Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 48 Doctor Doom

Chapter 48 Doctor Doom
Harry swayed like a spider's thread and hurried towards 42nd Avenue, but hearing the loud noise and flashing electric lights in the distance, he must not be able to catch up with the beginning of the battle at this time.


With a muffled sound, an unknown object that fell from the sky crashed into the box of a truck passing by on the street, followed by a burst of water jets and large pieces of broken glass.

The box of the truck immediately shook, and the muffled sound of blows continued to resound.The people around were frightened and screamed one after another, but this group of Americans, who may be brave or too curious, just watched, and none of them fled.


The metal wall at the back of the truck box was torn down by an inexplicable force, and then, a huge orange-red rock flew out of the truck box, and landed on an oncoming car with a "boom". The person was caught on it, swaying left and right, and was taken out more than ten meters away before stopping.

On the other side of the truck box, under a burst of blue currents intertwined and flowing, a person wearing a cold dark metal mask and a green robe came out from it.

At this time, amidst the sound of sirens, two patrolling police cars happened to catch up with the sudden accident.

The people on the truck got off, because the stone man was positioned as a superhero before, so the police who arrived all pointed their guns at this man.

"Don't move, sir, put your hands up," the policeman standing behind the police car door sternly shouted.

Perhaps it was because of the rapid change of identity, from a well-known entrepreneur to a super criminal who was confronted by the police at gunpoint, Victor Dum looked at the shouting policeman in a state of bewilderment.

But the police thought he was going to attack and opened fire.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

A series of bullets hit Victor Doom's metal mask, making a crisp hitting sound, and the bullets also lifted his hood along the way, exposing his entire masked head.

"Hmph!" Victor Dum was annoyed by the actions of the policemen, and instantly straightened his mind, pulled the green robe on his body vigorously, and snorted coldly.

He raised a palm to point at the shooting policeman, and a bright blue electric current rushed out at a high speed.


The police car was hit by the electric current and exploded, turning into a large ball of fire. The air wave formed by the explosion threw the policeman next to the car into the air.

Amidst the screams of the crowd, Victor Doom turned his gaze to the orange-red stone man.

"Ma'am, let me borrow your car." The stone man looked at the old woman who just got out of the car, and said in a low voice.

"Okay, but the brakes don't work well," the old woman said in shock.

"It's okay." The stone man opened his two stone arms, picked up the car, and threw it at Victor Doom.


With a muffled sound, the car sent Victor Dum flying, hitting the middle of the passing bus at the intersection.

The bus was hit and pushed out more than ten meters away before stopping.

The stone man walked towards the bus with heavy steps.


With a flash of blue lightning, the bus door was opened, and Victor Dum got out of the bus, his clothes were torn, revealing the metal body covered under the green robe.

Seeing Victor walking down unharmed, the stone man Ben stepped away from the stone legs and ran towards Victor with a "thump, thud, thud" sound.

Under the mask, there was a disdainful smile on Victor's face. He unhurriedly tore down a thick and long lamppost from the side of the road. Lampposts are attached with powerful energy.

He turned around, slammed the lamp post in his hand, and hit the stone man with a "bang". The direction of the stone man was changed instantly by this blow. He flew more than ten meters into the air, and then landed on the ground. It was cracked by the stone man, and then a deep ditch was drawn.

"Look at you, Kong has great power, but you can't control it, that's why you've always been Reed's follower, Ben." Victor Doom flipped his hand and held the flashing lamp post, Hold it high in front of the stone man Ben.

"Just give your life for Reed Richards." Victor blatantly thrust the lamppost at the fallen stone man, and the powerful force seemed to want to crush the head of the stone man, which could stand shoulder to shoulder with diamonds.


At the critical moment, a faint blue invisible stance suddenly appeared, blocking in front of the stone man.

"Susan!" Seeing the familiar defensive method, Victor said the name in a low voice, while turning around and looking behind him.

"Guess is wrong, but I will give you a kick." At this moment, Harry pulled the spider silk and swung towards Victor Doom at high speed. At the same time, he straightened his legs and pointed his toes directly at Victor Doom.

The stretched legs collided with Victor Doom's gray metal body, and the huge force knocked Victor Doom upside down, but it was not over yet, Harry turned over under the force, quickly He pressed down the spider silk launcher on his left wrist, and a white spider silk shot out from his left wrist, sticking to Victor Doom who was still flying upside down.

"One more punch." Harry pulled hard with his left arm and shot himself at Victor Doom.


A violent punch hit Victor Doom's metal mask, and there was a muffled sound. Victor Doom's body followed his head and ruthlessly plunged into the asphalt road.In the blink of an eye, Ben's crisis has been resolved.


Harry rubbed his sore fist and glanced at Victor Doom, who was still pulling his head.

"The skin is really tough enough," Harry complained, walking up to the dazed stone man, and stretching out a hand to him.

"Get up, Ben," laughed Harry.

"Ah! Okay." Ben came back to his senses, stretched out his big orange-red stone hand with four fingers, and put it on Harry's hand, one big hand and one small hand, making this scene a bit weird.

Harry grabbed one of the fingers and pulled the heavy stone man off the ground.

"It's all right," Harry said.

"Well, it's fine," Ben said to Harry.

"Watch out!" Ben yelled suddenly, looking behind Harry.

When Harry pulled the stone man up, Victor Doom also pulled his head out of the ground, raised his palm quietly, and gathered a huge amount of faint blue lightning.

I saw a blue current column emanating from Victor Doom's hand, heading straight for Harry's back.

"No one can stop me Victor Doom! No one can defeat Doctor Doom!" Victor's cold and stern voice came out of the mask and entered Harry's ears.

PS: Military training is about to start, sorry for not updating in time.

(End of this chapter)

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