Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 26 The Return of the Missing Person

Chapter 26 The Return of the Missing Person
The green giant's body was full of scars, and the bulging green muscles were black and patchy, but this did not make him weak, but made him look more powerful and violent.

Seeing the big green man rushing over suddenly, Harry didn't care about pulling Betty Ross onto the flying skateboard, and controlled the flying skateboard to go up with all his strength.

But the next moment Harry knew it was all futile.

During the time when the miserable-looking Hulk was leaping in the air, the skin of his whole body had healed and remained intact. Harry could clearly see it, because the Hulk had already jumped to his feet.

He roared, and grabbed Betty Ross with his huge palm, and at the same time, with the other hand, he slammed the flying skateboard and Harry over with his palm.

Harry squatted down, tightly grasped the flying skateboard, and flipped around in the air for more than [-] laps before he managed to stabilize.

"Dr. Carl is busy this time." Harry looked at the flying skateboard that was almost filmed and said to himself.

As Harry fell, his eyes swept around, and he didn't stop until he saw the sturdy green figure.The green giant jumped high, then fell quickly, and disappeared into the building complex after a few consecutive hits, disappearing from Harry's eyes.

General Ross got down from the command vehicle at this time, and walked towards Harry with a face full of anger.

"Mr. Osborne, he took my daughter..."

"Yes, General, your daughter was taken away by him." Harry directly interrupted General Ross's angry words and said bluntly.

"But what's the matter? There is nothing about your daughter in our deal. Besides, you didn't let me get what you promised to give me before, and you also let me damage a flying skateboard worth tens of millions of dollars." Harry walked away When he came to General Ross, he said rudely to his gaze.

After Harry finished speaking, he stepped on the flying skateboard and flew directly in the direction he came. When he skipped the destroyed lawn, a red dot on the map displayed in the mask suddenly flashed.


Hearing this soft sound, the corners of Harry's mouth under the mask instantly curved.

"Got it," Harry thought, and then went straight to the sky.

"Bastard!" General Ross slammed his fist on the command vehicle, cursing with a livid face.The soldiers who came to report the casualties in fright did not dare to speak.

The originally strict and compact plan failed to achieve the goal at all, and as a result, not only suffered heavy casualties, but even his own daughter was taken away by that monster.General Ross added another point grudge against the green monster.


The speed of the damaged flying skateboard was severely affected, and it took Harry three times as long to come back as it took to go.

Harry entered the secret passage leading directly to the underground laboratory in the Osborne Building.

"Bang" the flying skateboard landed with a muffled sound, but the flying skateboard still didn't stop, followed by another sharp rubbing sound.

Seeing this, Harry immediately jumped up from the flying skateboard and stuck to the roof.


Finally, the flying skateboard hit the big metal table in the middle of the laboratory and stopped, but the flying skateboard was completely broken in two.

Harry let go of the electrostatic attraction, fell to the ground, and walked towards the broken flying skateboard.

"Harry" Dr. Carl came out of his laboratory when he heard the sound, saw Harry, and rushed to meet him.

"Harry, have you got the giant sample?" Dr. Carl asked eagerly, grabbing Harry's arm.

"Of course" Harry said, pointing to the broken flying skateboard.

The Shining Blade was made by Dr. Carl, so he naturally knew what Harry was referring to.He came to the flying skateboard, turned one of them over, and a broken knife was firmly sucked on it.

"Fortunately, you designed positioning and magnetic recovery on it, otherwise this sample would have been destroyed in the fire." Harry said to Dr. Carl while opening the armor post on the ceiling.

Dr. Carl doesn't care what Harry is talking about. Ever since he read the documents Harry gave him about the Hulk, he has always wanted to study what kind of experimental mutation led to a bookish university professor. Transformed into a green savage giant.

"Doctor, you can use this sample as a research, don't use it for any human experiments." Harry took off his armor, but saw Dr. Carl's crazy look, and quickly reminded him that he knew that Hulk's blood was How dangerous and powerful.

"I know." Dr. Carl looked away from the blood in the hilt to look at Harry.

"I'm just a scientist, or a scholar. All I pursue in this world is knowledge." Dr. Carl took out the Hulk's blood from the handle, and joked to Harry, "I'm not a crazy scientist. "

"Okay," Harry said.


Harry took the elevator back to the office, but saw that Felicia was looking at the documents, and he leaned on the door to watch her without disturbing her.

After a while, Felicia finally finished approving the documents, stretched her hands with fingers crossed, and found Harry at the door.

"Harry, when did you get back?" She put her hands down and walked around the desk to Harry.

"I just came back, I didn't mean to be lazy." Harry laughed, raising his arms to embrace Felicia.

Felicia was held in his arms, but his hands were touching Harry's body. After repeated inspections, he was finally relieved when he knew that he was not injured.

"You're fine, that's great," Felicia said with a slightly crying tone.She herself is not the kind of woman who likes to be stimulated. She became a thief in the past only because Jin He held her father's life. Ever since she knew that her father was dead, she only wanted to live a stable life.Harry gave her a warm feeling, maybe it was because Harry helped her, maybe it was just because of that inexplicable feeling, in short, she just wanted Harry to be safe.

"I'll be fine," Harry said with certainty, tightening his arms.

"Yes," Felicia replied lightly.

At this moment, Harry's stomach growled suddenly, breaking the warm scene.

"Hehe" Felicia smiled and pushed Harry away.

"Let's go eat. You left without eating anything in the morning. Now you know what it's like to be hungry." Felicia wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile.

"Well" Harry thinks it's really a good thing to have a woman who cares about you.


In order to fill his stomach, Harry drove Felicia to find a Chinese restaurant. Harry missed Chinese food a lot, and Felicia was curious, so the two came to the famous Chinatown.

Because of Harry's standard Chinese, he finally got the restaurant owner to cook some standard Chinese dishes for the two of them.


"How about it, isn't it good?" Harry wiped the corner of his mouth and said to Felicia.

"It's really great, I've never eaten such a delicious Chinese food." Felicia put down her fork and said in admiration.

"That's because you used to eat impure," Harry said.

"Okay, Harry, I'm full. Let's go back to the company, there are still many things you need to deal with," Felicia said, getting up.

"Okay," said Harry.


"Are there a lot of things to deal with recently?" Harry asked Felicia while driving the car. During the few days when Felicia was away, Harry did all the company's affairs himself, and there were not many. After all, Osborn is a huge group, and the work is distributed layer by layer. In the end, there are not many decisions that require him to make decisions.

"Isn't it because your identity was exposed?" Felicia gave Harry a blank look.

"What does this have to do with the increase in company affairs?" Harry felt wronged and authentic.

"It's your armor suit and flying skateboard. People from the military are here again today."

"Didn't I explicitly deny it?"

"This is again because of what happened in the morning. The missing Stark Industries playboy came back. He held a press conference and said that he would shut down Stark's weapons department. This move shocked the military, so you rejected it. They're back, and this time a little tougher," Felicia explained.

"Tony Stark?" Harry asked.

"That's him," Felicia replied.

"It's him..." Harry was very interested in the future Iron Man, or in his iron suit, so he wanted to meet him.

"Have we received an invitation for tonight?" Harry recalled the plot of Iron Man.

"Huh?" Felicia looked at Harry puzzled, Felicia knew that he never liked any invitations.

But seeing Harry didn't want to say anything, Felicia stopped asking.

"There's only one today. It's in California, and it's too far away from New York, so I'll send it back to you. It's a charity performance for the Firefighters' Family Fund in Los Angeles. What, are you going?" Felicia said.

"Yes" Harry said, as he thought, it's a good thing there is, otherwise it will take some effort, although it won't be too much trouble, but the less trouble the better.

"What about the military representative?" Felicia asked.

"I think" Harry turned the car abruptly and continued to Felicia, "They won't mind waiting until tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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