not be polite if someone took the blame.

Although he really wanted to go back soon, but he was really tired, so Cheng Mingdong could only sleep for him first.

He slept until the afternoon, and he didn't wake up until he was hungry.

"Roar~" Seeing the humanoid monster open the wooden door, the tigress cheered excitedly.

It was beaten two or three times a day, and now it doesn't dare to disturb his sleep anymore.

Throwing some fish to the tigress, Cheng Mingdong began to stew pheasant with wild vegetables, and of course noodles are indispensable.

At this time, two cabins had been built by the beach, mainly used as a kitchen and utility room, and a large bed was naturally indispensable.

After eating and drinking enough, he went back to the mountain peak. It was not suitable for floating during the day, so he went on foot.

When he mentioned Changbai Mountain, he would think of wild ginseng, but he hid in the cave with two boxes. He chose to walk mainly because he wanted to relax and adjust his state.


"Is there no news yet?" Ziyun came to ask Huang Zhengguan again, and she came to ask every few days.

Huang Zhengguan still shook his head. "As soon as there is news, Commissioner Zhao will pass it on. The general also asked the capital a few days ago."

"It's been more than a month! Now there's a sudden chaos over there!" Ziyun became even more worried!
Huang Zhengguan hurriedly comforted him. "Don't worry, Ming Dong is very clever, and nothing will happen to him!"

"I hope!" Ziyun turned and left after saying that.

After waiting for a while, Staff Officer Fuji also came over.

"It's been more than a month and there is still no news! And the stone castle over there has been blown up!" I'm afraid he has already!Staff Officer Fuji couldn't help but sigh bitterly again!

"The organization is inquiring, and I believe it will be known soon." Zhengguan Huang didn't know if he could return!

On the other side, Cheng Mingdong drifted to the largest nearby airport when it was getting dark, and then sneaked into the aircraft cabin, and no one else found him.

When he returned to the courtyard, it was already past four o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, he went to the rain house first.

"Who?" Being covered with his mouth made Yu Shui even more frightened.

"Hey, robbery." Cheng Mingdong said in a different voice.

The voice is wrong, but the breath can't deceive people.Seeing her calm down, Cheng Mingdong let her go.

"Bastard, why are you back at this time!" Yu Shui hugged him tightly after scolding.

After some conversation, Cheng Mingdong stopped quickly and almost lost his temper. This time, the rain also forgot to refuse.

"How are you and Jingru doing recently?"

In fact, he already knew how Jingru slept, but Xiaohuaihua was also in the hut, so it didn't make him feel good!
Rain nodded with a smile. "After you left for half a month, Xu Damao and Qin Huairu got into a fight, and even held a meeting of the whole hospital."

"Xu Damao, who has a broken bone, hasn't fully recovered yet, and the enthusiastic uncle in the hospital even brought Qin Huairu to the hospital to get the ring with Xu Damao."

Rain said with a smile. "Last month, Huaihua gave Qin Huairu half a bottle of drink when we were about to eat. The happy sister Qin drank it straight away. I also invited the uncle to come over for dinner, and then they will come when it gets dark~"

"Jingru also said that something is wrong with them these days."

"Well, it's good to take the ring, and the backyard will be more lively." Cheng Mingdong laughed happily, but unfortunately he missed the good show.

"By the way, there is one more thing! But you should ask Jingru!" Yu Shui sighed softly while talking.

Cheng Mingdong asked in surprise. "What's the matter, is the Jia family making trouble again?"

"No, it's a good thing anyway!" It's a good thing, but the rain can't laugh!

Just as Cheng Mingdong was about to ask, a question came from the next door.

"Rain, are you awake?"

He Yushui opened his mouth quickly. "No, I'm falling asleep."

"Okay, you go to sleep!" Sha Zhu was in a good mood and didn't care about these things.

"Okay, don't say it too loudly, it will disturb my brother and my sister-in-law!" Yu Shui whispered.

"They're officially living together. Hey, it seems that you're going to hug your little nephew soon." Cheng Mingdong laughed, but Sha Zhu's speed was not too slow.

Rain nods. "Hopefully!"

It was getting late, Cheng Mingdong flashed back to his room first.

Now that the weather has warmed up, the thick quilts have been put away.

"Little Sophora flower, go back to the attic to sleep first." After making Sophora flower faint, Cheng Mingdong ran away with his arms.

The next second, he returned to the small room.

"Ah~" Being kissed by someone, Jingru immediately woke up from fright.

"Jingru is me, don't talk yet." Cheng Mingdong doesn't have time to chat right now.

Panicked, Jingru quickly pushed him away. "No, not now, no, not for a long time."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Mingdong frowned, he had been holding back for a long time!

"No, I'm pregnant, go away and don't hold me down!" Jingru pushed him away forcefully.

What!Cheng Mingdong was also taken aback. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes, it's been two and a half months. I went to the hospital for an examination last month to confirm it, but I don't know if it's a boy or a girl!" Jingru began to worry again.

"Hey hey! I like both boys and girls." The excited Cheng Mingdong kissed her again.

After a while, Jingru quickly pushed him away again. "Hey, don't be too intimate."

"Okay, it's a pity I have to endure it for a year!" Cheng Mingdong smiled wryly and shook his head!

"If you look for rainwater, you won't be able to see anything in the first few months of pregnancy anyway." Jingru also knew that he was uncomfortable.

"Forget it, you still use it~" Cheng Mingdong pointed his finger at her...

"Hey! You bastard!"

He had no choice but to not feel sleepy, and the blushing Jingru could only...

After finishing her work, Jingru hurried to wash up, and Yushui, who also didn't feel sleepy, also came over early to borrow the toilet.

"You don't have that?" Yu Shui asked with a frown.

Qin Jingru shook her head quickly. "No, I told him."

"Brother Dong, is he still sleeping?" Yu Shui asked again.

"Yes, he came back overnight, he was too tired." Jingru said and went to the kitchen.

Seeing that something was wrong with her, He Yushui hurried forward and said: "The aunts in the yard say that if it's broken, you can't do that. Don't hold back."

"What are you talking about! We didn't~" Thinking of just now, Qin Jingru's face became even redder.

(End of this chapter)

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