Chapter 280

"What on earth do you know?" Tony Stark's voice came out through the metal mask, and the electronic voice was filled with deep fear, which was very harsh to Harry's ears.

"What do you think I know?" Harry rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "You don't need to try, because it's useless. I know everything, and of course I know what's going on with you."

In fact, he really doesn't know much. He just combined the memories in his head and speculated about Tony Stark's strange behavior. A big but very difficult controller, as for the other things, he really doesn't know, but other things really have nothing to do with him.

"Hey! Go down first and talk later, okay? The situation below has been brought under control, and it's so uncomfortable to talk here!"

Not only is the sky high in the cold, but the oxygen is thin, and Harry, who is just a mortal body, can't bear this situation. Maybe Tony Stark has discovered the difference between him and the past, and the reason why he keeps attracting Harry Flying high is probably the idea.

Tony Stark didn't answer right away, seeming to mull over Harry's words.The purple man's control over him is different from other people. In the past, the purple man's ability to use other people directly controlled the other party's whole person. The other party's thinking was his thinking, and the other party's actions were all under the control of his words. The action is completely according to his wishes, but for a person like Tony Stark, if he only directly controls him without the other party's mind, then it is easy to arouse suspicion from others, especially in this world. There is no shortage of people with strange abilities, and sometimes many people will doubt a person because of an inexplicable prophecy.

The purple man's control over Tony Stark is not constant, not only because his ability cannot be detailed enough to plan Tony Stark's every word and deed, but also because he cannot Thinking about it, he couldn't control the entire organization of the Registration faction like he did.His control over Tony Stark is more like hinting at a unique command, building a large outline, allowing Tony Stark to form a weird biological clock, when he is faced with something. At that time, he first thought of the order the purple man gave him, and then the consequences of the matter itself. Besides, Tony Stark still retained his own thinking habits, which is precisely For this reason, Tony Stark's acting style is quite different from before, but traces of Tony Stark can be seen from it.

And this shows that Tony Stark has his own ideas. Although he is controlled by others, he still has his part, which means that he can communicate.

Regarding Harry's words, Tony Stark first judged whether there was a possibility that the opponent set a trap, obviously not, not to mention that the opponent seemed to be not as strong as before. Any traps from the other party, and because the matter is likely to be related to the person behind him, this also makes him have to take it seriously.

No words were spoken, but Tony Stark responded to Harry's proposal with action.

The repulsion generator under his feet adjusted the direction slightly, and the gold and red Iron Man flew directly downward. Harry didn't care, smiled slightly, and then teleported downward continuously.


"Hey old bald man, are you ready?"

"Mr. Osborne, you have really changed a lot."

"What's changed? I used to be like this too, but this is the first time I've said this name. Hey! He's about to go down. Can you help me with this?"

"Help, of course! But this matter has nothing to do with us. The X-Men don't want to offend anyone, especially the government."

"Cut! Got it, hurry up! Get ready!"


Tony Stark descended slowly, while constantly scanning all abnormal situations around him.Although he didn't think Harry would do anything again, he had to be prepared for any accidents.

At this time, the chaos below has been assessed.

Magneto held a large mass of tumbling mixed metal in his hands, and landed leisurely with a flat complexion. Looking back at the raging sea of ​​blood devouring before, at this time, it lost its previous glory, and fell to the ground with a splash, and then Absorbed by the land, only a little red remains.

The sea of ​​blood dissipated, and those who were bound by the sea of ​​blood before but had not yet been swallowed by it narrowly escaped from death, they all breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground, regardless of the soil soaked in blood on the ground making their clothes dirty. Dirty, they really don't need to think about it, they were all stained with that sticky feeling when they were trapped by the sea of ​​blood before, so they really don't have to worry about this residue.

But just when they breathed a sigh of relief for not losing their lives, Magneto slowly fell in front of them, and for a while, everyone withdrew their sigh of relief.

Magneto had already lost his strength in the Battle of Alcatraz, but the potion was only an inhibitor after all, and Magneto had a different transformation experience. At this time, he not only recovered his mutant ability, but also got his two A child's forgiveness.

It's just that few people know about these things, and even if someone knows about it, his identity as a terrorist is still frightening, especially for these superpowers who have joined the government's umbrella, let alone among them However, there are also many mutants.

Although they were very disturbed, Magneto glanced at them coldly, and then casually dropped the ball of fixed metal drawn from the sea of ​​blood in his hand. With a sound of collision, the metal ball smashed to the ground. Out of a big hole.

Magneto glanced again at the superpowers who were a little scared by his actions, then withdrew his gaze and looked into the sky.

Tony Stark's descent was slow, at least in comparison, Harry had already landed on the ground and looked up at him.

laugh! ! !
And just as Tony Stark was about to fall to the ground, a lightning-fast shock wave suddenly hit him from above his head, locking onto Tony Stark.

Even under the control of Jarvis, it is completely impossible to dodge under this sudden, rapid attack without any warning and without any reaction.

A layer of blue protective cover appeared on the steel armor, but this only prevented Tony Stark from being hit directly, but it could not prevent him from being slammed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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