Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 284 Sentinel

Chapter 284 Sentinel
"That's right! It's this thing!" Magneto said with chills in his eyes, looking at the strange robot that suddenly appeared, and said angrily.

Beside him, Professor X was taken aback when he heard the words, and then immediately fixed his eyes on the machines that didn't look very tall, but were very strange.

I saw that the shape of the robot was completely different from Tony Stark's creation. It was obviously two types of things. Its limbs were pointed and thin, and its whole body reflected sunlight like a sharp weapon. It looked abnormally cold, and it seemed that any light was difficult to penetrate Its body, and this abnormal coldness seemed to directly shine on everyone in the X-Men, as if they had encountered a natural enemy and panicked in their hearts.

Wolverine released his sharp claws and stared coldly. Cyclops also quietly put his hand on the regulator beside his ear. Storm's eyes turned white, her feet were off the ground and she looked up at the sky. Iceman's palm felt chilly. As if it was about to cause a severe cold, Colossus instantly turned into a warrior reflecting the alloy silver light, and all other members of the new X-Men or the older generation also appeared on these robots At that moment, he was on guard.

It's just that even if they made such a defensive posture, it was not enough in the eyes of Magneto, or in other words, no matter how they behaved as if they were facing an enemy, Magneto would not be at ease.

After all, this was a terrifying thing that once wiped out their race, and even almost wiped out the entire human race!

"Remind me! Don't underestimate these things! Otherwise, the consequences will not be the same as you in the training room!" Seeing their appearance, Magneto knew what they were thinking, and immediately shouted to everyone in a cold voice .

Because of his strange experience after experiencing Alcatraz, he attaches great importance to and fears what appears in his memory at this time, although he may be aware of it through the impression in his memory in the virtual battle room of X Academy The things that caused genocide were copied, and even during this period of time, the X-Men personnel were given simulated training. After hundreds of trainings, they also found some ways to deal with these sentries, but After all, it was just something he came up with, and there was still a huge gap between it and the reality. Besides, the Sentinel could obtain the mutant's ability by seizing the mutant's gene. Although some weird abilities could not be replicated, the ability to rely on the body was indeed all All of them may be obtained by the sentinel robot, which is what worries him.

"Cut! Are you that powerful? Haven't you been abused by me thousands of times." Wolverine glanced at Magneto, curled his lips, and said disdainfully.

Although Magneto said that he got the memory of his future self and was very powerless against the tragic future of the mutant race, his powerlessness obviously did not pass on to everyone, at least after the training in the simulation training room, They are not afraid of this kind of enemy at all, and they even feel a little eager to try.

"That's right, I don't think I can't deal with this thing." Iceman Bobby looked at the tall sentinel robots around him and said with bright eyes.

"Then what are you talking about? Come on!" Wolverine yelled, swung his arms, followed his side with sharp claws, and rushed out like flying under his feet.

Behind him, Bobby the Iceman waved his hand, and shot an ice cone directly at a sentinel robot, and rushed out after Wolverine.

"Hey! Wait!" Cyclops Scott saw the two rushing out and immediately wanted to stop them, but the two obviously ignored them.

After being in a coma for so long, the most prestige of the captain is really gone.

"Professor." The somewhat pitiful Cyclops turned to look at Professor X, asking what he meant.

"Let them go. After learning the lesson, they will naturally know how to restrain themselves. It's also just for us to see the power of the sentry." Magneto took the conversation and said with a cold snort, but even if he said this, there was something in the palm of his hand. He had already controlled the iron sand to stick to the ground and quietly crawled to the side of the two who rushed out, obviously ready to rescue the two at any time.

Professor X's spiritual power enveloped the audience, so he could naturally notice this. He secretly smiled at his old friend's pretentious gesture, and then nodded to Cyclops Scott, indicating that it doesn't matter.

However, Wolverine and Iceman Bobby, who rushed out, had already rushed to a sentinel robot at this time, and began the first confrontation between the mutants and the sentinel machine.

The two were about to rush in front of the robot before the sentinel robot responded, as if it hadn't expected to be attacked suddenly.

The sharp and sharp upper limbs stabbed out like a sharp sword, but Wolverine easily dodged it by leaning back. At the same time, the two pairs of sharp claws flashed coldly, and swung one left and one right, directly slashing at the sentinel's arms. On the legs, there was only a soft chirp, and the sharp Adamantium alloy directly cut off the sentry's legs, and fell down suddenly. Wolverine kicked his legs, and he rolled back and rode directly on the fallen sentry. He snorted and sneered, and inserted his two pairs of sharp claws into the torso of the sentinel robot, followed by a mess.

On the other side, Iceman Bobby's icicle directly hit the sentinel robot without any dodge, and then the coldness of his feet burst out instantly, turning into an ice tunnel to surround the sentinel robot, moving forward quickly, and at the same time, the ice erupted from both palms, Stepping on the ice road around the sentinel robot's ice road, ice kept coming out. After a while, the sentinel robot, which was just about to counterattack, had turned into a huge ice sculpture.

"It's really nothing!" The Iceman fell to the ground along the ice road, laughed, and then punched the sentinel robot ice sculpture. In his opinion, the next step was just like what he had experienced in the training room. The big ice cube was about to turn into ice slag because of the little power he exerted.

But the fact is that the situation did not develop as he thought at all!
Carrara! ! !
Iceman Bobby's fist hit the ice cube, and the ice cube was smashed into a crack, but that's all. It just opened a crack, but it didn't continue to shatter at all.

Iceman Bobby also felt something was wrong, the smile on his face froze, and then he immediately turned his head to look at the big ice cube beside him.

It's just that what greeted him was a quick and deadly stroke.


boom! ! !
At the moment when the sentinel robot that broke through the ice was about to cut the Iceman into two pieces, a layer of fine iron sand suddenly shot up from the ground, spiraled up and turned into a slender steel cocoon, enveloping the Iceman in the blink of an eye.

The sharp limbs scraped against the steel cocoon, making a toothache sound, but in the end it didn't break the protection, leaving only a deep white mark.The huge force sent it flying like a baseball, drew an arc in the air, hit the ground with a bang, and continued to hit a group of X-Men with unabated strength.

Magneto was expressionless. Seeing this, he immediately stretched out his hands, and the steel cocoon was immediately controlled by him and stopped in mid-air.

The invisible magnetic force passed through the steel cocoon, and the solid steel cocoon immediately turned into iron sand as if it had been weathered, and returned to Magneto's side and circled around.

"Hmph! Charles, take care of your students!" Magneto glanced at the blank Iceman Bobby, snorted coldly, and said to the bald head.

Professor X gave a helpless wry smile, and could only nod his head, then glanced at the sentinel robot strangely, as if he had thought of something.

At this time, Wolverine naturally also saw the situation where Bobby the Iceman was beaten into the air. After being slightly taken aback, he grinned, as if he had seen something funny, and then continued to sneer at his The sharp claws pierced into the sentinel's body.

Even at this time, he didn't pay too much attention to Sentinel, something that Magneto said could exterminate the mutant race. Regarding the situation of Iceman Bobby, he only regarded it as his carelessness and not using all his strength, but he did not care. You know, the sentinel robot is not as vulnerable as he thought.

At least he won't be able to stand in a daze without fighting back after being stabbed dozens of times by him, even the controller of the sentinel robot can't stand it anymore!

Just as Wolverine was still casually slicing open the sentry under his ass, the same pointed head of the sentinel robot suddenly made a 180-degree twist, and Wolverine was facing the sentry , naturally saw that at this time, he finally realized something was wrong, and wanted to withdraw, but at the moment he wanted to withdraw, the head of the sentinel robot suddenly opened its 'mouth' and said It was the mouth, in fact it was the head of unknown material a few inches below its two red eyes, it just opened a mouth suddenly, but in this opened mouth, a hot red energy suddenly gathered, Then launch it quickly.

Poor Wolverine is facing the other side. First, the inferior cigar he had been holding in his mouth was lit, but at the same time, it was burned to fly ash in an instant. Before Wolverine could take a puff, he was caught by that The scorching energy emitted from the mouth hit the head, and directly ate a mouthful of sparks.

"Is he okay?" Not far away, where the X-Men were standing, Cyclops' eyes twitched slightly as if he felt the pain, and he asked after a while.

"It doesn't matter, Logan has always been alive in the memory I got, um! It will be fine." Magneto immediately nodded and replied, and finally repeated his answer.

The Red Skull sat on the plane in the sky, looked down coldly, saw the behavior of the mutants, and smiled disdainfully in his heart.

But just when he was about to end this farce, he saw a familiar figure in the corner of his eye, the man with the national flag on his body.

"I didn't expect to have a chance to meet again, hehe, old rival." When Red Skull saw Captain America, there was a look of nostalgia in the corner of his eyes.

It's just that at this moment, a voice full of sarcasm sounded the next moment, making him feel like falling into an abyss.

"Yeah, we meet again, little ant, hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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