Chapter 330
Disputes caused by a child have not led to any disaster after all, at least not yet.

The Eternal Clan Dungeon.

Thanos' father, Arals, hugged this unique little baby bestowed on him by God, with a loving smile on his face, his body shaking gently, and singing the ancient lullaby of the Eternal Titans, accompanying him to sleep.Only when the corner of his eye glanced over the hospital bed would he occasionally show some pity, but this pity was just a useless look.

The person on the hospital bed is naturally Thanos' biological mother, but the great mother who gave birth to such a legendary figure as Thanos fell into a drowsy sleep at this moment, but she was still muttering something, and seeing her frightened face, it was obviously not true. would be something good.

"Oh! Look at him, how perfect, how strong, you are a child who will not succumb to death, my dear Thanos!" Arals looked at the child in his arms with a smile on his face.From then on, his name was Thanos, the spokesperson of death.

"Ah Lars, Susan..." The doctor looked confused, put down the exhausted anesthetic needle in his hand, glanced at the woman on the bed, and hesitated to speak.

"She's gone crazy!" Alars glanced down, and then said coldly: "Lock her up, my baby doesn't need a mother who wants to kill him."

On the ground next to the hospital bed, a scalpel was placed there abruptly, as if it fell accidentally.

A loving father who has a newborn baby and abandons his wife is sad no matter how you look at it.

Harry seemed to be invisible, strolling in the bright room to the hospital bed, looking at the poor woman who passed out, Harry sighed softly.This woman who gave birth to Thanos is almost a tragedy, but she is undoubtedly the most visionary person on the planet Titan. When she saw Thanos for the first time, she had already seen Thanos through. How can she, who is just weak, prevent the beginning of all tragedies?What her behavior got was only a few years of imprisonment and mental treatment, and when she came out of the prison again and returned home, the source of evil she feared had grown up, and she could not escape Thanos in the end The ruthless devil who tried to discover his own origin.

"Hey! If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself, even if you can't do anything about it." Harry sighed softly, looked away, turned and walked towards Arals, towards Thanos who was still in his infancy.

With a quick grab, the sharp and sharp scalpel on the ground was already in hand.

"However, I'd be more than happy to help you to accomplish what you wanted to do but failed to accomplish." Harry's eyes were cold, and he quietly raised the butcher's knife.

Arals was still obsessed with this unusual newborn, unaware that a dangerous caress was about to fall on the child in his arms.

The sharp blade of the scalpel reflected the cold light, reflecting Harry's calm and indifferent face.He looked at this young and thin, but the scarlet eyes were filled with the slow death intent as when he first saw him. He didn't look like a newborn child at all, but like a tyrant who was used to life and death, even looking at his own life. Father, that cold gaze didn't change at all, it was just so calm, ruthless, and lifeless.Immediately afterwards, the last trace of hesitation in Harry's heart completely disappeared. He held the scalpel tightly, looked at the purple-skinned monster firmly, and then stabbed down suddenly.



The chaotic fighting turmoil stagnated, leaving only a mess of the former city center.

The jump in the timeline only took away the person who tried to change, but Thanos is still here.However, he obviously understood what he would look like if he destroyed his origin, but this had no effect except to make the anger in his heart stronger until it was swallowed, so he went crazy .

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Cosmic Ion followed his fist down and punched big holes in the ground with a bang, and then rushed to those buildings that hadn't been destroyed, and started unprofessional demolition work, regardless of whether they were still there or not. someone.

Changes in the timeline will change everything. Although the life trajectory of Thanos does not have much impact on the earth, the current situation will not happen again. That is to say, everything he has done now is in The moment Harry plunged the scalpel into him as a toddler, nothing would ever happen again, even though he had wiped out everything on Earth.

But the crazy Thanos obviously can't think about these things anymore, he has no scruples!

"What should we do? Where did Harry go?" Looking at the picture sent back by the drone, Tony Stark asked anxiously.

They are still retreating to the outside of the city, but the population in the city is large. Even with the intervention of the X-Men, it is difficult to change the situation that the population in the city is gradually dying from the rage of the tyrant. Ba is obviously getting more out of control.

Captain America frowned, watching the building collapse in the picture, and the people in the building screamed miserably and helplessly. After a while, he silently picked up the shield that was put aside, and saw a dent on the shield The imprint of the huge fist of the tyrant is very clear, and it is also proof that he is the only one other than the Hulk who has received Thanos' punch and is still intact, but what he has to do now is to face Thanos again, which is almost impossible to defeat The enemy, he also hesitated, but seeing the people dying under the fist of Thanos, he still stood up.

"Even if Harry is not here, someone should stand up. Although I may not be able to do it, I will not admit defeat." Captain America walked to the back of the cabin and said firmly.

Everyone in the plane looked at his back with calm expressions, but their admiration was obvious.

"Wait! Look, what's that?"

At this moment, Natasha suddenly saw a white shadow flashing across the screen and called Captain America to stop.

Tony Stark looked, but the picture was not clear, and the figure was so fast that he couldn't distinguish it.Only Captain America looked at that figure and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't think of who it was for a while.

The screen locked on the figure, and it changed rapidly, and that person seemed to find that he was being watched, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the camera, and it was this turn that everyone could see clearly.

"That's it, Harry?" Tony Stark looked suspiciously at Captain America.

"No, it's not Harry." Captain America slowly walked over from the crowd, fixed his eyes on the white figure in the picture and said, but he had a bad premonition in his heart, worse than when facing Thanos. strong!
(End of this chapter)

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