Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 326 Fort Defense

Chapter 326 Fort Defense
In Stark Tower, the crowd was crowded.

Everyone watched the real-time surveillance video of a street that Stark called out, and stared closely. Everyone looked solemn, and the atmosphere was very tense, as if frozen.

"That's him? He's really ugly." Tony Stark scratched his forehead, a little unable to bear the atmosphere, turned his head and walked towards Loki who was separated to the side and Thor, who was devastated, and said with a smile.

The Space Stone controls space. Even though Tony Stark has used a lot of black technology on his steel fortress, which can even block the influence of general space abilities, the universe is full of famous infinite gems called space. But it is not hindered by it, not to mention that the space stone's time on earth has already left too many traces again.

"It's him. He was the one behind my plan to introduce the Chitauri people to the earth." Loki's face was gloomy, his words were a little low, but trembling slightly, he snorted softly, looked away, and landed on Toto Er's body.

At this time, they came to Earth from Asgard within an hour, and his hand knife was not heavy. Thor woke up immediately and found that he was no longer in Asgard, and he naturally became irritable. But Loki didn't stop him, he just finished the story briefly, and then said what he could think of, about the current situation of Asgard, about the situation of Odin.

He doesn't tell Thor that he's moved most of his people to the Dark Realm, because there's really no need for that.

Thor, who was originally irritable, felt like he was struck by lightning after hearing this, and lost all his strength in an instant, and turned into a distraught look. Even Loki dragged him here when they came here.Of course, the two of them had been discovered when they first arrived on the earth. The fortress that Tony Stark was proud of did not play its due role. Tony Stark, who was struck by the fact that he wanted to act, found that these two Norse gods who were supposed to be in Asgard were actually coming in their direction.

This result is not surprising, but what is strange is that the person who made this decision seems to be Loki. The weird purple-skinned aliens appearing generously on the streets of the city instantly amplified the slight anxiety and turned it into a strong sense of crisis.

The news Loki brought was not very good. The fate of Asgard made them feel alarmed. Although they couldn't imagine the scene of the land of gods being destroyed, since they were called gods, they would inevitably usher in destruction. Don't imagine what will happen to the earth when this force comes to the earth.

Even with all the preparations done, the situation is still hopeless.

Looking at the surveillance screen, the alien walks on the street, it is obvious but the passers-by turn a blind eye to it. In such a weird scene, this alien visitor walks through the street with an admiring but indifferent gaze. In the streets, visiting this underdeveloped civilization, the indifferent attitude seems to be just a little gift from him before destroying this place.

"No!" The decadent Thor suddenly shouted, stood up and looked at the figure in the picture, with a tragic chill on his face, holding Thor's Hammer tightly in his hand, and said calmly: "My The country was destroyed by war, and I can't let this be destroyed again."

After finishing speaking, he sideways pushed away Loki who was trying to catch him, and broke out through the window. The direction he flew was obviously where Thanos was.

Loki's face changed again and again, frowning and hesitating for a moment, leaving only one sentence, and then followed Thor closely.

"I don't agree with Thor's idea, but now is indeed the moment to decide the fate of the earth." Loki's words have never been so indifferent, but these words are indeed directly printed in everyone's heart.

Yes, the war is coming after all, they have prepared a lot for it, and have thought about various plans in this short period of time, let’s say Tony Stark, if Ultron hadn’t taken away the design of the Iron Fortress , maybe his plan to die together has been secretly completed, but even various plans will finally start at this time, because this war has finally come.The fate of Asgard made them terrified, but they had no choice but to fight!war!war!
"That's right!" Captain America said from the silence. This spiritual leader will never succumb to any force, and there is nothing that can make him unable to stand up under pressure.

His face was still serious, but his expression was fearless. He looked at everyone, and everyone was attracted by Captain America's words.

Sweeping his eyes lightly, some of these people are his friends, and some are superheroes he has never seen or even heard of, but at this moment they are all gathered here, all for this earth He made up his mind about the crisis he was facing.This is destined to be a tragic war, but this is their choice.

"Although Loki used to be our enemy, what he said is not wrong. We have reached this moment." Everyone nodded in agreement with Captain America's words, and each of them understood that this was the beginning of the war and it was inevitable!
"So..." Captain America raised his voice, his whole body was filled with fearless sharpness, and the star shield was held high, reflecting golden brilliance under the sunlight entering through the window.

"We earthlings, never fear anyone, we! We will not admit defeat! We must win!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Just when Captain America eliminated everyone's hesitation after a call, the Iron Fortress finally ushered in its first test outside the earth.

Huge and dense cosmic battleships quickly flew out of the beams of the Rainbow Bridge, just like the colorful miracles when Thor came down to earth, but this time it was not Thor, and the battleships that were going to the earth did not inherit at all. Thor's chic.

The Rainbow Bridge is a bridge in space, but even if the distance between the two places is reduced, the distance still exists. At this time, between the reduced distance, a layer of natural obstacles directly blocks the bridge. Seeing the huge battleship directly crashing into the seemingly weak defense aggressively, he didn't pay attention to it at all, but just after that, this "weak" defense directly stopped the space-level battleship, without Any battleship that was closing in seemed to have encountered an impenetrable barrier, and broke in the blink of an eye, turning into a turbulent wave of fireworks.

The earth, the planet that was put in the safe, was suddenly dyed red in the sky, as dazzling as a flag waving when the trumpet sounded.

It all started!

The Steel Fortress was impacted, and Tony Stark was naturally aware of it at the first time. He squeezed through the crowd and immediately ran to the console to check the situation, and the result made him very happy.

"Haha! My research is really good!" He tapped the keyboard excitedly, the blueprint of the steel fortress appeared on the screen, and was hit and exploded. Not only was the fortress not damaged, but because of the way the fortress was built, The energy walls are completely connected together, becoming stronger.

"Can the fortress stop the attack of alien warships?" Captain America asked with a frown as he looked at the red dots constantly appearing outside the fortress in the screen.

"Of course." Tony Stark nodded confidently, and the facts proved this.He kept typing on the keyboard, as if he was sending some instructions, and suddenly grinned, with a nasty expression on his face, and tapped the final sending instruction, straightened up and looked at the blueprint on the screen with his arms folded. He smiled confidently: "In fact, we still have the power to fight back. It's time to show what Harry has provided."

As his words fell, the steel joints of the space fortress slowly opened, and within it, the small scarlet eyes of the special robot with weird shapes and long hands and feet flickered instantly, and it started directly.

Each of these sentinel robots is a different individual, and even the mutant genes they carry are different types, each with their own strengths, but even if the sentry robots can exert great power on the earth, what they have to face at this time is the universe after all. Battleships, the strength of force that the earth can't reach at all.Fortunately, the Sentinels are not really divided into individuals. Machines are machines after all. Although their programs enable them to fight independently, they are also an inseparable whole when they are combined.

I saw that these sentries started to attack immediately after starting up, and directly locked the enemy at first sight as the target of attack. The hot laser impact criss-crossed, and the attack was among the battleships, sending out a war between the earth and aliens. The first shot of human war.

The convenience given to Harry by Professor X enabled him to maximize the power of biological machines like Sentinels, with sharp attacks and invincible defenses. Play its powerful ability again.

Wolverine's sharp claws pierced the battleship, and the sentinel robot directly entered the interior of the battleship and began to wreak havoc. After a while, it destroyed a huge battleship and turned it into a pile of scrap metal, although they are relatively small compared to space battleships. It is too small, but it still plays a huge role.It was only after the Sentinel completed the act of destroying a warship with the cooperation of a clear division of labor, that these invading warships also began to react and launch a counterattack.

Although the sentry is strong, the space battleship is not just for decoration.The battleship's muzzle began to gather energy, aimed at the Sentinels who had just come out of the destroyed battleship, and fired loudly, instantly annihilating several Sentinel robots that could not avoid it, but the Sentinels would never back down, change Instead of attacking, they confronted again, but there were not many warships coming with the Rainbow Bridge. After all, there were too many things to plunder in the land of Asgard, and the earth was insignificant in their eyes. Don't pay attention to it, so that the few enemies and the sentinels who are good at guerrilla warfare are in a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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