Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 254 Goal

Chapter 254 Goal
Iron Man flew into the sky above the base, and several bright blue energy cannons were fired suddenly, and the blue energy shot out, attacking him, but Iron Man's intelligent system Jarvis had already slightly produced some wisdom and With the superintelligence of thinking, under the powerful computing power, the gold and red steel suit accelerated, decelerated, rose, and lowered in the air. Even though the blue energy light shot close to Iron Man, it didn't hurt him at all.

It's just that this kind of offensive defense also prevented Tony Stark from getting close to the base at all, so he could only dodge in the air, except for resisting a few waves of blows and rushing in.

And just as Tony Stark was attracting attention in the air, Captain America had quietly bypassed the battlefield and came under the base.

"This is the track?" Steve Rogers looked at the tunnel ahead and frowned.But continue to walk forward and want to enter the base. For him who can't fly, this is the only way.


Just as Captain America was walking forward, a breeze suddenly gushed out of the tunnel.

Although Steve Rogers felt a little danger, it was too late to resist. He only felt a blow to his lower abdomen, and then he was knocked over by a huge force. When he landed, he immediately squatted down and held the shield in front of him.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, but there were only trees and fallen leaves everywhere, without any traces at all.After waiting for a while, the attacker still didn't appear. It seemed that he just hit him casually, so he stood up.

"Attention all personnel, someone with superpowers has entered the battlefield, suspected of being a high-speed person." Pressing the headset, Steve Rogers said.

After speaking, Steve Rogers continued to run inside.

No matter what Tony Stark's goal is, he has to understand it, and this time it is not cooperation at all, they are obviously being used, which makes Steve Rogers very uncomfortable.Originally, he hoped to bring the viewpoints of the two parties closer through this cooperation, even if they could not be unified, they should not confront each other, and before that, he felt that since Tony Stark would have a tendency to cooperate, then he obviously would also He didn't want to start a war, but he obviously let him down, because Tony Stark didn't have that idea in the first place, and even this cooperation was fake.

Strucker is one of the supreme leaders of Hydra. He was already famous on the battlefield during World War II, and now after years of accumulation, his troops must be indispensable, but to his surprise, when he After breaking into the base, except for a few miscellaneous soldiers, there were not many people at all.

He searched quickly in the base, but couldn't find any trace at all.

Walking through a long staircase, the sunlight poured in ahead, and it finally became much more spacious.And after entering there, a large open secret passage was on one side of the wall. After thinking about it, he still walked in.

It's a basement-like secret place, and there are some things here that are clearly the real secrets.

"This is?!" Turning his head, Steve Rogers' eyes froze for a moment, and he continued to look up in a daze, before finally taking this thing into his eyes, and it filled his sight.

"Chitauri?" Seeing the familiar aliens, he immediately understood the source of the weapons used by the Hydra soldiers who came outside.


Just as Steve Rogers continued to look around, hoping to find a target that was suspected to be Tony Stark, the basement suddenly shook as if it had been hit hard, and gravel and smoke exploded, and the stone wall above his head A huge hole was directly smashed out, allowing the light from the outside to project in.

Steve Rogers swept his vision slightly, and saw the debris that caused the explosion and the hole in the top of his head. It turned out to be a modified alien energy cannon installed by Hydra outside. He shook his head, he As soon as he stabilized his body, a person wearing this Hydra costume was thrown from the air. Perhaps the height of the fall was too high, and it immediately became a mess after landing.

"Why are you here?" The cool gold and red iron man faced the ground with his hands, and the repulsion generators under his palms and feet brought Tony Stark down from the sky slowly, but when he saw the people inside , immediately frowned, and his complexion became much uglier.

"Jarvis, search for the target item." Tony Stark gave an order to his intelligent system, while paying attention to Captain America who was holding a shield in front of him for defense.

"Why did you come here again? I remember this is a cooperation to exterminate Hydra!" Steve Rogers also had an ugly face, his voice was low, and his eyes were fixed on Tony Stark's cold face. Golden mask.

"Sorry sir, no trace of the target item was found, but according to the energy remnants here, it means that the target item was removed within 10 minutes." At this time, Jarvis's strangely magnetic voice sounded from inside the steel suit , passed to Tony Stark's ears.

Tony Stark's gaze suddenly became sharp, and fell straight on Captain America.

"Where is the thing? Hand it over, or you will add one more crime to the anti-registration faction." Tony Stark was obviously not in a good mood, because when he said this, he had already put the The energy cannon was aimed at Captain America, and judging from how bright and dazzling it was, it was obviously operating at full capacity.

"Something? What is it? Is it something you used to cover up under the pretext of cooperation?" The two people's ideas are already at odds, and with Tony Stark's deceit now, the conflict is inevitable, and Captain America has never They all faced difficulties, clenched their fists in one hand and raised their shields in the other. Their faces were as strong and unyielding as rocks. Although the words were asking questions, they obviously didn't expect to get an answer, but were ready to fight.

"Where is Loki's scepter? Where did you hide it? My information is infallible, and there is obviously still that kind of energy fluctuation in this room, now! Hand it over! Do you know! You You're making a mistake!" Tony Stark became more and more impatient, his tone became more and more serious, and in the end he even stopped every word.

Although the source of the intelligence cannot be revealed on the bright side, according to Jarvis's scan, there is nothing wrong with Loki's scepter here, and before he came, there was only Captain America alone at the scene. Naturally, only he can explain it.

"Loki's scepter?" Steve Rogers was taken aback when he heard the words, but immediately realized that after the New York War, Loki's scepter was kept by S.H.I.E.L.D., but at that time S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no secret about the infiltration of the snake organization. The scepter that should have been kept by SHIELD naturally fell into the hands of Hydra. It is naturally not impossible to get the scepter after the bureau is disbanded, but judging from Tony Stark's tone, the scepter, which he thought was Loki's weapon, obviously has functions that he doesn't know about.

"Stop pretending, I'll let you tell me yourself!" Seeing Captain America's attitude, Tony Stark immediately stopped wasting his tongue and rose into the air, firing the energy cannon he had accumulated for a long time.

At this time, the two of them met for the first time under the impetus of the registration act.

Captain America arched his body slightly, roared, and charged forward, the solid star shield directly collided with the thick palm energy cannon beam that stimulated the maximum effect, but his movements stopped abruptly, and his body was under the tremendous momentum. Under the feet, he stepped back on the opposite side, drawing two and a half feet deep ravines.

The gold and red Iron Man flew extremely fast, and after firing a cannon, he directly leaned in front of Captain America.

boom! boom! boom!
The heavy steel battle suit is heavy tonnage to say the least, but it is very flexible under the drive of the ark, and Tony Stark's fists are very routine. It seems that he has been specially trained, but it is just That's all, under the shackles of the steel suit, it looks good, but it is obviously not as fast as Captain America's movements.

In the shot just now, Captain America had a shield on his body, and it was not damaged at all, and then the swift three punches were received casually. Tony Stark's equipment flow is not as good as Captain America in terms of combat awareness. Once this kind of fighter came close, Steve Rogers immediately seized the opportunity.

Watching the metal fist hit, this time Steve Rogers didn't use his shield to catch it. Instead, he quickly lowered his body, turned the shield around, and used it as a sword to cut directly at the waist of the steel suit.

But at this moment, a crimson light suddenly lit up on the other wrist of Iron Man's suit, bursting open like a silk thread.



The scorching laser directly swept towards Steve Rogers at close range. Even Captain America's extraordinary reflexes could no longer cope with it quickly. He could only barely turn the star shield again, but this could not completely block his body .

The laser line with extremely powerful piercing power easily crossed the waist that the shield could not resist, and the special battle suit was completely unable to provide any resistance. waist battle suit.

Steve Rogers gritted his teeth to hold back the pain, and his gaze was determined immediately. He deflected the shield here and cut directly into the steel suit.


There was a sound of grinding teeth, and Tony Stark's steel armor was immediately opened with a deep crack, and the shield didn't stop, and continued to cut inside, obviously it was also a dead hand.

Once the conflict between the two sides intensifies, it is impossible to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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