Chapter 239

The aftermath of the missiles gradually dissipated, a few bright lights shot from the sky, and three Quinjet planes landed slowly. It was obvious that people from Hydra came to check whether Steve Rogers died in the missile attack, and no matter what Whether you are dead or not, you have to make up a few shots, after all, super soldiers are not just talking.

Harry led Steve Rogers and Natasha suddenly appeared on the plane that landed, looking down from a height, a team that was clearly out of the ordinary began to attack the ruined camp. searched.

"That's Brock Rumlow, the captain of the special operations team. I didn't expect him to be a member of Hydra." Natasha, who already knew everything, looked at an acquaintance below, frowned and said in a deep voice.

Although the special operations team is also under the management of S.H.I.E.L.D., they are different from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the ordinary sense. These people are real killing machines. The most 'dirty' job is an extremely mysterious existence even in the secret organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha really couldn't imagine how terrifying such a team would be if it was not a partner but an enemy. Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering.

"I thought Rumlow attacked me because of an order. Is it really like what Zola said?" Captain America looked blankly at the people below searching the ruins, worrying unabated.

"The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been assassinated, of course it's true." Hari said calmly without changing his expression. Among the three, he is the one who cares the least about the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. The ex-girlfriend is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., so there is nostalgia for it in her heart, and Natasha is because the huge organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in line with her own abilities, and can help her cover up her past. Therefore, subjectively, neither Steve Rogers nor Natasha want S.H.I.E.L.D. to be completely infiltrated by Hydra as Zola said.

It's just that no matter what expectations the two of them have, there is no way to prevent SHIELD's insight plan from being controlled and utilized by Hydra at this time.

"Maybe you should think about how to stop Hydra's plan. The disintegration of S.H.I.E.L.D. is obvious, and even if it stays, it's impossible to be like before. After being infiltrated by an organization like Hydra , Anyone may be a traitor, and people's hearts will be unpredictable at that time, and you should understand the fate of a team that cannot trust each other." Harry spoke directly, leaving no luck for the two.

The current situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is doomed in the future. This situation cannot be prevented by individuals. Even if this person is Captain America, the only thing he can do now is to try his best to organize the insight plan and focus on the overall situation. .

"Okay. Now we want to deal with these traitors." Taking a breath, Steve Rogers' hesitant expression became firm, full of vitality and tenacity.The shield in his hand was lifted slightly, and then it was spun and thrown out with the movement of his body.

A whirring roar that pierced through the air pierced the night sky. A soldier of the special forces hadn't reacted yet. He passed out in a coma, but the attacking plant still didn't stop. After an impact, it quickly slammed into a soldier on the other side, solved one, and then flew in the direction of the attack by another route. .

This situation came suddenly, and the other special forces personnel who were searching for the target immediately reacted. After all, they were special soldiers who had passed the test of life and death. They quickly turned around and fired directly at the target based on their experience.

da da da da...

The sound of gunshots immediately joined together, and the slight firelight brought some light to the darkness.

While pulling the trigger of the gun in his hand, Brock Rumlow searched for the figure of the attacker with his eyes. Although he said it was the attacker, he knew that the only one here was Steve Rogers. How did the captain escape the missile attack?

dang dang dang-

The bullets hit the Quinjet plane, and there was a series of jingling sounds.

On the plane, the captain raised his shield to block the stray bullets. Natasha pulled out the pistol on her waist and started shooting continuously. However, the opponent's firepower was too strong. Even if Natasha's marksmanship was good, she was unable to fight back at this time.

idiot!Harry looked at the soldiers who quickly surrounded here, cursed inwardly at Captain America's behavior, and immediately grabbed the two of them.

Under such circumstances, he was actually drunk.Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to act, but that is also under the condition of not being exposed, and at this time it is obvious that I am still alive, you wait for me, this is simply to make the other party strengthen their defenses!
The combat-experienced members of the Special Forces quickly identified the target of the attack, and quickly surrounded the three Harry standing on the Quinjet plane. The gunfire continued. Although the target could not be seen, they could still roughly locate it. It was vaguely certain, but after dozens of bullets were fired, there was only the soft sound of the bullets piercing the air, and even the previous impact sound disappeared.

After emptying a round of bullets in a row, Brock Rumlow immediately replaced the magazine, but did not shoot again.

"Cease fire!" Rumlow shouted, raising his hand.

As soon as the sound fell, everyone stopped immediately, but remained vigilant.

"Go up and have a look." Rumlow said to a soldier beside him.

Without words, after receiving the order, the soldier immediately climbed up to the top of the Quinjet to check.

"He's gone." The soldier shouted after checking.

Rumlow didn't speak, paused for a while, and then adjusted the radio channel.

"He ran away, sir." Rumlow reported in a hoarse voice, and the opposite was obviously Alexander Pierce.

"Well, come back and step up the protection of the Trident Building. They must not be allowed to sneak in before tomorrow. Let's use the things we got from Nick Fury before. Let's collect Steve Rogers' blood samples and let them Although the new soldiers produced by Kilian are not as good as Captain America, they are enough to control that weapon. Huh! At least they won’t explode by themselves. As for the Winter Soldier, I will also send them there, but I will let him stay in the sky mother as an insurance On the ship, other things will be left to you.” After Alexander Pierce finished talking to Brock Rumlow, he cut off the communication directly. Although this matter made him a little depressed, it still didn’t spoil his mood. Tomorrow is the world At the hearing of the Security Council, even if the insight plan fails, and the three skycarriers have not completed the links and are fully weaponized, he will still be able to change the Hydra from dark to bright with the directors of various countries in his hand. Not a problem for him at all.

However, he has been planning the insight plan for a long time, and he still hopes that the plan will be successful. After all, if it succeeds, the ideal of Hydra will be realized in his hands, and he will be remembered in the epic.


The night is dark, I don't know when it will fall, but it is already midnight at this time.

After several teleports, Harry brought Captain America and Natasha directly into the Osborne Building, and the place they came to was naturally the laboratory under the Osborne Building.

After knowing that someone had calculated him, he hid his whereabouts. Even when he came back from Japan, he directly crossed the Pacific Ocean through his ability, returned secretly, and then hid his whereabouts. He did not appear in any public places, even Oss The normal office of this industry is that Felicia uses the network to remotely control here.And because Felicia still has to gather the various businesses of Yashida Corporation in Japan, she has been busy with those things and has not come back, but this also makes others think that Harry is still in Japan, which has become the best disguise .

"What should we do now?" Harry sat down on the sofa, glanced at Steve Rogers, rolled his eyes helplessly, and asked.

"Sorry." Steve Rogers stood still, lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

Although what Zola said was short, the difference from the original work is that he has already explained everything in a general way. He knows that once the Helicarrier is sent to the sky, the Zola algorithm will be activated. Millions of people would be 'cleaned up', which was completely unacceptable to Captain America.

At this time, Natasha's cell phone suddenly turned on.

"Forget it, it just exposed you, and at the same time the other party will increase their vigilance, there is still a chance." Harry pouted, and said.Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, and the weapons of the Helicarrier have no effect on him.

"Mr. Osborne is right, we still have a chance." Natasha smiled and shook the phone in her hand, her smile was very bright.

"Oh? Ha, this bastard." Steve looked at the information on the phone screen, and suddenly smiled on his crying face.

In front of a hidden dam cave, Harry suddenly appeared with Natasha and Captain America.

"This is it?" Harry asked after looking around.His eyes moved, and a figure walked out from the side of the dam. Harry's eyes stopped immediately, and then he turned around and covered his face.

How come I forgot that she was here too, Harry looked at the approaching person with a strange expression on his face, and muttered in a low voice.Natasha, who was closest, raised her eyebrows, glanced at him, and then glanced at the person, with a strange smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

"Hmm! It seems so." Natasha smiled and nodded.

The man walked slowly, although the figure was blurred because of the darkness of the place where he came out, but Linglong's figure was still very conspicuous.

"Natasha, captain, you're here too, Harry!" The man called the names of the three of them one by one, but his eyes were always on Harry alone, and the joy in his tone was for an agent. Isn't that a little too obvious!Come in through the back door!

(End of this chapter)

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