Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 64 Dinner

Chapter 64 Dinner
"Sir, please show the invitation card." Two heavily armed soldiers with guns in both hands came up and stopped Harry and Tony. As for the soldiers around them who did not come up, they pointed their guns at Tony and Harry.

As a famous playboy and the big boss of a giant arms company, Tony Stark now has the title of a superhero. Naturally, this group of soldiers all know him. Harry Osborne, the big boss of Siben Industries, is also the target of the military's attention recently, and they all know each other. However, the two of them are here now, which doesn't quite fit their identities. Of course, It's not because their identities are too high for this small temple to accommodate, but because they feel that the identities of the two of them are not enough, and they are a little too high.So they greeted them with mocking smiles at the corners of their mouths. Given the good opportunity to satirize these two jealous men, they really had no reason not to go up.

"You guys, what does this mean?" Tony looked around at the guns pointing at the two of them, and shouted dissatisfied.

"Hey! Tony" Harry pressed Tony to point at the soldier's hand in front of him.

"It's just some small people at the gate," Harry said to Tony, and at the same time took out the dark red invitation card from the inside pocket of his jacket and showed it to the soldier.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Osborne, please go in," the soldier shouted after seeing Harry's invitation card and immediately stood at attention and gave a military salute.The surrounding soldiers also put down their ready guns. Although they don't know how Harry got the invitation, Harry has an invitation to this party. As for Tony Stark who came with Harry, the same must be true.

"Cut! Here" Tony looked at the different attitudes of the soldiers before and after, "cut" and took out the invitation to show them.

When the two entered the party, there was no men and women gathering together to toast and laugh like ordinary banquets, but three or two people gathered together, with serious faces and whispering softly, so that no one could hear them, and the few people who got together Individuals seem to come together, because they are not all Americans of language, color of skin.

"There's really no fun here." Tony picked up two glasses of red wine from the waiter, handed Harry a glass, glanced around, sipped the wine carefully, found nothing interesting, and said to Harry in a disappointed tone.

"Ha! This is not an ordinary banquet. Of course you won't find what you want." Harry laughed. Of course he knew why this playboy was disappointed, because there really weren't any women at this kind of banquet, and even if there were, they were all in their 50s and [-]s. old lady.

"Oh! Forget it." Tony shook his head and drank the wine in the goblet.

Harry smiled lightly and continued to drink, um, the red wine was not bad, at least Harry felt that this would not disappoint Tony.

"Mr. Osborne! I really didn't expect to part in the morning, and now we meet again."

At this moment, a joyful and gentle voice, although old but full of spirit, came from behind.

"Hi! Mr. Congressman, you seem to be in a good mood." Harry turned his head and saw Congressman Kelly, whom he had just met this morning. There was nothing wrong with that. Congressman Kelly would naturally attend this large-scale summit that all countries in the world are coming together. of.

"Mr. Osborne, I would like to thank you for your assistance, and I have thought about it a lot," Kelly said with a sigh, but his ruddy complexion and the smile that was always on the corner of his mouth reflected his mood.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Harry asked with interest.Tony at the back saw that Harry and the two seemed to be chatting with great interest, curled his lips and left with an empty glass.

"I have already met the professor, and after talking with the professor, I thought about it a lot, and suddenly felt that I had done something wrong before, and then I found out that I had done a lot of things wrong." Congressman Kelly nodded for a while, and shook his head for a while. With a wry smile, he said such words.

Harry understood, and after talking with the famous Professor X, it seems that Senator Kelly has a new idea.

"It seems that Mr. Congressman has figured out a lot of things," Harry laughed.

"Yes," Congressman Kelly nodded.

On the other hand, Tony finally found someone who could raise his interest in this boring banquet at this time.

"Miss, it won't matter if you tell me your name." Tony said to the short-haired cold beauty in front of him, with a weird expression on his face that made people laugh.But the beautiful woman in front of him didn't seem to find it funny, there was no smile on her face from the beginning to the end, she just looked at it coldly.

"Well, you don't seem to be interested, how about I tell you a joke?" Seeing that the woman didn't respond, Tony raised his eyebrows, put on a smiling face again, and said.

"Okay, Tony." Harry suddenly appeared behind Tony, and patted Tony on the shoulder amusedly.

Senator Kelly was also considered the host. After a brief chat with Harry, he said goodbye to Harry and went to entertain the guests.

"Hey, Harry, you're done talking with that old man." Tony turned his head and said, but his eyes were still on that glamorous woman, but this time, to his surprise, that woman actually looked at her with very bright eyes. come over.

"Mr. Osborne?" The woman came over, her eyes were full of scrutiny.

"Yes, you are?" Harry went through his mind and confirmed that he had never met this person, but Harry felt that this beauty seemed to be very interested in him.

"I'm Maria Hill, I was sent by Nick Fury." Maria Hill looked at Harry with burning eyes and introduced herself.

"Oh, it turns out that you are from Nick Fury, and I have a very good relationship with your officer," Tony said again.

Maria Hill glanced at Tony coldly, turned and left.

"Oh, Harry, it looks like I'm going to give you my nickname. I went up to strike up a conversation and was ignored, but when you came, I was so sad." Tony clutched his chest in a funny way, and lay on his chest like a powerless Harry's shoulders.

"I wouldn't dare," Harry laughed.

"Harry, you have to be careful, S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be after you." Tony's face suddenly became serious, and his words did not appear frivolous, but rather serious.

"Well, I see." Harry said nonchalantly, he didn't think S.H.I.E.L.D. could do anything to him.Even though his status as the big boss of Osborne Industries cannot be feared by S.H.I.E.L.D., what he has is not only these, except for his own extraordinary power, Max the Electric Man, Felicia the Thief Black Cat, Even Spider-Man could be a teammate.Therefore, Harry has never been afraid of any organization on earth.

"You guy..." Tony knew from Harry's tone that he didn't care, and he was very helpless.

PS: Please don't be stingy with the recommendations in your hands, and don't be polite about others!
(End of this chapter)

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