Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 190 Magneto begins to act

Chapter 190 Magneto begins to act

In the past few days, people were panicked because of the president's declaration of war against mutants on TV. Although many people were not optimistic about this matter, they were powerless to do anything about the government's decision.

In a flash, three days have passed, but the rain that the president said before has never appeared. Some have even regarded it as a joke made by the government and started to continue their normal lives, although even they themselves do not believe it.

Three days is not too long, but it is not too short, at least some things can be done completely.

As far as the government is concerned, although Congressman Kelly has reported his opinions to Congress long ago, hoping to stop the president's crazy behavior, it obviously has no effect. Even after these days, Congress has not discussed this matter. Obviously it is As if to see the result before deciding.There is nothing wrong with their approach. After all, human beings are a highly exclusive species. For those that are difficult to control and they think are threatening, they always have a special emotion. Mutants are exactly like this a threat.Their abilities are so powerful that people are enviable, but they are not controlled, maybe because of desire, maybe because of the so-called justice, they directly position these mutants as threats, in order to protect their interests, the interests of mutants are Started to suppress them with all their strength, even at the expense of making them extinct.

For three days, although Congressman Kelly did not make any progress, he has done a lot, and the president will naturally not do nothing and make what he said a joke. He decided to sacrifice mutants for his own benefit. interests, no!He wants to make mutants completely disappear from this world.

Three days can indeed do a lot, at least the president is ready to spray the whole country with leech antidote.



The door of the reception room was opened with a gap, Fenghuang poked his head in, looked around, saw only Harry sitting there with his legs crossed drinking coffee, then pushed open the door, and walked in swaggeringly.

"Is it over? Harry?" Fenghuang asked with a smile. Facing Harry, she put on a red dress like a lady, and then imitated Harry's way to cross her legs and fold them together casually.

"Cough!" With his keen vision, Harry seemed to see something he shouldn't have seen, and even spit out the coffee in his mouth back into the cup in a panic.

He hurriedly picked up the tissue on the table, but he was thinking about the red color just now.

"What's the matter? Harry?" Seeing Harry's appearance, Phoenix approached suspiciously, and moved to Harry's side, exhaling pink gas from his mouth, and teasing Harry's ears and hair.

Harry felt dazed for a moment, but he didn't resist that much. He even felt an inexplicable warmth in his body, and there was a trace of anticipation. But soon he cleared his mind, and then looked at this scene with some anger. The tricky little phoenix.

My anomaly just now was naturally caused by the Phoenix. Although there was no aggressiveness in the gas that was exhaled, the pure ambiguous feelings would definitely make people look ugly. After all, the Phoenix is ​​emotional energy. Although it is only a small trick, but Harry still couldn't help being tricked.

"Hey!" Seeing that Harry not only failed the trick, but also found out that it was her, but she felt embarrassed, instead she laughed and jumped away.

Harry shook his head, for this Fenghuang, who obviously has a mature appearance, but is like a child in his heart, he dare not provoke or scold, otherwise she will not care where this place is when she gets angry, and she will immediately fly away. Certainly.

The door of the reception room was opened again, and Felicia in a wine red slim suit pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose and walked in with a document in her hand.

"Little Fei" Harry looked at Felicia with a smile, and at the same time reached out to take what Felicia handed over.

"The reporter left?" Felicia asked after looking at it.

"Well, it's finally gone. The antidote is really troublesome. If it wasn't for the good reward Warren Washington gave, I would definitely agree to it." Harry said a little annoyed, but he opened the document in his hand, And looked carefully.

The reporters who came before were specially arranged by Harry, and they were directly aimed at the antidote for mutants, especially Warren Washington and the president, who had different ways, expressed their opinions.Different from the cooperation between the president and Warren Washington in the movie, Warren Washington regards the condition of mutants more as a disease that hinders their normal life, and his attitude towards mutants is also voluntary and helpful. At the core, although the attitude towards mutants is disapproving, it is not too obstructive. Therefore, in fact, Warren Washington's antidote is mainly for those low-level mutants who are not strong enough but affect their normal lives. , especially from his free injection of antidote for mutants who are willing to inject antidote, it can be seen that he actually wants to solve some problems, not provoke conflicts.

The behavior of the president is completely different from him.

The president's behavior is more like borrowing from Warren Washington, and then expanding it, triggering a series of mutant conspiracy theories, and finally coming to the conclusion that mutants must be eliminated. What's the point, in fact, it really doesn't make any sense.The person who killed Warren Washington was Magneto. He did it for the sake of his own clan. What's wrong, but this is indeed seized by the president. The only fault is the identity of Magneto. Who told him that he is a leader of mutants. It will cause such a big response, Magneto’s attitude represents the attitude of most mutants in a certain way, so if you want to blame, Magneto is the first to be blamed, but obviously those mutants who desire war will not What to accuse their leaders.

Harry's views on these two people are naturally biased toward Warren Washington. Whether it is because Warren Washington paid him, or because Harry thinks it is correct, Harry supports Warren Washington's approach. He is actually very He agrees with Warren Washington's approach. Although he can't do something as selfless as Warren Washington, it doesn't stop him from admiring Warren Washington.

"Ha! Warren Washington is really a selfless person!" Harry quickly read through the document sent by Felicia. There were some things on it that made him feel very funny, so he couldn't help saying this.

"Yes! He did leave a lot of useful things for those people," Felicia nodded in response.

The document Harry read was the analysis result of the artificial rain that fell on Osborne Building and its surroundings, that is, the sample of the so-called leech antidote, and the results were very consistent with what he thought. The so-called leech antidote was actually The antidote made by Warren Washington just changed its name and used in a different way. No matter where the antidote came from, it was completely a counterfeit product.In addition to Warren Washington's experimental data being stolen, I'm afraid that even the bald little mutant who had met once fell into the hands of the President, and the Alcatraz Island mentioned by the President in his manifesto may be. It's not just a means to attract Magneto's attention. Maybe the little mutant is really on Alcatraz. If that's the case, although there are some changes in personnel, things have returned to the original track. It will become a place where mutants and humans will fight, and it is inevitable.

"By the way, now that the ingredients and usage of the leech antidote have been analyzed, have those people in the laboratory made a sample of protective clothing to prevent the antidote?" Harry put down the document in his hand, glanced at it and ran to Phoenix, who was poking at the monitor screen, asked Felicia.

Although the Phoenix Force is not the power of mutants, it requires a strong mental force to manipulate the Phoenix Force. Jean Gray's mutant ability is telekinesis and telepathy comparable to Professor X, and it is precisely because she has such Strong telepathic ability, so she can control the Phoenix Force.Although Harry couldn't understand how the so-called X gene gave mutants these strange and powerful powers, he couldn't let Phoenix be suppressed by the antidote, so he found a way to prevent the antidote or But equipment is very important. Although if Phoenix uses her powerful power, it is impossible for those antidote to get close to her body, but some preventive measures are still necessary.

"It's done," Felicia replied.

"And according to the possibility you mentioned, we have strengthened it a little bit, not only can prevent antidote rain, but also prevent antidote from firearms." Felicia said with a smile, operating the tablet in her hand a few times Next, a set of strange-looking protective clothing has been projected in front of Harry.

Seeing this, Harry curled his lips into a chuckle, which reassured him a lot. At least this Phoenix, which even he couldn't deal with, didn't need to worry too much.

But at this time, something happened beside Magneto that made him happy.

Magneto and his party have already started to retreat out of the jungle. When they got the latest news, he had already made such a decision, so they had already left for one night at this time.

Although the bodies of these mutants are generally superior to ordinary humans, they are really tired after walking all night, but I have to say that the hiding place Magneto found is really quite secretive.

"Camp here! Rest for four hours and move on!".

(End of this chapter)

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