Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 304 The Progress of the Plan and the Sudden Accident

Chapter 304 The Progress of the Plan and the Sudden Accident

Regarding the issue of Ultron, in fact, everyone’s opinions still cannot be unified. Although due to various situations, Stark’s idea of ​​using Ultron can only be used as the final solution, but this is too risky after all. The risk is too great, people can't help but worry, so although they all agree with this risky plan, but they still have been chasing Ultron for this matter, but fortunately these people also understand the matter Although they are not satisfied with the form of development, they are very cooperative, and they have indeed played some roles in other matters.

The suddenness of the matter was surprising.

Just after the aftermath of the Civil War gradually subsided, the Stark Tower incident was pushed to the top again, and after Tony Stark's insincere and unbelievable statement that tried to suppress the wind, it was originally The dull New York City was overwhelmed by another breath.

The wave of superheroes that subsided after the civil war reappeared. Numerous superpowers often used Stark Tower as a transit point to enter and exit New York City, but it did not have the chaos and tension of the previous civil war. Although it was always uninterrupted, it still Very orderly, but this situation also shows something.

Stark seemed to have lost something, and it seemed to be very important, which caused the media to start a new round of speculation and compilation, all striving to come up with a story one step earlier than others.

It's just that the situation in the Stark Tower is busy and tense with the outside world, and there are not many people here at this time, and the only people here are actually watching TV programs!

At this time, there was an angry roar from the TV, and the weird-haired man loudly reprimanded the little spider for his crimes. Well, for John James, the little spider was indeed a sinful existence.

"Recently, this little reptile couldn't bear his young heart again. After being wounded in the civil war, the little reptile who had no news finally returned to this beautiful city amidst the explosion of Stark Tower, swinging His spider silk that no one cleaned up dangled and screamed over the city, completely breaking the tranquility of New York City! New Yorkers must pay attention! This bad guy who spins silk is back to ruin your life !..."

While smoking a cigar, James denounced the little spider's 'crime', babbling endlessly.

"Haha! Who said everyone loves Spider-Man, James never had any good opinion of Peter." Tony Stark watched the show, grinning loudly.

"It's just James. I think you are better, no! You are the complete opposite. I don't seem to have seen many good comments about you." Hawkeye leaned casually on the sofa and heard Tony Stark Immediately after the sound, he raised his eyebrows, curled his lips and turned his head with a disdainful smile.

"Hey! Gentlemen, I don't think this is the time to bicker." Feeling that Tony Stark still refuted, the Black Widow took a breath, looked away from the real-time video stolen from Stark, and turned around. While speaking, he raised his hands and then swung them down violently, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"No, no." Tony Stark stretched out his finger and shook it. With the other hand, he picked up a red apple on the coffee table, took a big bite, swallowed it with relish, and said very calmly: " All actions of Ultron have been completely controlled by us, and the smoke bomb plan is continuing. I believe that no matter how cunning Ultron is, it is impossible to know this situation. Stark's technology is not just saying Playing, um, what we have to do now is not to worry about it every day, and things are almost a foregone conclusion."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the screen that had been monitoring Ultron, and he was still amazed by Ultron's work efficiency.

"That's right, Natasha, don't worry about it." Hawkeye walked over, pressed Black Widow's shoulders and pushed her to the edge of the sofa, then pressed her hard on the sofa, circled around and came to Black Widow. In front of the widow, she folded her arms and said affirmatively: "Everything is under control, uh! Although the person who said this seems to have never been able to control anything, but now, that is the case." Hawkeye's mouth curled up. On that plane, Ultron's work is still very stable and fast, without any abnormalities.

Black Widow looked at the screen that she had been staring at for a long time, then looked at Tony Stark and Hawkeye who had determined expressions on their faces, finally exhaled, and leaned back on the soft sofa with a relaxed body , let out a long sigh of relief.

"Will it be so easy?" Natasha loosened her tightly locked brows, raised her head, and asked softly as if asking others and herself.

"Of course, everything has been carried out according to the arrangement, and it will definitely!" Tony Stark replied softly.

Seeing this, Hawkeye's originally indifferent face became a little more serious. Instead of answering the words of the two, he got up and poured himself a cup of hot coffee, threw a few cubes of sugar into it, and walked towards In front of the screen that was specially used to monitor Ultron, he pulled out the chair and sat up, staring straight at all the actions in the screen with a pair of sharp eyes.

It’s okay to relax, but plans are never perfect, and even when things are tilted for the better, prudence is still a must to keep things going according to plan.


But at this time, in the suburbs far away from the urban area, another scene appeared in the X Academy, a miserable and dilapidated scene that the academy had never seen since its establishment.

The only pure land of mutants, which was originally quiet and elegant, now seems to have been hit by a concentrated destruction at the military level, and the entire landscape has completely changed.

The house collapsed, the lawn was turned up, exposing fresh soil, the statue of the fountain had already been broken into stone slag, and the site used to store the jet plane collapsed directly, and some corners of the jet plane could be faintly seen in it .

Here, it looks like it has just experienced a magnitude [-] or [-] earthquake!

However, the gunpowder smoke hadn't dissipated yet, and a desolate atmosphere had already surrounded the manor with a long history, as if it had choked the throat that people depended on for survival, and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

In this dilapidated manor, a group of people stood on top of the debris, surrounding something in a vague circle.

But at this moment, Harry's figure suddenly appeared in front of the manor, his expression changed, and his figure flashed directly to the periphery of the crowd.

He kept pushing through the crowd, and finally saw the man in the middle, the old man with a weak breath...

(End of this chapter)

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