Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 333 Time, 65 years ago

Chapter 333 Time, 500 million years ago
The jungle is dense, and it used to be the most glorious era of life.

This is the ancient past beyond the reach of human history, the secret past in the long river of time.

Even in this world, there are very few people who can come into contact with this place, but just today, when the sky is high and the clouds are clear as before, three small figures suddenly fell from the sky, However, these three tiny figures brought a glorious funeral to this place, burying everything in time.

The blue and clean sky suddenly wrinkled with a clear wave, and then a figure across the sky like a shooting star was entwined with raging fire generated by the friction of the atmosphere, roaring, but it could not change his fate of falling headfirst to the ground, and at that After the Tao fluctuated, two equally small figures also appeared from it, but they were not as embarrassed as the former.

"Your choice." Harry clasped his palms, his expression pale.

What he asked was of course Thanos who was also brought here from the ruins of New York. At that time, Thanos was about to attack Captain America, so he saved his life, but in fact he took Thanos away. But it's not just for this reason, he has seen clearly what happened in time, although he stole the Infinity Gauntlet from Asgard's treasury and owned it for a while, but All that happened after the mysterious man gave him those memories was already confirmed. That glove was prepared by that man for himself, but even so, the effect of that glove is still eye-catching However, he never even thought that such a situation would happen.

Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet was directly taken away by the imitation Infinity Gauntlet!

Even the glove that was supposed to be the left hand turned into the right hand, and in such an abnormal situation, Thanos, the owner of the infinite glove, couldn't even stop him, and the infinite glove with half of the infinite gems fell directly into the hands of the mysterious person. In addition, there are already four soul stones, leaving only the time stone and the soul stone, and the legendary six infinite stones will be completely gathered.

After obtaining the power of the Infinity Stones, the mysterious man just defeated Thanos who had completely pushed him into a disadvantage before. From this point of view, Harry also knew that he was invincible, so in this case, he had no choice but to fight Thanos. Join forces, and even so, the odds of winning are desperate!

Thanos heard the words, his scarlet gaze coldly fell towards the flames hitting the ground, and his big purple face immediately showed a bit of ferocity.

"Okay, as long as I can kill him, I can cooperate, and we will talk about it later." Thanos glanced at Harry, clenched his fists, and said in a low voice.

Although Harry almost killed him, the mysterious man was the first to make him lose his dignity. When he thought of this man's theft, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Very good." Harry naturally agreed, nodded, looked away, and flew down directly, Thanos followed closely behind, and walked towards the direction where the man fell without hesitation, even more hurriedly than Harry .

Boom! ! !

When the fireball collided with the ground, a wave of air was immediately set off, and roars continued to be heard from all over the dense jungle, and the sound was extremely shocking.

The rapidly falling fireball directly destroyed a forest, and the air waves covered all directions, with a sea of ​​flames in the center.And in the big pit created by the fireball, the flames continued to burn the broken trees that hadn't been burned out. At this moment, a **** black figure suddenly jumped out of the big pit and landed outside the big pit. His whole body was pitch black, only the glove on his right hand was still shining, exuding a dazzling light.

"Bastard!" the mysterious man looked up at the sky, and cursed angrily through gritted teeth.Even though the physical injury had healed itself, this attack obviously made him extremely embarrassed. He really didn't expect that after collecting four infinity gems, he would be successfully attacked by someone.

At this moment, a wild beast's roar sounded outside the big pit, and a huge mouth suddenly protruded from the tall ancient jungle. The head of this giant beast looked like a helicopter, and the orange-yellow eyes The mouth is full of tyrannical beastliness, the teeth are like the tips of knives, and the saliva exuding disgusting smell is thrown out directly with the roar, and the huge mouth goes straight towards the mysterious man from top to bottom.

Facing such an ancient giant beast, the mysterious man didn't even look at it. He clenched his right hand, and the purple light condensed but didn't emit. As the arm was raised, it flowed slowly, and then suddenly hit!
The movement of the giant beast suddenly stopped, but the two front paws were still swaying under the inertia, but at the next moment, the huge beast suddenly had cracks all over its body, blood splattered like torrential rain suddenly, and the pieces of meat fell to the ground and piled up into mountains.

From the mountain of meat, a figure slowly squeezed out, stepping on the void, but it looked like a ghost crawling out of purgatory, with a terrifying blood color all over.

"Haha! Come on! I'll let you try what despair is!" The mysterious man sneered ferociously, and his malicious eyes fell directly on Harry, as if thinking of something, especially Xingfeng.His body shook suddenly, the blood all over his body evaporated instantly, and then he rose up from the ground, leaving only an unpleasant smell in the air.

Harry's eyes can naturally see the situation below clearly. The four infinite gem energies are spinning rapidly in front of the oncoming mysterious man like the four wings of a windmill. The unskilled but wild and violent energy shatters the space. Harry had no doubts about its power, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

"Huh!" Thanos snorted coldly when he saw Harry's actions, the anger in his eyes did not waver, and he continued to lean down and charge.He shouted loudly, the cosmic ions condensed by his fists became stronger and stronger, stirring everything around him faintly, even if it was not much different from the movement made by mysterious man.

Harry hid in the void, watching the two people slam into each other, the strong vibrations almost completely crushed the surrounding space together with him, he could only use the power of time to return the space to its previous state , Only then can he appear behind the mysterious person in an instant.

"Go to hell!" Thanos gritted his teeth and pressed down, cosmic ions shot out like giant cannons, suppressing the mysterious man.

"Hmph! Overreaching!" The mysterious man snorted coldly, the four-color brilliance of the Infinity Gem suddenly burst forth, and the powerful and unparalleled energy suddenly scattered the ion energy of Thanos, and the thick energy column was seen in the Infinity Gem. Under the energy, it shattered like glass, without any pressure.

"Haha! Without the Infinity Gauntlet, you don't pose any threat to me at all, but I've let you go once, and you still dare to seek death, so I'll let you do it!" The mysterious man sneered and kept moving forward.

Thanos was no longer in the mood to say anything, he gritted his teeth, concentrated all his strength on his fists, and continuously solidified and strengthened the cosmic ion energy, but he couldn't stop the mysterious man at all, and he kept moving forward.

It's just that even if Thanos is the overlord in the universe, the mysterious man is obviously not much worse, but the power of the Infinity Gauntlet is far beyond them, so when the mysterious man has the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos can only try his best to defend .Just at this moment, Harry had already stalked behind the man, and shot without hesitation.

The brightly colored Phoenix Force was attached to Harry's hand, and the knife hit the back of the mysterious man Dalu.

Without any obstruction, Harry's palm pierced directly into the mysterious man's body like a sharp blade. The moment the phoenix force penetrated the opponent's body, it invaded every part of his body and began to decompose and destroy it.In his hands, the power of the phoenix has already changed. In addition to the power of time, the decomposition energy of the power of the phoenix is ​​unparalleled in the world. Although the mysterious man has Wolverine's self-healing ability, but But it can't compare with the destruction speed of the Phoenix Force.

But after the successful sneak attack, Harry was startled, and immediately backed away. It turned out that just when his palm broke the skin of the mysterious man, everything in front of him changed instantly, and the person he penetrated with his arm didn't know what happened. Time to become Thanos!But the figure of the mysterious man appeared behind him, and the four-color infinite gemstones in the corner of his eyes were still extremely charming, and the reality stone that changed reality was even more dazzling.

Harry understood immediately.

Thanos looked at Harry with confusion in his eyes, Harry's figure was reflected in his scarlet pupils, as if he didn't understand why Harry, who had formed an alliance, would suddenly plot against him, but Harry didn't have the heart to think so much, seeing the mysterious People were about to come over, he retracted the power of the phoenix, pulled out his arm, and teleported directly with Thanos, but just before they teleported away, the mysterious man's fist slammed down, and there was only a crackling sound When it sounded, the punch containing the power of the four infinite gemstones seemed to hit the real place, smashing the space instantly, spreading around like a spider web.

The mysterious man also backed away immediately, and saw that the space finally couldn't support it, and turned into a pitch-black hole, exuding a piercing chill. The hole is not big, but it seems to have the tendency to sweep.But this is obviously not in the scope of the mysterious man's thinking. What really surprised him was Harry's blow to Thanos just now. Although it was only for a moment, he who had the Infinity Gauntlet clearly felt that from Harry's body. With a similar power, the power of the infinite gemstone, there was a trace of fear in my heart for a while.

"This... shouldn't be like this!" He frowned and said inexplicably in his heart: "There will be no problem, even if it is true, I have four gems in my hand now, and I have to go home, I have to go back Home!"

It's just that even though he comforted himself in this way, his eyes still couldn't help but jump, because the thing that made him fear happened after all.

(End of this chapter)

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