Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 337 The End of Everything

Chapter 337 The End of Everything

The shattering of the Infinity Gem completely released the strongest authority in the universe, and as the incarnation of one of the gems, he absorbed part of the power of the Soul Stone and the entire power of the Time Stone, so he naturally has the qualifications to obtain everything , and this qualification is more orthodox than using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to exert the power of supreme authority.

The only bad thing is that it takes too long to gather and absorb the power of the infinite gemstones. Counting the time before and after, three months have passed, and during these three months, there is no stopping The behavior of repeatedly gathering and absorbing is naturally unable to sleep, and Harry is not a tyrant, even if his body can bear it, it is still a kind of torture, and now that he has returned home, naturally he has to sleep well. As for other things, they are no longer a problem for him now, so it doesn't matter to let them go for a while.

And after he woke up from this awakening, a week had passed.

After washing up and putting on his clothes slowly, he walked downstairs slowly after he was dressed neatly.

"Hey? Why are you the only ones? I thought many people would welcome me back." Harry leaned on the stairs, looked at the three women who had already sat there and had lunch, and said with a smile on his face.

"Originally there were." Susan took a bite of the bread and smiled at him: "But when they came, you were sleeping, and you didn't wake up no matter what we called you, so everyone dispersed, and then It was the same on the second day, and it was the same on the third day, and no one has come yet.”

Harry curled his lips and shrugged helplessly.

Pulling out a chair and sitting down, Felicia had already prepared his portion in front of him, and even prepared a double portion very thoughtfully.

After sleeping for so long, his stomach was really empty when he woke up, so he opened his mouth to eat without any scruples.

"No, there are people coming outside." At this time, Harry found that there were people coming outside the old house, and there were still two people.

Fenghuang glanced at him resentfully, pursed his lips, he didn't know what he was complaining about, but he still replied: "It's Thor and Loki, out of everyone, these two brothers care about you the most." She paused at this point, and looked at Harry with more resentment, "Of course, this doesn't include me." Apparently, the last sentence was what she really wanted to say.

Harry could only pretend not to notice this, finished the beef soup on the plate in two or three gulps, got up and quickly changed the subject, saying, "You guys eat first, I'll pick them up."

The voice fell, and the figure had disappeared.

Seeing him leave in such a hurry, the three of them couldn't help laughing. Although Harry's breath had changed a lot when he came back this time, he was still the same as before.

Outside the old house, two men with completely opposite appearances stood silently in front of the door, both looking gloomy.

"It's the eighth day." The strong and handsome guy with a decadent expression sighed softly.

"Yeah." The tall, thin, melancholy handsome guy responded, and then fell silent.

After standing for a while, the strong man took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go in, maybe he woke up today."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" At this moment, a voice suddenly interjected from the side, and the two looked around, only to see a long-haired man leaning on a tree by the road and looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Harry! You're awake!" Thor's expression immediately turned into joy when he saw the person coming, and he hurried up.

"It's me, it's me." Harry nodded, and said seriously: "I also know the purpose of your coming, I'm sorry about your father, but Asgard still needs the efforts of the two of you, as for Thanos, He won't do anything anymore, I trapped him in the hometown of the Eternal Clan, so you can naturally find him in the future."

Harry naturally knows what the two of Thor want to know most, Thanos, but hatred is always the best weapon to change a person, and Thor and Loki obviously don't just kill their fathers. In other words, they are even more charged with the mission of revitalizing the Asgard Protoss. Of course, it is impossible to treat the murder of their father as nothing happened just because of his words, so they also have the opportunity to take revenge.

"Okay, you've been here long enough, do you want to go home?" Harry asked with a smile.

The two of Thor were taken aback, and Harry continued: "Miss Schiffer and Verstagg are very worried about you."

As a collection of infinite gems, Harry naturally has a strong control and understanding of the universe.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, finished the exchange in an instant, and nodded in agreement.

During this period of time, the tacit understanding formed by the two brothers getting along is simply not the same as before.

The agreement of the two was naturally within Harry's expectations. Although Asgard has the weapon of the Rainbow Bridge, without the clairvoyance of Heimdall, it is impossible to find the traces of the two Thors. During that war, they were also destroyed on a large scale. Everyone was busy with the post-war reconstruction work, and they didn't have time to care about the two of them for a while. They naturally accepted Harry's proposal at this time.

"Okay, get ready." The power of space flashed in Harry's eyes, and Thor and Loki directly sent out the power of blue space.

"There's nothing else to do for the time being, let's go back and continue eating." After rubbing his still empty stomach, Harry withdrew his gaze, turned and returned to the old house.

Because Harry woke up, a lot of people came without any surprises, so a lunch turned into a dinner, and the dinner turned into a banquet with a large number of people.

This banquet is to celebrate the return of the hero Harry, and it can be regarded as a summary of the victory three months ago. When it comes to the war three months ago, this banquet is a bit more high-profile. The important people were all uninvited, so the celebratory banquet turned into a memorial service and a fundraising meeting. Anyway, in the end, Harry had no interest. He only chatted with familiar people and walked out of the old house alone.

The night was cool and cool. Looking up in the suburbs, you could still see the stars all over the sky, and the flickering appearance was a bit charming, but what Harry was thinking about now was not the charming night, but something else.

He touched his chest. This body of flesh and blood could no longer carry his powerful soul. After all, it was the collection of the power of six infinity gems. Even though this cloned body had the ability to heal itself, it would be the end of it now. , so now is also the time to do one last thing.

Exhaling, he directly found that person in the sea of ​​stars slowly.

Everything is coming to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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