Chapter 265

The old home of the Osborne family.

When Felicia came back here again, what caught her eyes was the old house with a long history.

"Miss Hardy, did you go out just now?" Old Al came over on a scooter and asked kindly.

Old Al was trimming flowers and plants in the courtyard, but when he saw Felicia coming from the gate, he came over immediately.

The previous space tunnel was opened, and Harry was taken away from here in just a moment. Not to mention the old housekeeper, even those secret agents only monitored this situation through scientific instruments, and this space tunnel is very stable. There was no influence from the outside, except that Old Al was surprised that Felicia came back twice in a short period of time, but he didn't notice anything.

"Well, something happened." Felicia looked at her bare feet, and then said, "Ask someone to clean up the damage in the house. I have something to go back to Osborne Building."

After finishing speaking, she didn't stay any longer, and went directly to the garage to pick up a car, and then she was about to leave here.Although he didn't know much about the crimson energy that took him away at that time, the direction that the last energy flew was obviously the direction of the Osborne Building in New York.If Harry was sucked away by the space tunnel, then the only clue is the crimson energy.

Without stopping, she drove away from here directly.

At this moment, a silver-gray sports car drove towards Osborne's old house, and the two cars passed by.

The silver-gray sports car stopped suddenly, and it was Natasha who came to check the situation after opening the door.

"Hey! Miss Hardy! Wait a minute!" Although she passed by, Natasha still saw that the person in the other car was Felicia. When she came to check the situation, she naturally needed to ask the hostess. Knowing Harry's relationship with her, she immediately got out of the car and waved and shouted loudly.

It's just that this voice is irrelevant to Felicia who is anxious in her heart. The wheels turned quickly, and she had already left here in the blink of an eye.

Natasha frowned slightly, then thought about it.It seems that there is indeed something troublesome here.

After revealing her identity, Natasha easily entered Osborn's old house. After seeing the situation inside and going through some tests, Natasha thought about it and immediately connected to Stark Tower. channel.

"For whatever reason, Harry Osborn is missing!" Natasha said.

"Really? That's really a surprise, at least now we don't have to worry. Well! It's time to go further!" Stark said indifferently.


In a hidden cave in Europe.

The Red Skull stood on a high round platform, holding a strange scepter in his hand, and stood with his eyes closed.

A shining blue gem on the scepter exudes a faint light, bringing a touch of bright color to this dark cave.This scepter is Loki's spiritual scepter. The sapphire knight on the scepter is just a protective shell, and inside it is the real infinite gem-the mind stone.

At this time, it will break the cage in the hands of the Red Skull, and bloom that charming light.

A breeze came suddenly, and the red skull in military uniform on the high platform suddenly raised his head to look at the opening on the cave roof, opened his eyes, and shot out two rays of light, as if he saw something in the distance.

The scepter was just raised by him, and then swung down suddenly.

There was a soft 'pop', and then the whole cave was flooded with a yellow light, and at the source of that yellow light was a yellow gem floating freely in mid-air, the Mind Stone!
The Mind Stone just floated in front of the Red Skull, and the golden light covered his terrifying sunken face with a layer of golden yellow.

Red Skull's expression remained unchanged, as if he already knew the secret.He suddenly stretched out his hand and directly held the dazzling gemstone in his hand.

"Ah!!!" At the same time, a shrill scream came out of his mouth immediately.

I saw the red palm holding the Soul Stone tightly, but even so, the light came out from between his fingers, illuminating the walls of the cave, and the Soul Stone is one of the infinite gems after all. , even though they are different, they are not something a genetically modified person can easily hold empty-handed.

Almost at the moment when Red Skull's palm grasped the yellow gemstone, the yellow color of the gemstone directly attached to Red Skull's arm, and the rugged and spreading stripes quickly spread to other parts of Red Skull's body.

Infinity gems are the oldest treasures in the universe. When they gather together, their power will easily change everything in the universe. The power can be called the lord of the universe, and such a treasure, even if it is just an infinite gem When it exists alone, it cannot be underestimated, at least most people will die if they touch it.

However, the Red Skull, who has already experienced great pain, is no longer an ordinary person, and it is not the first time he has come into contact with the Infinity Stones. The first time he touched the Infinity Stones with his own hands, an accident happened. After that, he experienced such a terrible suffering, but this was the second time. Even if he was still inexperienced, he would not be as powerless as before. Besides, he still had a strong will that had been tempered.

"Ah! Give me the strength to shrink, my path is not going to be broken halfway under my own things!"

The Red Skull roared with a ferocious face, but under his efforts, the results were remarkable.The veins of power that the Mind Stone stretched towards his body suddenly vibrated, and after struggling for a moment, it shrank back into the Infinity Stone at a faster speed.

"Whew! Whew!" Everything settled down, and the Red Skull suddenly seemed to have no strength. He knelt down on one knee, breathing heavily, sweat pouring down like rain, and the inch under his feet was covered with water.

It's just that he hasn't rested immediately, because he still has something to do.

Barely propping up his body, this time he directly closed his eyes, and the moment he closed his eyes, the yellow gemstone in his hand suddenly formed a beam of light, which went straight into the sky through the hole above his head.


water World.

The erosive particles of the human figure kept attacking the city, attacking the depths of Harry's soul, but Harry had already exposed his lies, and his understanding of himself was completely complete. The means were no longer able to make Harry feel any fear.

In fact, the encroachment speed of those particles is not as fast as in the illusion. Under Harry's conscious repulsion, the particle's forward speed can be called a turtle speed. Although it moves forward step by step, it must be a long process. .

"You shouldn't have done this. Although you saw through my plan, you only slowed down the process, because the breath I left has already controlled everything about you, and everything about you belongs to you." My, I just didn't want you to suffer the pain of being crushed slowly." The figure said in an indifferent voice in Harry's mind.

The situation was indeed as he said, although Harry's soul was not easily taken away as the figure thought, on the contrary, he consciously rejected him, but after all, Harry had already fallen into the web he woven, and all his power It was all brought by his aura, even if he resisted, it would have no effect, erosion would inevitably assimilate him little by little until he was completely taken away.

"I know, I didn't intend to stop you through such a method." Harry replied, and then remained silent, just continuing his preparation secretly.

Across the distance of time and space, the spiritual power followed the trace left behind to trace which mark was left behind.Most of Harry's abilities were obtained through that golden finger, and among these abilities, the only difference is mental power, which belongs to Harry subjectively, and it can be regarded as something that truly belongs to Harry himself.

Harry's successor is to imitate Professor X's rebirth through spiritual replacement, and from this point of view, Harry still has a little similarity with this so-called "creator", and even the successors left behind have many Big similarities.

It's just that the sneer in the next sentence made Harry suddenly startled.

"Hey! What are you doing? Perceive the traces you left on the earth? Haha! Although I have never felt the powerful and old emotional power of the Phoenix Force, but as I invaded you, I have already Gradually, I know all your thoughts, including your mutant gene clone made out of inexplicable panic." The sneer of the figure made the tentative Harry suddenly startled, and his flexible and invisible mental power immediately stagnated.

But at the moment when panic suddenly appeared in Harry's heart, the figure directly seized this opportunity, and countless encroaching particles quickly attacked Harry's spirit, and soon pushed Harry into a desperate situation.

"Haha! You are my means! It is impossible to escape from my control after all!" The figure laughed loudly, and was about to take the final step to completely get everything about Harry.

And at the moment when Harry was about to despair, a wave of yellow energy suddenly fell from the sky onto Harry's body, and the aggressive and powerful spiritual power made the figure's movements immediately stagnate, and he was suddenly suppressed for a moment.

It's just that it came through the space after all, even if it was the power from the Soul Stone, it could only do so.

"Who is it!? Huh? It's you, an ant!" 'Harry' gritted his teeth and raised his head, his eyes gleamed with strange brilliance, as if he had directly seen the person behind him through that power, and this person seemed to have had some touch.

The golden power of mind lasted for a moment, as if realizing that it could not have much influence on 'Harry', the yellow light suddenly changed, blowing on Harry's body, it seemed that something was taken away, and then directly to the sky retracted.

"Bastard! No!" 'Harry' looked at the faint yellow trace in the sky and roared angrily, but even though he was roaring loudly, there was no way to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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