Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 28 The best test subject

Chapter 28 The best test subject

Harry stepped into the middle of the dance floor and walked towards Felicia.At this time, Felicia was talking with two women and a man, and the woman standing with Felicia was particularly attractive.

Harry stepped forward and patted Felicia on the shoulder.

"Harry," Felicia said, turning her head.

"Yeah." Harry responded, putting his arm around her shoulders, and then looked at the woman in the long skirt.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Harry Osborne" Harry introduced himself with a smile and held out his other hand.

"I know you, Mr. Osborne. I'm Pep Potts, Mr. Stark's personal assistant." Pepper also said with a smile, while reaching out to hold Harry's hand.

"Oh, oh, oh, Pepper, your boss is here." Tony Stark suddenly appeared between the two and said dissatisfiedly, and at the same time pulled Harry's hand away from Pepper.And the man and woman who were still here wanting to talk to Harry before turned around and left when they saw Tony approaching.

"Tony! Why are you here?" Little Pepper said in surprise.

"This is my banquet, is it strange that I will come?" Tony Stark said strangely, spreading his hands.

"I just didn't think about it, but you scared my colleagues away!" Little Pepper said dissatisfiedly, but she didn't break free from Tony's grasped hand.

"Colleague?" Tony Stark raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, it's your subordinate," Little Pepper said helplessly.

Only then did Tony smile with satisfaction, and turned to look at Harry and Felicia.

"Hello, I'm Tony Stark, you should know me" he said arrogantly, of course, he always did.

"Yeah, billionaire, playboy, warmonger or pacifist, Tony Stark" Harry smiled back at his arrogance while quickly shaking the hand he was about to withdraw.

"Oh! You're so strong!" Tony said, freeing Harry's hand.

Feeling ashamed, he turned to Little Pepper and said, "Want to dance?"

"No." Pepper glanced at Harry and Felicia, and subconsciously refused.

"Come on." Tony pulled her to the side.

Pepper was pulled to the side, and at the same time smiled apologetically to Harry and the two.

"Oh! What an interesting guy," Harry laughed.

"Why can't I see it? He's just a rich playboy." Felicia looked at Harry suspiciously and said.

"Felicia" Harry looked at Felicia and said.

"What's wrong?" Felicia met Harry's light blue eyes.

"Want to dance?" Harry touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly: "However, I might step on your feet."

"Of course, I would." Felicia grabbed Harry's hand touching his nose, and said, "And I believe you will learn quickly. But have you done what you have done?"

Harry smiled even more, and said, "It's not important anymore."

He supported Felicia's waist with one hand, and grabbed her hand with the other, shaking with the music.

Perhaps Harry's body has been strengthened, and his coordination is beyond ordinary people. He didn't even step on Felicia once when the music stopped.


It was almost midnight after the party, and Harry drove a supercar for most of the afternoon when he came, and now he doesn't want to drive back.

"It's really nice here," Harry said in admiration, lying on the comfortable big bed in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Hotel.

"It seems that your life was not very happy before." Felicia came in from the door of the room wrapped in a bath towel, and said while wiping her hair.

"That's right." Harry propped his head up, lay on his side, lowered his head and said with a slight frown.

Whether it was the former Harry Osborn or the former self, life was not going well and unhappy, so Harry was telling the truth.

After hearing this, Felicia went to the edge of the bed and sat down, stroking Harry's face with her hand.

"I believe that the future life will be better than the past, at least I will be with you forever." Felicia finished speaking, then gently lowered her head to Harry's eyes and kissed him affectionately.

The bustling city, the night is charming, but Harry still thinks the woman in front of him is more charming, at least he doesn't have time to appreciate the charming night.


The next day, Harry and Felicia boarded the special plane sent by Osborne Industries, and naturally brought his car back with him.

The journey went smoothly without any accidents.


"I'll go down and have a look." Back in the office, Harry took off his coat and said to Felicia.

"Okay, I'll help you deal with the documents." Felicia put down the documents in her arms, and said helplessly to Harry's irresponsibility.

"Thank you," Harry laughed.


Boarding the elevator, Harry came to the underground laboratory.

"Hey, Doctor, Max, what are you doing?" Harry was taken aback when he saw the scene inside.

Dr. Carl and Shiny Max were staring closely at the big metal table in the center of the room.

"Hi, Harry" Max heard the sound and looked back at Harry.And Dr. Carl continued to stare at the table as if he didn't hear it.

"What happened to the doctor?" Harry asked as he walked to the table, and he looked over the table, where a thin metal vial was erected on it.

"Well, that's it," Max said helplessly.

Harry reached for the vial on the table, which caught Dr. Carl's attention.

"Oh, Harry, you're back." Dr. Carl looked at Harry and said.

"Is this made of that thing?" Harry shook the vial lightly, saw a stream of emerald green liquid from inside, and then asked Dr. Carl uncertainly.

"ding dong"

A crisp sound made Harry confirm his guess.

"An unowned item was detected - Hulk Enhanced Serum (20), would you like to convert it into points?"

"Yes, that's the one." Dr. Carl became interested as soon as he mentioned the contents of the vial.

"Did you know? The energy in that sample is too powerful. Both its survivability and adaptability are extraordinary. I have tried it, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary methods, even if Max uses his The electrical energy will also be quickly adapted by it," Dr. Karl said excitedly, waving his arms.

"This is serum, Doctor," said Harry.

"That's right," Dr. Carl said.

"What's the effect?" This is what Harry really cares about. If possible, he can directly try the effect of the serum. With a system in his body, he is definitely the best experimental subject.

"Basically, it is a function of strengthening the body, but it may also cause mental out-of-control like the original body," Dr. Carl said after thinking for a while.

"Is that so?" Harry put down the vial, found a chair to sit down, and thought carefully.

While there may be flaws, it is not impossible to succeed.So Harry still decided to give it a try, even if he failed, with the system in place, it would only wash away his existing physical enhancement obtained from the little spider.However, the system has already entered the ability of the little spider, so it will be fine to obtain it again, and it will not take much trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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