Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 80 Sick Tony

Chapter 80 Sick Tony

"Harry, you are so serious. You can lose your car with your experimental ability, and you want me to pick you up. You have delayed my beauty sleep." The man driving the car complained, and kept reaching out to Harry. Started, as if to make some compensation.

Harry looked at the man next to him, lowered his head helplessly, shook his head, and smiled.

"Haha, you came here by yourself. I was going to call Felicia and ask her to pick me up. Who would have thought that you got through to me first, and I didn't expect you to be in New York?" Harry He smiled and said to the man.

"So, it's still my fault?" The man driving the car glanced at Harry with pursed lips, and suddenly pushed the gear lever in his hand, and the car accelerated suddenly.

"Take it as practice first." Harry smiled and shook his head at his petty temper. This little speed didn't have much impact on Harry.

"Cut!" The man let out a disdain, but he slowed down the speed of the car and moved forward at a constant speed.


"Mr. Stark, it's so late, the servants have all fallen asleep, so there is only boiling water left." Felicia came over with a plate and said apologetically.

"Thank you, Miss Hardy"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Tony Stark smiled and took the boiling water from Felicia.

"Harry, here, warm the milk." With a gentle smile on her face, Felicia put a glass of milk in the tray on the coffee table in front of Harry, and then sat down beside Harry.

Harry picked up the milk, shook it, but didn't drink it right away.He looked at Tony Stark sitting across from him, and when Tony finished drinking a sip of water, Harry called out, "Tony."

"Huh?" Tony Stark put the cup on the coffee table with a "dang", looked up at Harry.

"I said you didn't come here because of our cooperation project?" Harry asked, leaning back on the back of the sofa, crossing his arms.

"Of course not. Didn't I already say it before? Now there are some technical obstacles, so the plan is temporarily suspended." Tony Stark was obviously a little lost when he said the energy plan, but he soon recovered. He pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness.

When Harry heard this, his eyes swept over Tony Stark.Under the magnetic field perception that Harry has been able to precisely manipulate, Tony Stark's physical condition at this time is clear at a glance.

The content of metal elements is super long, and palladium metal almost spreads into many important organs of the body.Of course, Harry knew about the problem of palladium. Not only that, but this is probably the reason why Tony suspended the new energy plan. As for the changes in the amount of other metal elements, it should be caused by Tony's self-help measures.

"Of course I already know about this, so what exactly are you here for, and your current situation doesn't seem to be very good," Harry said, shaking his head.

"I came to you to participate in a car race, you forgot what we did before, wait! You know my situation!?" Tony said with a smile in his words, and then suddenly looked at Harry, staring .He stood up suddenly and walked towards Harry, not even feeling that the boiling water on the coffee table was overturned and spilled on his arms.

"Harry, how do you know about my situation? Do you know about my situation?" Tony ignored Felicia sitting next to Harry, walked over directly, grabbed Harry's shoulders, and almost shouted.

"Yes." Harry nodded, his right hand stopped holding Felicia's hand that was just about to get up to block Tony's move, and he said with affirmative eyes: "I can feel what's going on in your body, and I can save you."

"Can you save me? Oh, forget it, I can solve my situation." After hearing Harry's words, Tony Stark let go of Harry's shoulders instead, took a few steps back, and then sat down Sitting on the sofa, he erected the overturned water glass, and then, as if he finally felt the pain in his arm, grinned and rubbed his burning little arm fiercely.

"What? Don't you believe in my ability?" Harry was not surprised by this. After all, he was the famous Iron Man Tony Stark. His own arrogance would not change even in the face of life and death. But even though Harry knew this, he still asked.

"I naturally believe what you said, but I still have a chance to solve this problem now. If I don't find a solution in the end, I will definitely come to you for help. After all, I cherish my life very much. Then you can Don't wait until you die," Tony Stark said with his head raised, and finally made a joke.Perhaps after hearing the news that Harry could save him, he finally found hope and settled down, so now he seems to be much more cheerful than before with a forced smile and sad eyes.

"I'm a little sleepy, hehe, you guys chat slowly, I'm going to sleep first. Oh! I haven't slept well for a long time." Tony Stark got up, walked around the sofa, stretched his waist, and left At that time, he smiled at Harry and Felicia very passionately, and then walked to the room that Felicia had prepared for him without looking back.

"He's going to sleep, let's go to sleep too." Watching Tony Stark turn a corner at the end of the corridor, Harry raised his arm and put it on Felicia's other shoulder, leaning against Felicia's head, Hit Felicia's side cheeks with all the hot waves of exhalation.

"Okay, but you have to drink all the milk." Felicia nodded, turned her head to look directly into Harry's eyes, raised her chin slightly, nodded to the whole glass of untouched milk on the coffee table, and said.

"Of course." Harry looked at Felicia's pretty face that seemed ascetic and serious, and his thoughts became more intense. He casually reached out and grabbed the milk, and drank it down.

"Okay?" Harry asked, moving his arm down and passing Felicia's armpit, hugging her tightly.

"Yeah." Felicia nodded in satisfaction, and was very satisfied with Harry's little concern that he was very obedient to her.

"Then it's time for us to go to rest, the night is already very deep." Harry moved his head closer to Felicia, and the tip of their noses touched lightly.

"Well, it's so late, it's time to rest." Felicia said with a smile on her face.

"Haha, then, let's go." Harry casually threw away the cup in his hand. Under the influence of the invisible position, the cup fell firmly upside down on the coffee table. Harry then scooped up Felicia and picked her up. Walk slowly up the stairs leading to the room for two.

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(End of this chapter)

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