Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 328 Infinity Stone

Chapter 328 Infinity Stone
The strength of Thanos is really frightening, and the Infinity Gauntlet that gathers three Infinity Gems is even more unreasonable. Although the siege of hundreds of superheroes is difficult to coordinate seamlessly because of their uneven strength, this number alone is enough Explain the situation, and the results are obviously not very good.

Lost!And it was a fiasco!Unprecedented, it can be called the first time in the history of superheroes that a large-scale alliance lost in front of only one enemy without any twists and turns, and was crushed from beginning to end.

"Huh! Overthinking one's abilities!" Thanos stepped on the void, floating in mid-air with his head bowed, and sneered disdainfully.

Although these earthlings have many strange abilities, even he is not well-informed, but he has never found similar situations on any planet in the universe, but it is also because of this, the various power systems make people It's ridiculous that they can't reach a peak, and they don't even have the ability to compete with him.

He looked up at the sky again, and there was another change beyond that solid protection, and most of his fleet was destroyed.

We need to get over this soon, he thought as he shook his left hand.

The three-color light of the infinite gem on the golden glove lighted up again, and the three colors gradually softened together into a dark color, and the light burst suddenly, like a cauldron turned upside down, and quickly swept around.

Just at this moment, a figure quietly appeared behind Thanos, and the two sharp blades looked extremely cold and shiny under the dark destructive light, and hit Thanos' back heart directly, icily stab out.

The surfaces of these two sharp blades glowed with traces of red light, and they were extremely hot, as if they would melt everything when touched.

The blade slowly appeared from the tip of the blade, and gradually appeared like a unveiling in the process of being pushed forward. Finally, a figure with a naked upper body appeared, with pale blond hair that seemed to have grown a lot, approaching the shoulders.

This person is Harry. He was fed up after absorbing the apocalypse. At this time, he should not be able to fully digest it, but after he inadvertently absorbed the power of the infinite gem, the large group of energy turned into filaments. It breaks down like rain, and it doesn't take long to be completely digested and absorbed. It's just different from expectations. These energy collections come from Tianqi, the first mutant in history. After being resolved as an intermediate medium, when it is fed back to Harry himself, there are not many complicated abilities, only one ability is left.

Apocalypse completely disappeared, and what he left behind really strengthened Harry enough. Although he ended up leaving only one ability that could not be used in battle, that powerful energy still made him stronger, at least his body After receiving the amount of Apocalypse, his mutant ability has been greatly improved. Several mutant abilities obtained by genetic technology are finally no longer bound by genetic technology after being fused with the energy of Apocalypse, even in the battle with Thanos It is estimated that it can also play a role.

But even so, he still chose the safest way.

Both Harry and Loki are sneak attacks, but Loki uses invisibility magic, while Harry uses space ability as a means of sneak attack.

But after all, both of them were sneak attacks, and it was a killing blow. Even though Harry appeared suddenly, he was discovered by Thanos the moment Harry appeared. He gave up the attack of the Infinity Gauntlet, and instead activated the Space Stone and disappeared in place in an instant.

It's just that Harry seemed to follow him like a shadow, and disappeared in place. The two cold light blades continued to push forward, and continued to stab Thanos in the back.

I saw the two people flickering and moving, and the people on the ground just came out of the dark colors, and I felt that the two people kept appearing, and the speed was beyond the intensity of visual capture.

People on the ground don't know the situation of the two of them, but Thanos, who has experienced it himself, knows it very well.The person who suddenly appeared behind him was like a tarsal maggot. Wherever he went, the person behind him would go, and the power of this person was obviously more flexible than the space stone on his glove, from the ground to the ground. In the sky, from the sky to the sea, even he has gone directly out of the protective range of the earth to the outer space, but this person is still able to keep up, and the blade pointing at his back is not affected at all. Getting closer and closer, the edge is on the back.

Returning to the chaotic city center again, Thanos finally couldn't bear this depressed feeling, and turned his body to one side vigorously, trying to avoid the vital points as much as possible, and at the same time turned around to fight back.

Even if you are injured, don't let the other party take advantage of it!
Harry Howe was not surprised by the opponent's actions, the determination and ruthlessness of this cosmic master were naturally extraordinary.

It's just that he obviously doesn't have the idea of ​​losing both sides with the other party.

The blades are still pushing forward, but the person holding the two knives has become blurred and flickering, as if they will disappear somewhere in the next moment.

When the cold air almost pierced the skin, Thanos finally dodged a little, and the Infinity Gauntlet clenched into a fist. The three-color light condensed into a dim light that only emerged on the surface of the fist, and slammed at the people behind him.

chi chi-

There were only two sounds of blades entering the flesh, followed by a muffled sound.

hum! ! !
Harry suddenly appeared on the ground and staggered a bit before stopping.

He is empty-handed, and the two sharp blades have naturally completed their functions, but the speed of Thanos is obviously beyond his imagination. Even if he teleports at the fastest speed, Thanos swings a heavy weapon with the power of three infinite gems. The strong friction generated by the punch also made his ears ring, which could not dissipate for a while.

He looked up, and saw that the clouds and mist dissipated in the sky in the direction of Thanos' fist, as if a tunnel had been opened, and at that high place, the wall of the steel fortress was directly torn open, under the muzzle of the space battleship The protective barriers, which were all safe and sound, were directly broken by Thanos' punch.

The reason why the defense of the steel barrier is strong is the steel connection points that can be adjusted automatically. The function of the connection points is not only an energy source that releases energy to form a shield, but also an indispensable part of the fortress. However, Thanos' punch is Annihilating the connection points, even if not many, is enough to open a way for the warships outside to enter.

The appearance of this road allowed the warships surrounding the earth to finally find a breakthrough, but just when they were about to enter here, a bright phoenix power directly destroyed the battleship with absolute destructive power, leaving only a piece of debris scattered.

And the road that was shot out was covered by the protective wall in an instant after that, and continued to perform the duty of protection, as if time went back to not so long ago, just like before.

The Time Stone was floating in Harry's palm, but the light seemed dim, so dim that it almost lost all its light.

"Infinity Gems!" Thanos suddenly turned his head to look at Harry on the ground, even though he had two sharp knives inserted into his body, and the wisps of strange power entwined on the knives were still swirling between his tough flesh and blood, Destroyed, but his joy was still palpable.

"Hey! This doesn't belong to you, and you don't belong here either." Harry sneered, but frowned, and glanced at the magical but sluggish gem in his hand.

Could it be that he absorbed too much energy inside?But it's ridiculous to think so. How could the Infinity Stones that have existed since the beginning of the universe become like this because of the influence of a mere human being? There must be other reasons.

But thinking about it now is not the right time, and he faintly feels that everything will be revealed next.

He suddenly grabbed the Time Stone, which seemed to have little energy left, and blocked the last rays of light.

"You don't know who you're fighting against, you ignorant little bug!" Thanos' face was expressionless, but even so his anger was evident, his scarlet eyes full of ruthlessness and tyrannical killing.

Strong muscles pushed the sharp blades inserted into the back out of the body one by one, and the dust fell from the sky to make a clanging sound. After the light of the Space Stone, a few wisps of phoenix power also dissipated with the wind.

"Well, I know you're definitely not a bug." Harry nodded, clenched his fists tightly, and provocatively said, "You big bug!"

The two strong winds collided suddenly, and a strong wave was violently blown away, instantly blowing away all the smoke and dust around.

Although the superheroes on the ground received serious injuries, they are still extremely strong. It's just that the terrifying battle environment where the sky is constantly thundering, shaking and even tearing the ground is obviously not something that can be expected for a long time.

"Wow! Harry is so powerful, I've never seen him so..." Tony Stark was lying on the ground wearing a half-damaged steel suit, his face full of surprise, but more of a surprise, at least the Earth There is one last guarantee.

"Yeah, stronger than Hulk." Captain America grabbed his ripped-off arm, and still insisted on stepping forward to help Tony Stark.

"I think we should get out of here quickly, instead of discussing whether I am not strong enough, and this is not something you should discuss." Bruce Banner wore only a pair of pants made of special materials, and walked around in the sky. Under the strong wind and huge waves that were stirred up, he barely got close to Tony Stark.

"Haha! That's right, Betty only knew about it." Tony Stark laughed loudly, talking dirty jokes regardless of time.

The corner of Banner's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "We should think about how to get out of here."

As he spoke, he looked at the sky and the city in the distance. The chaos and destruction were repeated, repeating, repeating, and repeating.

But at this moment, a road suddenly squeezed out of the chaotic smoke, and a figure appeared like a wind.

"Aha! Someone here seems to need help." The gray hair is not as dazzling as before, but it is no different from the only light for everyone.

"Of course, it's just to help." Kuaiyin smacked his lips and looked at the battle situation in the sky.

In the sky, two figures invisible to the naked eye flashed quickly after colliding, leaving only thin dark cracks densely covered in the sky like broken porcelain.

The earth is about to be torn apart!

(End of this chapter)

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