Chapter 181 Really Like Ye Lingling?
However, soon his hand stopped.Especially when he felt that a slender rope was wrapped around his waist, he was stunned.

He looked into his arms, only to find that the person in his arms was also looking at him.

Their eyes met, and Ye Lingling lowered her head shyly.

Lu Leng didn't dare to take a breath, and his hands became stiff all of a sudden, as if they weighed a thousand catties.The eyes look outside, and the thoughts drift to the distance.

How to do?
It's like putting someone to sleep?

My ancestral virginity is gone?

The heartbeat of the two people accelerated, but their bodies remained in their postures, not daring to move.His hands were still on Ye Lingling's buttocks, but he didn't dare to move at all.

"That..." After a long silence, Lu Leng finally couldn't bear it anymore.He felt that now that he was a man, he should do what a man should do.

"You pressed my hand, I'm a little sore, can you move it?"

After saying this, Lu Leng obviously felt the person in his arms tremble, and then his arms became lighter, and he quickly pulled them back.

Then, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment again.


"I know……"

The two spoke in unison.

Ye Lingling lowered her head, Lu Leng couldn't see her expression.She said, "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself too much."

"I don't blame myself."

not good!

After Lu Leng said this, he realized something was wrong.Damn, I answered the conversation too quickly, and I didn't hear what she said clearly.

Sure enough, upon hearing the words, Ye Lingling suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of affection. "do you like me?"

Lu Leng's head exploded, and the time to come really came.

He's not a fool, he's just an emotional otaku.But no matter how nerdy he is, he can still feel Ye Lingling's love for him from the time they spent together.

He wasn't sure if he really liked Ye Lingling.

To be honest, Ye Lingling is very pretty, and after spending a long time with beautiful people, no one would say they don't like them.

However, for her liking, Lu Leng didn't know whether it was love or guilt caused by Ye Xingzhi's death.

He doesn't know, he can't see his own heart clearly, so he has always been afraid to face this problem.

Because he was afraid that his answer would hurt Ye Lingling's heart.

Therefore, in his normal relationship, he tried to avoid as much as possible.Even, for a period of time, he deliberately acted a little close to Yu Man'er.But the result was just the opposite. Not only did it not stop Ye Lingling, but it made her fall in love more quickly.

At this moment, facing this long-worried question, Lu Leng was at a loss in his mind.

Ye Lingling also seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, but she still looked at Lu Leng with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.After such a long time, she couldn't bear that kind of suffering anymore, she just wanted a clear answer!

Her love is clear and passionate, yet with the subtlety of first love.If she loves, she loves, and if she doesn't love, she doesn't love. She wants to express her feelings clearly.No matter how Lu Leng treats her, first of all, she must clarify herself.

So, she continued, "I like you."

After finishing speaking, she looked directly at Lu Leng. She was not afraid of Lu Leng's rejection, but she was afraid that she would not be able to give her a clear answer.

She waited for Lu Leng's answer, and the time passed by, but she was not in a hurry at all.It's been a few years of waiting, so why wait so long.

Lu Leng knew that he couldn't escape today, and he had to make an answer.

Like it or not?
This is a very simple matter, but Lu Leng can't see clearly now.He is also a person with clear feelings, and he doesn't want to answer against his will.This hurts others as well as yourself.

If Lu Leng said he liked it at this time, then the two of them would be happy, and everything would develop towards happiness.But if after a long time, Lu Leng realizes that he doesn't really like her, then it will be unfair to Ye Lingling, and the harm caused will be even more cruel.

But if you say you don't like it, Lu Leng's first worry is that Ye Lingling will not think about it.From the women in the wolves and thieves, we know that in this era, women attach great importance to their own chastity.Now that Lu Leng has taken away her virginity, and he expresses that he doesn't like her, according to her temperament, it is very likely that she will do something stupid.

Both answers are fraught with risks.The truth made Lu Leng, an emotional virgin, feel very entangled.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally, the hesitation in Lu Leng's eyes gradually became firmer.

He looked at Ye Lingling, with a sincere tone and sincere eyes, and said, "I don't want to hurt you, and I don't know how to answer you. I can only tell you what I think in my heart. As for your final decision, it's up to you."

Lu Leng took a deep breath, "Actually, if you say you don't like you, you must be lying. You are so beautiful and have a good personality. Almost any man would like you, and I am no exception. But, before I met you, I already had someone I like. Although I am not sure whether she will like me in the end, I want to pursue this direction."

"As for you, Lingling, I have feelings for you after being together day and night for so long. However, I'm not sure whether it's because I really like you or because I feel guilty towards your father. I'm afraid that if I don't really love you but stay with you, that would be the biggest betrayal to you."

After saying these words, Lu Leng breathed a sigh of relief, and felt extremely relaxed.

But when he looked into Ye Lingling's gaze, his contempt suddenly disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable fear and apprehension.This feeling made him very uncomfortable, and he didn't know where it came from.It feels like something dear to me is about to be lost.

Lu Leng felt a sudden in his heart, "What am I worried about? Why do I feel uneasy?"

Where did this uneasy feeling come from?

Could it be that I really like her?

Lu Leng was taken aback, he suddenly had the urge to take back what he just said.

But Ye Lingling spoke at this time, seeing her calm appearance, Lu Leng's heart beat faster, and the feeling of uneasiness became stronger.

"I know, you have someone you like, and I'm sorry about it. It's a pity, why I didn't show up earlier and get ahead of that person. You like her, I like you, you pursue her, and I pursue you too. Before you pursue her, I also have my right to pursue you, so before that, I will not give up. I believe that she will reject you! I also believe that you will fall in love with me!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingling ignored Lu Leng's reaction and directly kissed her up.

As soon as it was touched, Ye Lingling's face was already full of shyness.

"Turn around, I'm getting dressed."

(End of this chapter)

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