Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 251 Legislation

Chapter 251 Legislation
"Everyone! Be quiet!"

At the center, surrounded by many powerful figures, Tony Stark raised his arms and pressed his palms down in a sign of silence.

Harry rarely sees Tony Stark's serious face, but the meaning of this face is obviously no longer so frivolous, no matter whether there is anything dirty in it, but after all, he is already the chief executive of an important department of the government , After the sound, the people who were chatting with each other quickly fell silent, and the audience immediately fell silent.

"Very good!" Tony Stark nodded, but the face under the camera was still expressionless, as if he was not the one who arrogantly responded to the taunt under the pressure of the Hydra senator before. Same.

The audience was silent, as if the stars were holding the moon, and everyone's eyes were on Tony Stark alone.

"The United States is a free country, but freedom does not mean that there are no rules in everything. If a country wants to have long-term peace and stability, then it must follow certain rules." Speaking of this, Tony Stark paused for a while, his face pale. He glanced around seriously, and after his sight swept over, everyone nodded.

Tony Stark nodded in satisfaction, then slowly opened his mouth and continued his words.

"Freedom is freedom, but the law cannot be ignored or trampled upon. With the advancement of the times, superheroes have become a huge problem nowadays." Tony Stark moved his feet lightly, cooperating with gestures, telling the bill Origin, "Our country's first superhero, Captain America, was a legendary figure born in World War II. He inspired many people at the time, and now he is back. Everything he does is to fight for world peace, but he does not Not everyone is Steve Rogers, now! So-called superheroes are out of control! These heroes may have good intentions, but their 'heroic acts' often result in even greater consequences. Disasters, greater losses, and for these losses, they have never dealt with them. They often sway, teleport, or directly fly away from the scene after causing chaos and losses, not to mention those Characters who have just acquired super powers and cannot be controlled, and those capable people whose conception is between good and evil, all of these need to be controlled! Only control! can solve these problems!"

Tony Stark's solo dance received nods from the many politicians around him.

Although the result has been determined, this meeting is just a matter that must be carried out, but it has been established, but Tony Stark's words have indeed reached their hearts. Of course, they will not admit that they are a little jealous of those who often go to the meeting. Headlines for fancy dress freaks.

"The Superhero Registration Act is a change! And it is a change that must be made! He will change the status quo, give those extraordinary people who want to do good things a public establishment, and relevant departments will assist them. After the registration act Superheroes don’t need to be supported by a mouthful of blood like before, they don’t get anything, they just keep giving and make a mess of their own lives. Superheroes only need to give their identities, and there will be no more masks to cover their faces. If they are unsung heroes, their lives will no longer be embarrassing. The most important thing is that the registered ability users will receive training given by the government, and they will need to take tests to prove that they will not cause those destructions when performing heroic acts, and abide by the law , and then uphold the law, this is what a real superhero should do." Tony Stark raised a confident and proud smile at the corner of his mouth, and raised his hands to enjoy the sight of everyone.

Although Tony Stark's speech was good, it was not the most important thing for these politicians. All they cared about was what benefits the operation of the Superhero Act could bring them. It's big, not to mention that behind the Superhero Act, there's a lot to take advantage of, and it's not just about keeping the peace.

Whether it is the previously established or the benefits that can be seen in front of them, the filing of the Superhero Act is what they want to see.

Everything was arranged, and it was just a necessary process. Naturally, there was no doubt about the result. Except for a few failures, those who voted in favor had an overwhelming advantage.

At the back of the meeting room, Harry was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously he had already expected this to happen.

It's just that the captain of the United States beside him is a little depressed, which is completely different from what he hopes.

"How could this be? This is not true freedom!" Steve Rogers clenched his fists, lowered his head slightly, gritted his teeth, and said with a bit of a tragic taste: "The S.H.I.E.L.D. That's it!"

Steve Rogers really wanted to rush forward at this time, and punched Tony Stark's wicked smiling face, but the belief of this great warrior obviously did not allow him to do so, just watching With the legislation of the so-called bill, he felt a sulking anger surging in his chest, but he couldn't vent it, it only made him suffer internal injuries.

Harry turned his head to look at him and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.Steve Rogers has been a freedom fighter since he was born. First, he fought against his own frailty, then against the brutal aggression of the government, and now he fights against various dangerous forces, but even though he is already the most perfect soldier However, his strength alone is weak after all. He can hardly violate his own beliefs, and he is also powerless to stop people's greedy desires. What is going to happen will still happen after all.

"Captain, I think we should go." Harry stood up straight, looked at Tony Stark who was still standing in the center of the crowd, frowned slightly, and then retracted his gaze.

"Hmm~." Steve Rogers responded in a low voice, keeping his head down all the time, looking like a defeated rooster.

The two walked out one after the other, no one stopped them.

At the same time, Tony Stark's voice came again.

"Threats always come not only from the outside world, but also from within us. Our world should be strong, but if we want to be strong, we must be united!"

"At this moment! The Superhero Registration Act is officially enacted! And then I will lead the registered heroes to eliminate those hidden dangers one by one!"

"Abiding by the law! No exceptions!"

(End of this chapter)

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