Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 185 Developments

Chapter 185 Developments

Gray's house was still unusually quiet, and there was no chaos outside Gray's house.

There were no people moving back and forth on the street outside, only the fraternity members and X Academy personnel who had gradually decided the winner.

The quiet street is thanks to Professor X. If he hadn't taken away the nearby residents, I'm afraid the next day, the things here will become a tool used by a government department to attack the mutant race.

It has to be said that some of the reasons why the government suppresses mutants in an all-round way are that mutants are so capable. Those who are more powerful are messing around like I am the best in the world, but they don't want to cover it up.If everything was as good as Professor X's methods, people's emotions towards mutants would not be so intense.

However, these have nothing to do with the situation at this time, and the actions against mutants have now entered a stage where they cannot be changed.

The Hedgehog had already been thrown out of the battlefield by Harry before, and Callisto, who had the ability to move quickly, was knocked unconscious by Harry, so the current situation on the field has changed from Brotherhood's suppression of X Academy to X Academy's counter-oppression fraternity.

The battle between Mystique and the Beast is more of a fighting competition. Mystique's transformation ability can't bring her any help at this time when the crowd is scarce, but fortunately her body has also been strengthened by the ability. It's not as strong as Captain America's physique, but it's also several times stronger than ordinary people. In addition to her long-standing fighting ability, she can be evenly matched with powerful beasts, and she can even use skills to deal with brute force. The beast dealt a blow.

Compared with the two beasts who fight each other and are more skilled, the battle between Pyroman and Iceman is much more cool.

The collision of frost and flame will inevitably lead to one party being extinguished, or one party being melted, but the Iceman has too many worries in his heart, so that he is completely unable to fully exert his power, even though his ability is stronger than the Fireman, But he couldn't use his full strength, so he could only compete with Pyro.

Education can indeed affect a person's character. Perhaps Bobby the Iceman was not like this before, but now he is facing the situation of being suppressed by Fireman because of his cowardice, and even about to be killed.

The blazing flames in Pyro's palm were thrown into a thick and irritable fiery orange firework, which directly hit the waterfall of frost emitted by Iceman.One cold and one hot, the moment the two met, they formed a confrontational situation, but compared to John the Burning Man's light and mocking smile, Bobby the Iceman's face was not very pretty, even if he tried to hold on, he couldn't help it. To cover up the fact that he was at a disadvantage.

"Old Baby, you are still so hesitant, it's ridiculous that they still regard you as the best among the students, but I am considered to be unable to compare with you, no matter how hard I try!"

At the end of the words, the flame in the palm of Burning John's hand immediately melted the ice made by the Iceman and invaded the Iceman's body.

Iceman is an eternal shadow to Pyroman. When he was in X Academy, even though he tried all kinds of means, he was never taken seriously by the professor and others. His actions of attracting others' attention would only be regarded as pranks, but he was He is regarded as a naive child, and at the same time, he is also regarded by other students as some weird person who doesn't fit in.As for Iceman, although they are very good friends, he is extremely jealous that Iceman is valued because of his ability and potential, and even trained as the next leader.He always wanted to surpass Iceman, but he was unable to do so, so he left the Academy and joined another large organization of old mutants, Magneto's Brotherhood.

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, old Bobby, how is it? Is my flame shower comfortable? Haha!" The Iceman, who had been imagining and always being the goal, knelt in front of him at this time, and he unconsciously Want to show off.

The corners of his mouth were raised, showing a smug smile, looking down at the Iceman Bobby who had been pressing down on him all the time, he felt happy seeing his pitiful appearance of persevering, and his words were also mocking.

It's just that his joy didn't last long.

In the flames, the Iceman suddenly put down his hands and raised his head abruptly. In the flames, the crystal face of the ice cube was stained with a strange evil.

"You..." Pyro was the one who saw the situation most directly, and he was also shocked, but before he could fully react, Bobby the Iceman stood up suddenly, and the Iceman had completely transformed into an ice cube He stretched out his hands suddenly, and suddenly grabbed Pyro's arm.

The frost directly invaded Pyro's arm, only instantly freezing the normal arm into dark blue ice. Of course, Iceman didn't kill him, otherwise Pyro would never have survived.

"John, I never thought that you would hate me so much, but I never thought of arguing with you." Iceman Bobby gradually recovered his normalcy, and looked at Fireman John sadly.

In Academy X, the relationship between Iceman and Pyro was very good. It can be said that John Pyro’s only friend in the academy was Bobby, but Pyro regarded Iceman as an opponent to surpass, so Pyro It was so decisive when I left the academy.

After all, these two people who are destined to be opposites still have to decide the outcome. Now, the outcome is clear.

Storm and Wolverine dealt with the most capable red tanks.

Facing the red tank, which is unstoppable when it charges, even the undead lone wolf and the mage-type Storm occupying the high ground are completely helpless against this rampant enemy.

The thunder and lightning brought by Storm hit the red tank, but he couldn't even make him frown. The majestic body still rushed towards Wolverine, not to mention the strong wind she raised.

Wolverine has been knocked over many times. Although he will recover instantly even if he is seriously injured, the feeling like being hit by a train is really uncomfortable.

He had a serious face, and his eyes were fixed on the rushing strong man, but even the unstoppable sharp claws protruding from the gaps between the knuckles of his fingers could not make him relax for a moment, because he really had no way to deal with the strong man's ability.


Instead of perishing in silence, it is about to explode in silence, so Wolverine broke out.

With a rough roar, Wolverine gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Even though Wolverine is tall and strong, the red tank is obviously stronger, and the mutant ability of the red tank is destined to cause Wolverine's charge to be reversed and fly back, and crashed into Gray's small villa with a bang Inside, a large hole was also formed a moment ago.

That's exactly what happened, Wolverine rushed forward with all his strength, and then flew back at an even faster speed.

"Hmph!" The red tank raised its head, turned its gaze to Storm in the sky, laughed coldly, and then jumped up suddenly.

Although Storm's attack was nothing more than a mosquito bite to him, even being bitten by a mosquito would also make the person who was bitten emotional, so Red Tank put his thoughts into action.

The red tank's charge made him unstoppable, and at the same time gave him a very powerful momentum. When he stomped his feet, a large pit covered with spider webs was immediately formed, and his huge body was suddenly pulled up.

The red tank at this time is very similar to that big green man, but this red tank is not the red tank with the power of the evil god after all, and naturally it is not as good as the Hulk, although he leaps high and covers the sky with his palms She grabbed at Storm, but Storm dodged away with a flick of her body.


Storm hurriedly dodged the big hand of the red tank, and then immediately shouted down, her tone very anxious.
I saw that although the red tank didn't catch Storm, he didn't show any disappointment.

It's hard to imagine that a huge and strong man can twist his body freely in the sky, then suddenly turn in one direction, and then smash down towards his new target.

The huge body slanted across the sky, the red tank had a sneer on his face, and even had some bloodthirsty look on his face. In his eyes, the person who was about to be smashed into a meat paste by him from the sky was just from that broken man. Wolverine came out of the hole shaking his head.

"Get out of the way! Logan!" Wolverine apparently didn't notice the big guy flying over in a daze, and Storm immediately shouted to remind him.

Hearing this shout, the red tank's ferocious smile became even more obvious. Killing an enemy who can't resist is never something to be proud of. What you get will only be blood, but the red tank just likes this, he and Like the Hulk, he also likes to smash things, and this undead Wolverine in front of him is obviously a good target.

"Professor Logan!"

Iceman is the closest to Wolverine. After finishing Pyroman, he saw this scene in an instant, and immediately ran to Logan. An egg-shaped ice shell began to form in front of his hands, and it only took a moment for him to change from thin to thick. effort.

The eggshell theory is undoubtedly the best way to deal with huge power by the principle that it is easiest to disperse power. After all, Bobby the Iceman is a high-achieving student who has been educated by X Academy, so he naturally knows such simple physics knowledge.

But there is another principle that the smaller the contact area, the greater the pressure.

Although the area of ​​the red tank is not small, its strength is unreasonably large, which can naturally make up for the lack of contact area.

"Phew! Professor Logan, wake up." Iceman Bobby made the ice eggshell, and let out a breath of relief. Although he defeated Burning John before, he almost used all his strength. It was his last effort to make such an eggshell.

He called Wolverine to wake up, and at the same time, he reached out and waved a burst of frost on Wolverine's forehead, which made Wolverine tremble and wake up.

boom! ! !

The eggshell shattered, the ice cubes sprang up, and a big head broke through the ice.

It was at this time that two feet finally came out of the door of Gray's house.

 Friends!Come and order all kinds of tickets!It's so pitiful that the data has not changed at all!Give me anything!Thank you, Daxing!

(End of this chapter)

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