Chapter 104

"Wait, how can the king escape." Cheng Mingdong didn't expect that the tigress weighing three to four hundred kilograms would be cowardly so quickly.

"I haven't played enough, but I can't let it be eaten by wild boars."

Cheng Mingdong quickly flashed and chased after it, it wasn't that he looked down on this tigress, even if it still had teeth, it couldn't handle the wild boar here, maybe two giant wolves could kill it.

She didn't even have her nails, and the tigress, who was not used to it, just thought of jumping explosive speed, but fell a somersault.

"Hey, run quickly." A flash just landed on the tiger's back.

But the tiger's back was not easy to ride at all, so Cheng Mingdong could only hug the tiger's back with all four limbs to avoid it becoming stiff.

How could it be tolerated to be ridden by someone, the tigress just jumped up and rolled, it was going to crush the man to death on the ground.

But as soon as the tigress turned over, Cheng Mingdong stepped aside.

There was a bang of dust, accompanied by the tigress' howling.

Hoho~ Panting heavily, the tigress almost couldn't stand up, and her footsteps were wobbly.

"Okay, don't run away." The force field shrank, and the weak tigress was pressed down.

The tigress didn't have much strength, so Cheng Mingdong hurried up and gently stroked the tiger's head. The restrained tigress struggled desperately but still couldn't bite him.

"So it's similar to a cow and a cat." Curiosity killed the cat, and Cheng Mingdong even lifted his tail and glanced at it.

After being tortured, the tigress seemed to accept her fate. Even if she was being used as a stool, she could only growl to vent her anger.

"How should I deal with it!" Seeing that the tigress didn't plan to play anymore, Cheng Mingdong also lost interest.

"Forget it, let's take a look at it for a while."

Seeing the villain got up, the tigress tried to run away, but she fainted again while breathing.

Taking the tiger as the center, Cheng Mingdong dug out an open space with a diameter of 30 meters. The deep ditch is 12 meters wide and seven meters deep. Such a deep ditch is difficult for even a tiger king to cross.

He filled a wooden basin with water, dug an underground rain shelter, and finally threw some rabbit meat and sea fish next to the tigress, and Cheng Mingdong began to cook some seafood to fill his stomach.

As for whether the tigress would eat sea fish, he didn't care. Anyway, when she was about to die of starvation, she would peel her skin and cramp.

After he was full, Cheng Mingdong hurried back to the mountainside. As soon as he came down, Ziyun hurried over.

"Why are you still running around!" Seeing that the bastard hadn't come back for so long, Ziyun was really frightened. She searched for a while and was about to wake up the new captain of Staff Vine and the others.

Cheng Mingdong said with a wry smile. "I feel uncomfortable in my stomach, so I walked a little farther away."

"You really have a lot of feces and urine!" Ziyun had to support him after contemptuously, lest he roll down the mountain.

Back near the pit, Cheng Mingdong said. "I've eaten it, you can eat it yourself."

"What to eat! You eat by yourself!" Thinking that he just had diarrhea, Ziyun has no appetite now.

This woman just likes to be inexplicably angry, she shook her head and Cheng Mingdong didn't want to mess with him again.

"Lie here for a while, they should wake up soon."

As soon as Cheng Mingdong leaned on the grass slope, Ziyun sat down after him.

After waiting for a while, seeing that he didn't speak, Ziyun couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Dong, are you doing well these days when you go back?"

"Well, it's okay!" Cheng Mingdong nodded with a smile, but he thought of the helplessness of his predecessor!I don't know if the previous body has also traveled through time.

Ziyun hurriedly asked again. "By the way, how did you and your wife meet? Was it introduced by someone else?"

Cheng Mingdong smiled and shook his head. "It was not introduced."

"Then how did you know each other?" Ziyun was even more curious.

"She has relatives in our courtyard. I just saw her right, so I talked to her, and then..." Cheng Mingdong was embarrassed to say too clearly.

Seeing his satisfied face, Ziyun was a little envious, but when she thought of He Yushui, she couldn't help frowning!As the most loyal warrior in the new era, how could he still lead the backward style of the previous dynasty!

"Also, did Brother He Yushui put it down so quickly?"

As she spoke, Ziyun focused on observing his eyes.

"She~" He shook his head before changing his words. "This kind of thing is not clear, you will understand later."

"That's right!" Ziyun frowned secretly, this answer was not what she wanted.

Hmph, what is not clear, you dare not say it!Ziyun didn't ask anymore, and could only curse a few times in her heart.


Soon it was another night, and by midnight they had reached the last border camp.

There are many residential buildings near this camp, so the defense is not too strict. There are eight towers, but there are no hidden posts.

After another hour of climbing, the team passed the two guard posts smoothly.

After leaving the vicinity of the camp, Staff Officer Teng asked: "The nearly [-] kilometers of Mingdong is almost a plain, and it will soon be dawn."

In fact, Cheng Mingdong didn't know exactly how to leave, but fortunately, he still remembered some fragmentary memories. "Let's go faster, go to the river first!"

After walking for more than an hour, the sky was already bright. Fortunately, there were vegetation covering the river, otherwise they could only hide in the river and wait for it to get dark.

Even Cheng Mingdong planned to become Voldemort, but when he saw the faint bridge in the distance, he remembered where he was staying. "Ahead, there is an old bridge, we can enter the bridge hole to rest."

"Great, let's speed up." Staff Officer Fuji also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly this time, it's like going on a field trip!" Commissioner Zhao sighed happily, there is almost no danger here.

This is an old cement stone bridge, the middle has collapsed, but the two sides are still in good condition, the stone cave on the bank is also very spacious, surrounded by grass and small trees blocking it.

However, there are many snakes, rats, ants and insects inside. Of course, this is not difficult for the team with insect repellent.

Once you enter the cave and then block the exit, the whole cave becomes dark.

"Take a break after eating and drinking, and try not to make any noise." Staff Officer Fuji explained again.

Everyone took out the prepared dry food, and Cheng Mingdong had no choice but to take the dry food Ziyun handed over and gnawed. The most helpless thing was that he couldn't eat less, otherwise Ziyun would not agree.

Sure enough, people will change. The girl who was so well-behaved before has become so pungent in a year!

This time everyone was lying together, Ziyun was also taking care of Cheng Mingdong on the innermost side, and on the other side was the kid Qingshan.

The cave was very dry and not so cold and was covered with thick hay, so everyone covered their bodies with sleeping bags as quilts.

After eating and drinking, it didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep, only Cheng Mingdong didn't fall asleep, and there was a lot of snoring beside him. Seeing Ziyun quietly, he also thought she was asleep.

Fortunately, the road here is very remote and difficult to travel, otherwise the snoring sound must be noticed by others.

Qing Shan squeezed over, and the uncomfortable Cheng Mingdong had no choice but to turn over.

As soon as he met Ziyun, he became embarrassed again.

After a while, he cursed in a low voice. "The bastard Qingshan is still squeezing."

It was clearly a dark cave, but she could see Ziyun's appearance very clearly.

"Don't catch a cold, this girl."

As if he had found an excuse, Cheng Mingdong turned over and hugged her gently, mainly because he was afraid that she would catch a cold, which was definitely out of concern.

Ziyun clenched her fist tightly, wishing she could punch him.

"I never knew he was so shameless! If I knew it, I shouldn't have trained with him!"

Ziyun scolded non-stop, but she couldn't help but also hugged her.

Cheng Mingdong was also shocked to see her hugging her, but he thought of the reason again. "Opposites attract, same-sex repel, this is a physical reason, who let me sleep in the middle!"

In fact, he couldn't guarantee whether Ziyun would notice it, but this attraction made it hard for him to refuse.

"You bastard, you know how to talk nonsense." She said she didn't believe it, but Ziyun also believed this reason in her heart, maybe this was the reason she convinced herself.

(End of this chapter)

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