Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 77 Waking up

Chapter 77 Waking up
Harry didn't know what happened when he was in a coma. Everyone on the plane was silent, without a word. After Professor X told Storm to fly to Washington, this situation had lasted for a long time.

Similarly, Harry did not catch up with the X-Men to face the president. He has been in his sleep, dreaming all kinds of weird and bizarre dreams.

As if wandering the universe, in the dream, he seemed to have the perspective of God and saw various alien civilizations.Those civilizations are either advanced in science and technology, surpassing the earth by several times, or the cultivation of pure power that is powerful enough to destroy the world, or the magic civilization in the novel, and their rise, prosperity, decline and demise are all in Harry's words. Flashes in dreams, and there are as many as a cow's hair, innumerable.



Harry opened his eyes, and this time there was no brilliance, which meant that it was not morning.

He propped himself up with his arms, but suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his brain. Following the pain, his arms softened and he lay back on the bed.

"Why is it still in such pain?" Harry shook his head, frowning in confusion.

Logan was alive and kicking immediately after Professor X's brain wave killing, and it makes no sense that Harry, who has the same self-healing factor as Logan, would have sequelae afterwards.

Rubbing his head, Harry got up again, raised his head and scanned for a week.

Although the walls here are also made of wood, compared with Osborne's old house, the materials are still a little worse.However, compared with Osborne's old house, the layout of the rooms here is more warm and less quaint.

"This is Academy X?" Harry guessed as he recalled the memory before he passed out, coupled with the slightly familiar layout here.

"That's really a good place." With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Harry nodded.

Harry lifted the quilt, and someone took off the armor suit on his body. Harry curled his lips, then picked up the neatly folded clothes on the bed and put them on, which unexpectedly fit him well.

After leaving the door, Harry spread out his mental power and spread it around, gradually forming a map of the college and the location of the people in his mind.

"Mr. Osborne, are you looking for me?" A gentle voice suddenly sounded in Harry's ear. At the same time, in the map of Harry's mind, the image of a character instantly emitted ripples of spiritual power, and this wave Ripple is brighter and more majestic than other characters, and only at this time can Harry truly see this invisible and intangible powerful force.

In the academy, the only one who can talk to people in this way is the owner of the academy, Professor X.

"Yes, Professor" Harry replied in the same way.

At this moment, Harry was surprised to find that his mental power had been integrated to such an extent that it was almost like driving him away, and all the jerkyness before seemed to have disappeared.However, what also made him strange was that his mental power seemed to have shrunk, about half of what it was before.

Although it is strange, but now is not the time to think carefully, Harry does not want Professor ** to pry into his heart, it is better to complete the goal and leave as soon as possible.

"Do you need me to show you the way? Mr. Osborne" Professor X's gentle voice seemed to ring in his ears, and he asked Harry.

"No need, I already know your location." After finishing speaking, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. If Professor X asked this, he must have not read his memory, otherwise he would have found the map in his mind.

"This way" Harry turned right according to the position of Professor X on the map, then found the stairs, went up, walked through a long corridor, and finally came to Professor X's position.


Standing outside the door, Harry raised his hand and knocked on the door.Because Harry knew that there were a group of mutant children who were listening to Professor X's class, so he did this.

"Please come in" This time the voice was no longer telepathic, but actually rang in Harry's ear.

Harry pushed the door open, and the children in the room looked at him.He has seen most of these children. Most of the ones who went to the Osborn headquarters at that time escaped, and only a few children were not seen because he was in a coma. However, looking at their eyes, these children were obviously all I met him and knew who he was.

"Okay, children, let's end the get out of class here, and the class is over," Professor X said to the children in a gentle tone.

"Yes, goodbye, professor"

After all, the children here are different. They are obviously more sensible than the ordinary children outside. Knowing that the professor and Harry have something to say, they immediately packed up their things and left one after another. Most of the children were polite to Harry when they walked past. Nod.

"Mr. Osborne, please sit down," Professor X said to Harry, pointing to the chair with a smile on his face.

"Okay" Harry nodded, then came over and sat down.

Facing Professor X, Harry took a closer look at this long-known figure for the first time.With a bright bald head and an ordinary appearance, there is no gleam of wisdom in the gentle eyes, but only a kind temperament. Harry does not feel like a leader of mutants with extraordinary power to destroy all mankind. , it is more like a kind and gentle old man, but he always gives people a comfortable feeling like a spring breeze.

"Mr. Osborne, thank you for everything you have done for us, thank you for saving the children," Professor X said.

"I just did what I can. I think that no matter ordinary people or mutants, they are all human beings, and my help is just what I should do." Harry shook his head and said.

Although Colossus could protect the mutant children even without his own help, after all, Harry did that, and what he did was the truth.

"Hehe, Mr. Osborne is very different from other people. If there are more people with the same views as you and Congressman Kelly, then there will not be so many lives lost in this situation." Professor X said with emotion Said.

"Member Kelly?" Harry raised his tone when he heard the name.

"Yes, thanks to Mr. Osborne, we have one more supporter on our side." Professor X nodded and said.

"That's right." Harry nodded thoughtfully.

But after all, it had nothing to do with me, so I ended this topic directly.

"By the way, where is Dr. Qin? I didn't see her in the college just now." Harry recalled the original plot, and he didn't feel the hot and familiar mental fluctuations when scanning the college just now, so he asked.

"Qin, she saved us." Professor X lowered his eyes slightly and said.

Harry closed his mouth and said nothing more, the inertia of the plot was really great.

"But it's going to be all right, isn't it?" Harry reassured.

"Yes, everything will be fine, it will be fine." As if talking to himself, Professor X's eyes fell out of the window, as if he saw something in the distance, but the furrowed eyebrows reflected his thoughts, but Harry was can not see.

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(End of this chapter)

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