Chapter 267
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Everything came quietly.

Shortly after the registration faction and the anti-registration faction officially declared war, Minister Stark's methods suddenly escalated again.

In the past, superheroes or other superpowers fought because of registration laws or freedom issues. Although the winners and losers were obvious, they still belonged to human wars. But now, not long after, Stark is starting a war. Another struggle.

The registration party continued to attack and arrest the superpowers who evaded the registration act, but this time it was no longer as gentle as before. Well, compared to now, the previous behavior of just catching and throwing them into prison seems quite Be humane.

Overnight, Stark's robot army changed completely.The previous machine that looked similar to the steel suit seems to have been completely eliminated, but it has become an all-metal stance, with that crazy look, crimson eyesight, and behavior style that is very different from the previous machine army. It all explained one thing, Stark was already impatient.

Above the streets, the Ultron Mechanical Legion belonging to Tony Stark's pure metal color is constantly monitoring various situations.

The logo of the Avengers Alliance is painted on the chests of these machines, but what they do is completely opposite to what the Avengers Alliance should do.The Vengeance Alliance led by Stark is no longer a slogan of shouting: You come to hit me, I will revenge the alien invaders, and it is indeed a group of heroes who guard the earth. The violent wars and organizations that have swept across the entire world are no longer pure original intentions in any sense.

The Ultron robot seems to be born specifically for killing, and various detection devices are installed in it. Except for superheroes without superpowers, it is impossible for any superpower to get away under Ultron's monitoring. And Tony Stark, who has completely changed his style, gave the order to Ultron, the new killing machine, to be a direct massacre.

After the registration act was implemented, the registration faction has gathered a lot of superpowers who came to seek refuge, but for the huge number of superpowers in this world, these people are still a very small part, and at the same time Because of the anti-registration faction led by Captain America, the minds of many neutral superpowers are also in turmoil. For a while, the confrontation between the two parties has shown a state of stalemate. The fight is really the majority, which made Tony Stark very dissatisfied, so he began to force people to stand with others.

At this time, once there are superpowers on the street, and they are unregistered superpowers, Ultron will directly attack from the sky, even if there are ordinary people around them.

The battle between superpowers and robots will naturally be more intense than ordinary people's battles, so it is inevitable to cause losses to the surroundings and other things, and this is already called a rude behavior, but it has not been punished and bombarded by the public , it seems that the compensation from Tony Stark and his rhetoric of enduring temporary pain and building a completely safe society have convinced all supporters.

And only Tony Stark knows how good the public relations of the government departments are, and how stupid the people's blind obedience is.

Stark Building.

"Stark! What are you kidding! When did you come up with that kind of thing again? We don't know anything about it!" Mister Fantastic pointed to the scene of a group of Ultron robots besieging a superpower on the TV. In the chaotic picture, he yelled at Tony Stark loudly with an angry face.

As the captain of the Fantastic Four, he is united with Tony Stark only because Tony Stark's ideas are more suitable for his ideas and consistent concepts. He is a scientist, and he is not like Stark. With his own dependence, even if he inadvertently obtained superpowers, he never had the idea of ​​fighting against the national government.It's just that, Stark's behavior can be called terrorism, and the massacre in the street has nothing to do with the spirit of freedom in the United States.

However, Tony Stark's question to Mister Fantastic still maintained that indifferent look, without any touch.

He glanced at the TV report, and there was a blond reporter in it, who was full of grief and indignation, and loudly reprimanded the atrocities of the Ultron machine. He secretly remembered the woman's face and thought about it. Look away and look at Mister Fantastic.

"What's the matter? Reed, Ultron was originally my preparation, just like the clone you made, but the functions of the two are different." Tony Stark raised his eyebrows casually, and asked Mister Fantastic I didn't care at all, but said seriously: "The replica you developed is a powerful deterrent, and my Ultron Legion is a means of transition and advancement to advance the bill. After all, we can't maintain the previous one. Otherwise, we will fall into endless constraints and internal friction. I think that neither we nor Captain America want that kind of situation, so I can only be one step ahead, even if there are mistakes in this step. decision, but I don't regret it."

"But, but we don't necessarily need to do this." Mister Fantastic was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly began to think about the gains and losses before and after. He immediately felt that what Tony Stark said was right. Any one of the two parties benefits, it will only benefit others.It's just that he still can't accept Tony Stark's behavior, after all, it's a human life!
"If you don't do this! The damage will definitely be greater! At that time, it will no longer be just a few lives!" Tony Stark said coldly, and Mister Fantastic's body immediately trembled when he heard the words, he naturally understood the meaning of it mean.Then Tony Stark suddenly lowered his voice, became gentle and gentle, and said to the shaken Mister Fantastic: "You have to know, this is an opportunity, as long as we complete the strategy of the act, the strength of the earth will be more powerful." Going up to the next level, but this process must be very painful, I think you have already thought about the consequences when you just joined, and thought about what will happen today."

Mister Fantastic was completely relieved after hearing this. Although he is only a scientist and is not good at these strategies, it does not mean that he does not understand or understand. Stark's statement is indeed reasonable. It was the right thing to do, and even his brutality was meant to make things better.

"Oh! Well, I hope this situation won't last too long." Mister Fantastic said with a sigh.

"The Ultron Legion is my latest creation. They were born for this situation. I will strictly control its behavior to minimize damage." Tony Stark said.

"How many people do we have now, plus those who go out, there are some who can fight. With the recent appearance of Ultron, the deadlock has been completely broken. It will not take much time for Captain America and his rebels to fight. It will definitely go crazy under this situation. We must prepare for war now. Facing these people, Ultron alone can no longer affect the battle situation. After all, it is a machine, even if the equipment is powerful, it will have flaws .” Tony Stark analyzed the current situation and considered the upcoming war situation.Mister Fantastic naturally nodded in agreement.

"With the implementation of the bill, although the number of superpowers who choose to register is gradually decreasing, they have accumulated a certain number, but there are not many of them who are powerful and can fight the enemy head-on. Most of the superpowers What we have are just some low-level abilities that are weird but not very useful. In this respect, we have no way to compare with Captain America and the others. Although there are not many of them, they are all characters who can really go to the battlefield." Mister Fantastic After thinking about it, he replied helplessly.

Tony Stark frowned when he heard this.What Mr. Fantastic said is indeed true. Although they are following the righteousness of the country and the interests of the people, they cannot bear the fact that the tradition of superheroes has been completely out of step with the government since the beginning.

"Forget it, although we don't have many people, but we have a hole card that the enemy doesn't have, but let's call back our people stationed outside. We will talk about the superhero branch team later. The most important thing now is Captain America. .” Tony Stark finished, and then left here.Some things have made him very tired, and it's time to accept control again.

When Stark left, Mister Fantastic was a little distressed, not because of anything else, but because of the problem of summoning external players that Stark just said.Because of the fighting between the two sides and the accidental injury of Pilihuo, the two siblings, Susan and Pilihuo, left the Stark Tower directly. Although they did not directly express their opinions, they obviously had feelings for Tony Stark's various behaviors. Repulsion, now he wants to call him back, even if he is the captain of the Fantastic Four, it is difficult for him to influence Susan's choice.

At this time, Susan and Pilihuo, who were worried by Mister Fantastic, had already made a choice.

west coast.

The siblings disguised themselves and came to the base of the anti-registration faction.

"Is this really going to happen? Should we talk to Reed and Ben?" Thunderbolt with a bandage on his head followed his sister and asked hesitantly.

"No, Reed agrees with Stark's ideas very much, and Ben has always been a loyal supporter of Reed, even if I tell them, there will be no change." Susan looked at the situation in front of her. House, said lightly, there is no change in what Thunderbolt said.

Those who stand in line are not only those who have not yet made a choice, but also those who have done things that are inconsistent with their own beliefs.

Just like Susan.

(End of this chapter)

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