Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 70 find

Chapter 70 find
The speed of the flying skateboard has been accelerated by Harry to the extreme, but because the distance is not close and because he still has to search for the X-Men, he has been blowing in the sky for most of the day.

"Finally found it." Harry looked at the small red dot on the monitor, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

"Wait, tell me first, how did Stryker know where the brain wave enhancer is?" After thinking for a while, Storm suddenly discovered some loopholes in Magneto's mouth, and her suspicious eyes fell on Magneto. body, she asked coldly.

Magneto lowered his head slightly when he heard the words, and moved his eyes to the bonfire. His eyes were not as sharp as before, but turned into a kind of guilt.Although he disagrees with Professor X, and his childhood and youth experiences have made his thinking more radical, but everything he has done

But it is all for the racial interests of the mutants. Contrary to his hatred of ordinary people, he is tolerant and loving to his own people. Because of his reasons, the mutants in X Academy are persecuted, which makes his I feel very guilty.

"I told him that," Magneto said, directly facing the guilt in his heart.

Storm and Jean Gray looked at each other, and the message "it really is so" was conveyed in their eyes.

"Remember? I helped Charles make the brain wave enhancer. Mr. Stryker's persuasive ability is so strong that even a mutant as powerful as Charles can't resist." Magneto did not defend himself, because he was never The kind of person who wants to be forgiven.

"Then who is this Colonel Stryker?" Jean Gray closed her eyes helplessly and asked.

"He is a military scientist, and he has dedicated his life to solving the problem of mutants. If you want to know more about it, why don't you ask the werewolves?" Magneto looked at Wolverine Logan jokingly.

Wolverine Logan stared confusedly at Jean Gray, who was on the side, and shook his head to express that he didn't know who Magneto was talking about.

"You don't remember, huh?" Seeing Logan's expression, Magneto guessed.

"It seems that you really don't remember. Apart from me, William Stryker is the only person who can process synthetic cells. The metal in your bones is his masterpiece." Magneto, provoking with words Memories of Wolverine Logan.

Logan seemed to remember something, he shook his head in pain, the sporadic fragments that flashed in front of him could not completely recall what happened back then, and what happened back then had something to do with William Stryker in Magneto's mouth. What connection.

"But Professor..." Logan stopped recalling, and looked at Magneto with puzzled eyes.

"He believes that you will find out about it by yourself, he believes in you more than I do," Magneto said, his friend always smiles, but this smile is because he is a little bit better in this matter.

"Why do you need our help?" Storm interrupted and asked.Ever since she followed the professor, she has had many times when Magneto turned against him. Sitting together and talking like this now really makes her feel a little uneasy.

"Then it's time to get down to business. Mystique discovered the design blueprint of Stryker's base, which has been in operation for decades. We already know that they are building a second brain wave enhancer there, but we don't know the design blueprint of the Stryker base. The location of the land, I think some of you know." At this point, Magneto swept across the few people in front of him.

"Professor has already tried," Wolverine Logan said.

"You thought you were the protagonist again." Magneto shook his head slightly and sneered. The last time the naughty thing happened was that Magneto made the X-Men mistakenly think that Logan was the special mutant he wanted to find. It was Logan himself who thought Magneto said that he knew the location of the base.

Magneto raised his head with a smile on his face, guiding the eyes of the others to look at the blue devil hanging upside down from the tree with his long blue tail.

"Uh, hello, I'm sorry" Blue Devil greeted awkwardly when he was caught eavesdropping. "I, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Facing everyone's eyes, the blue devil said weakly.

"Don't worry, try to relax as much as possible," Jean Gray comforted, then stretched out her hands and pressed the blue devil's head, and began to read the mind.

Qin's thoughts were immersed in the blue devil's brain, and when the images changed, Qin clearly understood the layout of William Stryker's underground base.

"Ugh!" As Qin's telepathic ability was leaked, the power of the phoenix was greatly released and increased, and the control power naturally declined, so that simple mind reading would bring great pain to the person being read.

"I'm sorry." Qin was awakened by the blue devil's cry of pain, and took her hand away from the blue devil's head in a panic, apologizing.

Under the silence of everyone, Jean Gray took a few deep breaths to calm down.

"Strike is at Yakali Lake," Qin said.

"The professor asked me to go there. There is nothing there." Wolverine Logan folded his arms and shook his head upon hearing this.

"There's nothing on the ground, Logan, the base is underground." Qin turned around and looked fixedly at Logan, the Wolverine who was stupefied after hearing the words.

"Underground, underground" Wolverine kept muttering in his mouth with blank eyes.

"Logan, wait, someone is here, up there" Seeing Logan's appearance, Qin was about to go up to comfort her, but the power wandering outside suddenly found something approaching not far from the sky.

"What is it?" Storm walked to Qin's side, raised her head to the direction Qin Gray was looking at, and asked.

Qin closed her eyes, her spiritual power was released instantly, and she swept towards the comer in the sky.

Above the sky, Harry was speeding towards the target location.

The moment Qin's power swept over, the invisible stance that Harry placed on the surface of his body swayed in circles of ripples, and this state didn't last long. About three seconds later, the stance's protection was instantly broken.

Although this position is only a layer of protection against the cold wind, after the last test on Ellis Island, Harry knew that it was impossible to break himself as easily as now with the strength of Qin at that time. If it is defensive, then the only reason that can explain the current phenomenon is that.

Under Harry's control, the invisible stance was recast and thickened again, resisting Qin's spiritual power outside, and the flying skateboard under Harry's feet was accelerated again to fly towards the target.

On the other side, Qin suddenly opened her eyes, shook her head wearily, and in the lowered eyes that no one could see, a blush flashed and disappeared instantly.

"It seems that an acquaintance has a way to deal with telepathy, and my telepathy is blocked." After a while, Qin raised her head and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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