Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 144 The Battle Stalemate

Chapter 144 The Battle Stalemate
When Harry saw this, his figure disappeared immediately, and he came to Susan in an instant. He turned around in the air, brandished his two knives and slashed out, killing a Chitauri who was besieging the two of them.

Then follow the same pattern, only to see a cloud of mist disappearing continuously, reappearing, and then a cold light flashed.

In just an instant, the group of Chitauri who had put the two superheroes in the Fantastic Four in trouble had all their heads cut off and rolled to the ground, their headless bodies thumping and falling in a circle.

"It's all right, Sue."

Seeing the joyful woman who hadn't even let go of her hands, Harry's heart was inexplicably touched.

The two knives were stabbed into the ground with a clang, and he walked slowly to Susan's side, hugged the woman into his arms vigorously, and then stroked her back that was gradually trembling in her arms.

As for Susan, no matter what Harry thought at that time, in short, now, he didn't want her to leave again.Through the soul, Harry saw Susan's heart at a glance, and Harry understood all the emotions hidden in her heart.But for this feeling, he felt ashamed in his heart, and now, all he could do was hold Susan tightly in his arms and never let go.

"Harry, uh~" Susan's hand also slowly touched Harry's back, she just called softly, and then began to sob softly.

"I'm sorry, you know..." Harry patted Susan on the back, his face was a little inexplicable, and then he said.

"No! I know, I know, but! But I can't help it, you can..." Susan immediately became excited when she heard this, and gently pushed Harry, looking directly into Harry's eyes with red eyes .Felicia was the only one Harry had said, so her relationship would only be difficult.But she knew her own situation. Maybe Harry just acted casually at the beginning, but it was unforgettable to her. She tried to forget it, but the result after a few months showed that she couldn't forget it at all.

"Hey! You can talk about it later, let's meet the enemy quickly!" The stone man patted the dust on his body, and glanced at Harry and Susan who were hugging each other in a low voice, while patted Chitauri who was rushing towards him. man, he said.

Reed, there is nothing I can do.Thinking of these words in his heart, the stone man ignored the two of them, and rushed into the battlefield with heavy steps.

Looking at the huge orange body of the stone man, Harry and Susan smiled at each other.

"Okay, let's deal with the situation in front of us first." Harry turned his head, looked at the Chitauri aircraft whizzing past in the sky, and said in a cold voice.

When the battle started, the police in the city had already started operations, but they were unable to fight back against the Chitauri offensive, and could only do their best to protect the people from moving.

The real battlefield is not as small as it is shown in the movie. In fact, there are not only a few superheroes fighting back on the battlefield, but military troops quickly inserted in at the beginning of the battle. Aircraft, Tanks, special forces, and various modern military forces poured into the city, fighting against the invading Chitauri.

But even so, the Chitauri army turned upside down Manhattan, New York, and continued to spread to the outside world. Even with the so-called strongest superhero team Avengers on the battlefield There is also no way to reverse this situation.

After all, ants kill elephants a lot, even though the Chitauri are not particularly strong, they still cannot hold back their continuous influx through space channels.

In the sky, military fighter jets poured their ammunition without hesitation, and large expanses of flames erupted in the air, outlining the trails of gunpowder and flames of war.

The Chitauri soldiers lowered their aircraft as much as possible, shuttled between the tall buildings, and the role of the fighters in the sky suddenly decreased.

Under the protection of the building, the Chitauri vented as much as possible. The rays of light created by the energy weapons criss-crossed, and then there was an explosion, showing their violence to humans with all their strength.

"Harry! Stark asked you to kill that big guy!".

Felicia flew over on a flying skateboard with a somewhat disheveled face. When she saw Harry holding Susan in her arms, she froze for a moment, and her face immediately turned a little bit bad.

However, when I thought about my previous thoughts, I slowly calmed down. I turned over and jumped off the flying skateboard, and walked quickly to the two of Harry. I just took a deep look at Susan, and after leaving a sentence, I walked directly from Harry's side. Pulled out a knife, then turned around, jumped on the flying skateboard and left here.

Harry wasn't surprised by this. If he didn't know what Felicia was thinking, he wouldn't ignore Felicia and provoke other people, even if he had a one-night affair with Susan.

But even so, he still felt the strong resentment from Felicia just now, which made him worry that Felicia would suddenly slash at Susan, but fortunately, it ended up being a pretty good result.

If we talk about Harry's attitude towards other women, Felicia is naturally the best one. For Felicia, Harry is grateful for her help. Maybe the woman Harry is most attracted to is not her, but Fei Licia is definitely the most important person to him.If he were to choose Felicia and other women in front of him, he would definitely choose Felicia first without hesitation.

But this is not the time to continue.

The flying skateboard has limited ammunition, and it is estimated that it has all been poured out at this time, and the sharp blade on the front end of the flying skateboard was only obtained by Harry for his own ability, and Felicia has no use at all.As a result, Harry only had one knife left.

"Protect yourself, I'll go first."

After speaking, Harry picked up the knife that Felicia left behind, and looked at the huge monster wandering in the air.

The figure disappeared, and the next moment it was on the monster's back.

chi chi chi-

Slashing three times quickly, the sharp Edman alloy knife cuts the iron like mud, the iron armor on the monster's body is completely useless, and three deep ravines appear on the monster's back under its feet.

But I don't know if it's because the monster doesn't feel pain, or because the huge body makes the three scars cause no discomfort at all. In short, Harry's three knives didn't attract the monster's attention at all.

"Get out of the way!"

Just when Harry was about to use his magnetic field ability to act on the steel armor and directly crush the monster into cakes, a loud shout suddenly sounded in front of him.


Before Harry could react, a loud roar burst out instantly.

PS: It is still the first update, and the second update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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