Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 306 The Cards in Hand

Chapter 306 The Cards in Hand
"I need these sentries." Harry looked at Dr. Carl and said incredulously.

Dr. Carl opened his mouth slightly when he heard the words, as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw Harry's expression that it was almost impossible to negotiate, he sighed and spoke slowly.

"I have already evaluated the original capabilities of the sentinel robot, and I also fused the genes you gave with the sentinel, which went very smoothly." Dr. Carl said, walked up to a sentinel, and stretched out his palm Gently touching the unique skin texture of the Sentinels, "These Sentinels were actually only elementary products before. Although the technology used in them was very advanced, they had not fully developed their power. After testing, Sentinel's The ability has been completely mastered by me. Except for the most basic flight, the other abilities are not particularly powerful, but they are really powerful when combined. All the adjusted Sentinels now have Wolverine Self-healing ability, after all, is a product of biotechnology. Although this ability cannot truly regenerate residual limbs, it will also allow sentries to continue to fight. In addition, laser shock waves can also be fused. This ability is the same as before. The ability to spray scorching sparks is smoothly integrated. The ice and flame of the Sentinel's body, because the simulated gene is used as the intermediate connection, the rapid conversion will not cause self-destruction problems, and the metallization is to allow it to have It has an extremely powerful defense, hehe! In fact, even if the defense is broken, it still has the self-healing ability to recover quickly, so it’s not a problem at all.”

Dr. Carl breathed a sigh of relief, watched Harry's face gradually calm down, and continued: "Besides, Sentinel's melee ability is also completely top-notch, except for the stand-alone intelligent program that can calculate the enemy's attack habits and fighting skills. In addition, Sentinel itself can also make its body into a weapon through simulation. This has been done before. Although the simulated sharp blade cannot be as hard and sharp as Adamantium alloy, it is still sufficient for use. The sentinel machine is actually an invincible weapon.”

As he said that, a bit of bitterness appeared on Dr. Carl's old face, because just as he was introducing it to Harry, he finally realized what a dangerous thing he had made.

It's just that Harry is still not satisfied with this.

Now he doesn't need a powerful machine. No matter how powerful the weapon against mutants developed with mutant genes is, it won't crush them. What's more, this is not an ordinary mutant. It is the strongest among mutants, even characters like Magneto and Professor X are not strong opponents, Apocalypse.

He also doesn't need the mighty power of the Sentinels, he's concerned with other things.

"These are not important. I don't need many sentries. Now I want to know whether the machine is installed in the sentries. This is the key thing." Harry shook his head.

Dr. Carl was taken aback, then smiled: "Oh! You should have said it earlier."

Harry was taken aback by this smile, and then joy appeared on his face: "Could it be that you have finished it?"

Dr. Carl did not speak, and nodded directly. Although the sentinel will fail when it is turned on after installing that thing, there is nothing in the world that is absolutely perfect. God has seen it before. It is a man-made product. How could it be perfect.

Harry smiled, feeling a little relieved.No matter what kind of means he has, the best one can be effective after all. Facing the apocalypse, he has no idea of ​​being able to defeat it directly, so even if he has a trump card in his hand, it is not too big. His confidence can handle it, but now, he has two cards.


Harry didn't take away many sentries. In fact, there weren't too many sentinels installed with that thing, but it was enough.

Back at the Osborne Building, Harry greeted Felicia and went directly to meet Scott and the mutants.

"Mr. Osborne, how is the professor?" Cyclops asked anxiously seeing Harry.

Harry shook his head, expressing that he was fine, and immediately stopped him when he saw what he wanted to say, and said, "Don't worry about the professor, what I want to talk about now is about the person who attacked you."

Several important members of the X-Men immediately stopped their urge to speak, but Quicksilver rushed out from the Scarlet Witch, stood in front of Harry, and said with a troubled expression: "Charles has already said But let us listen to you, I have no problem with this, but I want to ask you, the old man, will he be okay."

This middle-aged handsome guy with a vicissitudes of life is really full of entangled emotions for that father. When he was young, he was told by his mother that he was an orphan, but because of a series of coincidences, he met his father again later, but the encounter did not happen. He didn't bring him the long-awaited fatherly love. The tragedy of his sister reminded him all the time that his father was a bastard who didn't regret his death, but even so he couldn't deny the other party's contribution to the mutant race. It can be said that In the face of Magneto, Kuaiyin has always been firmly bound by the unforgivable things he did to his sister and his yearning for such a father, but now his father is no longer As domineering and tough as before, he has changed, at least he has become like a father, and he knows how to care for his children. Everything needs a good start. For him, although this came a bit late, it still came after all. up.

But!At this moment, his father was actually taken away by a monster that came out of nowhere. How could this make him not anxious?Although he didn't show it at this time, his tangled expression also proved this point.

Just after Quicksilver flashed in front of Harry, the Scarlet Witch, who had no obvious expression on her face, also came up without saying a word, and looked at Harry with her two beautiful and clear eyes without moving her eyes.

Seeing this, Harry smiled wryly: "Don't worry, he will be fine. Apocalypse just needs them as helpers and won't hurt them, but he won't let him be safe at all, but don't worry, he can be rescued of."

After Kuaiyin heard this, he felt relieved and returned to his seat with Scarlet Witch.

"Okay, let's talk about the strategy against Apocalypse now."

And at this moment, the TV that was originally turned off on the wall was suddenly turned on for no reason, and then an indescribably strange face appeared on the screen.


(End of this chapter)

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