Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 286 Soul Gem

Chapter 286 Soul Gem
A bright and dazzling beam of golden light emitted directly from the sky, and pierced into the clouds in the sky with a bang.

Below, Professor X looked at the golden beam of light that suddenly appeared, his eyes were suddenly attracted, and he couldn't move away.In the eyes of others, the golden beams of light fell on his eyes, but it was another kind of astonishing situation, deep, ancient, but extremely flexible and familiar.

"This is spiritual power?! It has reached such a level!" He opened his eyes wide, startled and frightened, and murmured.

"What? Psychic power? Who is it? Can you do it to this extent?" By the side of Professor X, Magneto naturally heard Professor X's words. He was surprised and asked Professor X.Of course, he was completely unsure, after all, he had never seen Professor X use such a method.But when he looked at the golden beam of light, he frowned unconsciously, suddenly felt an inexplicable familiarity, and said, "Why do I feel this energy is familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Professor X was taken aback when he heard what his old friend said, but when he thought about it carefully, he immediately thought of why he was familiar, because it was not the first time, nor the second time, but the third time he had met this kind of thing. !

The same encounter with this one but with slight differences, the first time I saw it before the defense battle with the Chitauri in Manhattan, New York, the blue beam of energy shot straight into the sky, A big chrysanthemum opened directly in the sky, but the second time I saw it on the body of Magneto. Although Magneto didn't figure it out that time, it gave him the memory of the future and the mysterious piece of chrysanthemum. At this time, it was the third time they encountered this almost same power, both Professor X and Magneto felt a strong sense of crisis from somewhere.

Then, at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and with the bang, a strangely shaped plane gradually revealed its shape under the flickering of blue light waves.

The invisible aircraft was destroyed by a certain device inside to remove the invisible effect, which allowed everyone to discover that there was such a thing above their heads. Even Professor X was a little surprised, because even he Even with his mental strength, he didn't discover the situation in the sky, but at this time, he finally discovered where the golden beam of light came from just now. The coercive pressure produced a fierce air pressure, which directly tore the aircraft. The special material, the sudden beam of light came from the aircraft in the sky.

On the ground, Tony Stark, who was bound in a steel battle suit, looked up like everyone else unexpectedly, but when he saw the mighty golden beam of light, he was the only one Unique.

The pure and powerful spiritual power directly penetrated into his body, and at the same time, his thoughts suddenly froze, and then he seemed to turn on some kind of switch, and he wanted to do something completely regardless of anything, but he hadn't waited for him to do anything When there is any reaction, a quiet breaking sound is suddenly transmitted from the body, and then it is transmitted to every inch of bone, every inch of skin and flesh in the body. The release, even the brain and spirit are cool and refreshing.But of course, there are other situations besides the first time, that is, Tony Stark suddenly couldn't remember why he appeared here.

Ugh?What is this doing?Tony Stark looked around blankly, especially when the first thing he looked at in this situation was Captain America, the 'enemy'.

"Steve, where is this? Hey! Why are you staring at me?" Tony Stark looked at Captain America's small eyes, curled his lips, and said dissatisfied.

Captain America stared blankly at the kindness shown by Tony Stark, unable to turn his head temporarily, so he could only stare blankly at him.

And beside Captain America, Mister Fantastic looked at Tony Stark, who seemed to have changed into a different person, and was thoughtful. Although he didn't know the specific situation of Tony Stark now, what Harry said before It is after believing a small part and then believing a large part.

The beam of light in the sky pierced into the sky, but it did not open a big hole in the sky like when the Chitauri invaded. Instead, it continued to rise to a higher place, first crushing the clouds, and then breaking through Into the atmosphere, and finally do not know where to go.

It's just that this scene didn't last long, and everything before it was just because the golden energy was emitted too fast, and after a short time, the golden energy beam seemed to be pinched suddenly As if the source was cut off, it instantly dissipated in every space.

The aircraft in the air trembled violently again, and then there was a loud bang, and something was thrown out of the aircraft.

Looking closely, the person who was thrown out seemed to be a person, because the aircraft was originally high above the ground, but at this time he directly drew a slight arc and began to fall freely.

The people below don't know, so they don't know whether to catch the person who was thrown out suddenly, and the falling trend is too fast and strong, even if none of the people below are ordinary people, they can catch him. Not many caught it, but when everyone was hesitating, a figure suddenly rushed out and ran towards that person quickly.

The free blue theme, white stars, red and white striped loincloth, and the star shield on the man's hand directly exposed his identity, Captain America!

In the end, it was this eternal spiritual symbol who made the move without hesitation.

But it's really ironic that the person he rescued was his greatest enemy ever.

Seeing the running figure on the ground, Red Skull smiled wryly. He never thought that he would let his former opponent come to save him one day, but fortunately, he has not reached that point yet.

The Red Skull was falling at an accelerated rate. If he fell from a high altitude at such a speed, even though his body had been strengthened by the first-generation super soldier serum, he still had a life-saving thing in his hand.

The fall continued, and in the middle of the fall, the Red Skull's body was suddenly covered by a layer of golden energy, which continued to grow stronger.

Turn over!Accelerate and crash to the ground!
The violent air pressure directly lifted the Captain America who was running over, and the ground was hit hard, and a large spider web crater was formed in an instant.

In the center of the pit, a group of golden flames radiated light. After a while, the light subsided, and a figure kneeling on one knee appeared. The red head was as conspicuous as the golden gemstone in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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