Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 38 Business

Chapter 38 Business
"I don't think he would think that way, after all, I'm one of them." Hearing these iconic words, Harry confirmed who was coming.

"Mr. Osborne, you are here too," Sombra said in surprise.However, Harry couldn't be fooled by the same tone but pretending to be surprised. He knew the ability of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was capable of listening to and monitoring almost any mobile phone and the camera's powerful espionage capabilities.And because of Tony Stark's father, Tony must be the one who has been monitored to a high degree, so he might not know that he met himself here.

"Hey! Who are you? It's against the law to break into a private house. I'm going to call the police." He is very upset now. First, Harry made the new steel suit disappear out of thin air, then Jarvis was hacked, and now another person of unknown origin appeared to question him.

"I'm Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Thanks to Mr. Stark for his proposal, our department has this new name, but don't call me, the police can't control me" Nick Fury said as he walked inside.

Tony Stark swipes the light of his phone at Nick Fury.

"Roar" Tony Stark looked at this face, screamed strangely, and then patted his chest hard.

"You dare to come out at night in this outfit, it's really scary!" Tony Stark mocked.

"Haha" Harry laughed from the side, and looked at the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. under the light with interest. That is, dark enough.

"What? Do you agree with what I said?" Tony Stark pointed the phone light at Harry and smiled.

Harry smiled, shook his head and ignored him, continuing to drink.

"Mr. Stark, you are welcome to be part of the great world." As the king of agents, Nick Fury will naturally not be offended by Tony's little irony, and continue to carry out his own purpose.

As if welcoming Tony Stark, the lights in the basement instantly lit up.

"Sir, the intrusion has been expelled, and the system has successfully restarted," Jarvis' voice sounded again.

"Just in time," Tony pouted, looking extremely displeased.

"This world is much bigger than you think, Mr. Stark," Nick Fury walked into it and said, looking at Tony Stark.

"Uh huh" Tony Stark didn't care and missed, walked to the wine cabinet, put down his glass, and leaned against the wine cabinet with his arms folded.

"So, what's your purpose?"


"Invitation?" Tony Stark raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"Yes, it's an invitation," Nick Fury said.

"Tell me what you invite me to do, but you have to know that my appearance fee is very expensive." Although the tone is still the same, it can be seen that Tony has a little interest in this.

"Of course" Nick Fury sat down next to Harry.

"And Mr. Osborne" Nick Fury looked at Harry with one eye.

"And me?" Harry pointed at himself in surprise.For Nick Fury's purpose, Harry is very clear, he has been preparing to build the Avengers, and now he is here to invite Tony Stark, but he did not expect to have his own share.

"Mr. Osborne is fully qualified," Nick Fury said expressionlessly.

"Okay, I agree," Harry said, how could he not participate in such a fun event.

"Did Mr. Osborne agree without first listening to what I have to say?" Nick Fury didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and thought it would take a lot of trouble, but for Harry's approach, he mentioned A vigilance.

"Of course you have to participate in fun things," Harry said nonchalantly.

"Thank you Mr. Osborne for your support. So, what about Mr. Stark?" Nick Fury looked at Tony.

"Ah, I still want to hear what you have to say first." Tony Stark didn't expect Harry to directly agree to this director, but in order to prevent himself from being betrayed, let's listen to what he said first.

"Let me show you." Nick Fury lifted his coat, took out a document, and handed it to Tony.

Harry swept his eyes away, and his physically strengthened slow vision clearly saw the words "Superman Alliance Project", the predecessor of the Avengers Alliance.

"Super Boy Project, what a terrible name." Tony Stark took it over, and immediately complained when he saw the cover, and then opened the content and continued to read.

"Of course, I'm here today just for the next invitation. It remains to be seen whether I will let you participate in this plan when I finally arrive." Nick Fury continued to stimulate Tony Stark's nerves.

"Oh?" Tony Stark didn't look at it after hearing this, and threw it on the table.

"Suddenly I'm not interested," he said contemptuously.

"I'll give you time, you can think about it" Nick Fury said in presence.

"Nothing to think about," Tony Stark said.

He turned his head, then looked at Nick Fury again, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Are you still here?" He pointed to Nick Fury, whose face was a little darker.

"Okay, I'll go first," Nick Fury got up and said.

"Is Mr. Osborne coming?" he asked Harry.

"Okay, we should go together," Harry said, taking a final sip of his drink.

"No," Tony Stark said, seeing that both of them had left, waving his hand.He was already regretting calling Harry, because not only had he postponed his first official date with Pep Potts, but he had also lost a new Iron suit, which was a big loss.

"Come to me if you need anything, Tony" Harry followed Nick Fury up the stairs while waving at Tony Stark behind his back.

"Okay, I will trouble you if I have something to do," Tony Stark said without looking back.


Harry came out with the flying skateboard and Nick Fury, and saw Phil Coulson waiting by the car.

"Mr. Osborne, we meet again." Coulson greeted Harry with a smile on his face.

"Agent Coulson," said Harry.

"Mr. Osborne remember me?" Phil Coulson
"Of course I do," Harry said.

Phil Coulson was driving, with Harry and Nick Fury in the backseat.

"Mr. Osborne, I want to talk to you about your weapon," Nick Fury said straight to the point.

"You mean my flyboard?" Harry said, glancing down at his one eye.

"Yes" Nick Fury said with a blank face and firm eyes.

"Business?" Harry asked, somewhat unsure.Although Osborne Industries is known as one of the largest companies in the world, in fact, Osborn gradually withdrew from the innermost layer of the world after the failure of the original super soldier experiment. If S.H.I.E.L.D. , directly asked for the design of the flying skateboard, Harry really might not be able to stop it.But if Nick Fury really wants to design drawings, Harry will definitely make him regret it.

"Yes" Fortunately, Nick Fury gave Harry a satisfactory answer.

"Then, happy cooperation." Harry stretched out his hand.

"Happy cooperation." Nick Fury showed a slight smile on his face, and shook Harry's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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