Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 111 Start

Chapter 111 Start

Regarding the ongoing war in Asgard's Asgard, Harry didn't have the slightest worry. Apart from his affirmation of the strength of the Osgard Protoss, it was also the inevitable result of historical inertia that he knew.

"He will come back to you, it won't take long." Harry looked at Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster, who looked a little depressed, and said softly.

As far as he knew, he was telling the truth, and although something happened at that time that caused her to be ignored by Thor, Thor would indeed return to the Atrium-Midgard soon after.

"Hmm..." Jane Foster's eyes lit up again like a reactivated robot.Her feelings for Thor are indeed serious. In the past, she only had her research. Now, although research is still given priority, the next thing is Thor, the amazing boyfriend.

"That's right, Jane." Sitting next to Jane Foster, Daisy Louise comforted her by patting her on the shoulder.She still wanted Dr. Jane Foster to give her some more points, but she couldn't be in a bad mood.

"Yeah, Jane, Thor is not an ordinary person, he will be fine, maybe he has some things to deal with now"

Holding the coffee, Dr. Eric Selweger walked over with a tea tray, handed everyone a cup, and then comforted the child of his old friend.


There was a knock on the door suddenly, and looking for the sound, I saw Phil Coulson pushing the door and entering with a gentle smile.

"What are you doing here?" Jane Foster said with a bad face when she saw that the person who came in was the one who robbed her research data.Although the two have reconciled, Jane Foster is obviously still a little angry about the domineering approach of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Ah, Miss Foster, I'm here to return your equipment." Phil Coulson didn't care about Jane Foster's tone. He pointed back to the car parked outside and said.

"Well, it should be." Jane Foster nodded, tilted her head and said, her attitude was still a little indifferent.

"Of course, we also made a backup," Phil Coulson continued with a smile.

"You!" Jane Foster immediately pointed at Phil Coulson, as if to accuse him of vicious behavior. Seeing this, Eric Selvig who stood aside immediately stopped Jane. .

"Sorry, sorry" said, Selvig smiled apologetically and pulled Jane Foster aside.

Phil Coulson still had the same smile on his face, clasped his hands together, and stood in front of the matter indifferently.

"Okay, Phil, it's time for us to go, goodbye everyone" Harry got up and said to Jane Foster and the other three.

"Goodbye, Mr. Osborne," Eric Selvig responded.He could see that Harry was here just to wait for Phil Coulson to arrive, and when Phil Coulson came, Harry should naturally leave.

After going out, Harry got into Phil Coulson's car.

"Go to the entrance of the town, I'll get off there," Harry said after getting into the car.

"Okay." Phil Coulson nodded and started the car.

Jane Foster's home is not far from the entrance of the town, only about 5 minutes away.



After getting out of the car, Harry tidied his clothes and walked to the front of the car. Phil Coulson also came to the front of the car.

Phil Coulson could see that Harry had something to say to him, and Harry didn't say anything along the way, obviously not too many words.

"Mr. Osborne, is there anything I would like to convey?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

Phil Coulson raised his eyebrows, pretending to be listening.

"Fury's plan is very interesting, tell him I agree," Harry said casually.

"I will convey it," Phil Coulson nodded and said.Although he was a little surprised that he agreed to Harry so simply in his heart, it was obviously the time to think about it now.

"Okay, I'm leaving, don't forget to send me a sample of that armor, we agreed before that I would ask for a reward." Harry turned around and said in a relaxed manner.

The lightning immediately lingered on the upper body, and with a slight bow, it immediately rose from the ground.

Phil Coulson looked up at Harry gradually turning into a speck in the sky, and shook his head with an inexplicable wry smile. It seemed that the material for that armor was going to be divided up now.

One is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s own, one is Harry’s reward, and the other may be used to do business with Tony Stark. He just thinks, if Tony Stark is as easy-talking as Harry Yes, although Harry also needs to be paid, at least it is easy to communicate.


On the other hand, Harry couldn't wait to go home.

Flying, Harry tore through the air and flew towards New York quickly.


New York, Baxter Building, while Harry flies full speed.

In this mansion lived the recently famous superheroes - the Fantastic Four.

"Ben, what's the matter with you, you don't look right, are you in a bad mood?" Reed Richards came out of the room, straightened the collar of his new suit with a smile on his face, but saw My friend looked a little dazed, stopped and asked.

The stone man sat on the sofa specially made for him, holding a large bowl of smoothie in his hand, but he hadn't eaten it for a long time, which was completely different from the situation after his transformation.

"Hey! Our mascot has always had a good face and an evil heart." Johnny Storm walked in with a large bag of popcorn, and continued to make fun of the stone man with a hippie smile.

"Bastard!" The stone man finally came out of that dazed look. He stood up and swallowed the smoothie in his hand and the glass bowl directly into his stomach, but this time he was not hit by the Human Torch like before. Just one sentence made my hair explode.

"I'm just, just so happy, yes! I'm so happy!" The stone man waved his hands back and forth, with a panicked look, and even the stone face showed excitement, which just made others It looks really weird.

"Yes, I'm also very happy, we succeeded." Reid stepped forward to pat the stone man's orange stone skin, and said happily.Although he was more excited than the stone man, he still suppressed it secretly, otherwise he might get excited and make a joke later.

"Mascot, you are our representative character who is disgusting and kind. Although you can scare the children even if you are like this, I feel weird anyway." On the side, Thunderbolt said so, and pretended to slap trembling.

Reed Richards watched his teammates fight, but turned his head to look at the door, but there was no one there.

PS: The second update at three o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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