Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 32 Controlling Electrical Energy

Chapter 32 Controlling Electrical Energy
Because the newly moved house is relatively remote, there are often problems with the Internet and electricity, sorry everyone.


After the matter was settled, Harry and Felicia returned to Osborne Mansion.

"Felicia, tell Max to come here," Harry said as he took the coffee from Felicia and sat down in front of the chair.

"Okay," Felicia replied, then turned and went out to make a phone call.

In the Osborne Building, Felicia is Harry's assistant. This is what she asked for, so although Harry thought about finding another assistant who was dedicated to pouring water and answering the phone, but also because of Felicia's insistence. And gave up.

After a while, Felicia came in with Max in a neat suit.

"Harry, what can you do with me?" Max asked, sitting opposite Harry.

"It's something," said Harry.

"Felicia, close the door," Harry waved to Felicia.

Felicia nodded and closed the door.

"Okay, actually I want to try this." Harry raised his hand, the palm rushed towards Max, and then grabbed it in the void.

“It can be a little uncomfortable“

"Hmm!" Max's body trembled suddenly, and the electric current in his body ran wildly on the surface of his body as if he couldn't control it.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Max's voice buzzed from the blue turbulence. He only felt that the electric energy that used to be very docile in front of him no longer listened to his words, but became very irritable. , If it wasn't for the body not feeling too much, he really felt that he had returned to the previous state of an ordinary person.

"Huh——" Harry put down his hand and exhaled. This ability called controlling electric energy really meant the literal meaning, control.

The blue turbulence slowly retracted into Max's body, and he closed his eyes contentedly.

"Cough cough cough" Harry coughed suddenly.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Felicia trotted towards Harry, and suddenly she coughed too.

"Oh! What's this smell?" Felicia frowned and said while covering her nose.

"It's ozone, caused by the current," Max said, and he has absorbed all the current that was floating outside back into his body.

Harry activated the indoor ventilation system on his desk.

"It's much better," Harry said to Felicia with a smile.

"Harry, what happened just now? My electric energy doesn't seem to obey my orders," Max said, looking at his hands.

"Is this the case again?" Max looked at the string of currents flowing between the palms of his hands, a little puzzled.He really felt that he could not control the electrical energy in his body before, but now he can control it freely.

"It's today's harvest." Harry raised his previous hand, electricity flowed back and forth between his five fingers, and he could even make various shapes.

"This is?" Felicia knew that Harry had never had this ability.

"The ability to control electricity from Victor von Doom," said Harry.

"Victor Doom?" Felicia asked in surprise. In Felicia's view, Victor was a loser, but he didn't expect him to have superpowers.

"Then you are so capable?" Felicia asked.

"That's what I'm capable of," Harry said with a smile.

"Victor, that is the self-made Victor von Doom, oh, his abilities seem to be stronger than mine." Max said disappointedly, although he was finally no longer ignored and looked down upon, but he became a superhero. Thoughts don't seem to go away, and he still finds time to be chivalrous.But now there is a person who is stronger than himself and can control electric energy.

"Max, you have to know that not everyone with great power will become a hero, only those who are kind-hearted will become heroes, and you are that kind of person." Seeing the loneliness on his face, Harry said hastily.

"Besides, this ability is not as strong as yours." Harry stood up, walked to Max, and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"The effect of this ability is basically the same as yours, but it can't control as much electricity as you. This ability is mainly reflected in the control," Harry explained.

"That's right," Max nodded.

"Okay, it's noon, are you going to eat?" Harry looked at Max and asked, Felicia naturally wanted to go.

"Ah, good..." Max glanced at Harry, and then at Felicia.

"I won't go, I still have work to do, you two go." Felicia glared at Max, and quickly changed his tone.

"Okay." Harry glanced at Felicia and didn't force Max.


In the afternoon, the military personnel that Harry had long forgotten came to Osborne Industry again, but Harry was not in Osborne again this time.

Inside Osborne's ancestral home.

"It's not bad here, Master Harry," said Butler Al, pointing to the large open space.

"Of course, good," said Harry.

This is the underground experiment site that Norman Osborn once dug, mainly for the test site prepared for the original spider venom serum transformation fighter.It is about [-] square meters in size, very empty, without too many facilities, only some old sports facilities in the corners.Overhead is a large piece of light tubes, high enough to be an underground basketball court.

"Al, does anyone here know?" Harry asked, he wanted to use this place as a place to test his abilities, and the less people knew about it, the better.

"This place was built by the master for the original experiment, but because the experimental product was destroyed, this place was abandoned. If you didn't want to dig the basement, I would have forgotten this place, so only I know about it." Old Al thought for a while He said that he had always been Norman's most trusted person before, so he knew a lot of things.

"That's the best way," Harry said, looking at Felicia, who looked extraordinarily tall in a black tracksuit.

"Yeah." Felicia nodded.In fact, it was a bit too big to use this as a training room, but as long as Harry was happy, she was all right.

"Master, then I will work first." Old Al smiled when he saw this, and then said.

"Yeah," Harry replied back.

Old Al was gone, and Harry turned on the system.

"Acquire Susan Storm's invisible position ability," Harry said to the system.

"Ding Dong"

"Successful acquisition, the current remaining points are 25"

"There are almost no points, this is really annoying," Harry thought to himself.

However, the idea of ​​experimenting with new abilities suppressed this concern for the time being.

"Felicia, step aside first," Harry said to Felicia.

"Yeah." Felicia obediently ran aside.

Harry clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and quietly felt the invisible position.

Felicia watched Harry rise little by little, his feet lifted off the ground, and couldn't help but make a sound.


"Huh?" Harry opened his eyes and found himself floating in the air.

"I'm flying?" Harry raised his feet and looked down in surprise.

"Yes, Harry, what's going on here?" Felicia asked, she had roughly guessed that Harry had some kind of ability to obtain other people's abilities.

"It's Susan Storm's invisible position" Harry landed slowly.

"It can pull objects, and it can also be used as a protective shield, which is a very good ability," Harry explained.

"That's it." Felicia nodded, then suddenly kicked Harry sideways.

"Felicia, you sneak attack!" Harry screamed and retreated to dodge the kick.

"Anyway, you have Susan's ability to protect yourself. What's wrong with letting me kick you?" She turned around and kicked sideways, and continued to hit Harry.

"Okay, if you want to play, I'll accompany you." Harry shook his head and smiled, jumped high and jumped over Felicia's head.

(End of this chapter)

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