Global Coming Cataclysm Survival

Chapter 57 57, the treasure chest appears!

Chapter 57 57, the treasure chest appears!
After asking Qilin to stay with Suning temporarily to protect her safety, Zhou Jie ended the video chat.

Just about to close the bracelet, I saw a new notification in the bracelet!

[Reminder: Treasure chests are about to appear! 】

[Countdown: four days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds! 】

The treasure chest appears! ?
What it is?
Zhou Jie instantly regained his energy, and then clicked in.

A map immediately appeared on the virtual screen.

On the map, many red light spots appeared.

The distance between each red light spot is equal.

It looks like Go, the intersections on the board.

A line of words appeared below the map.

[Reminder: The nearest treasure chest is 198 kilometers away, please go there as soon as possible! 】

"In other words, every red dot on the map is the location of a treasure chest. And the red dot closest to me should be this one. Is this one 198 kilometers away?
According to this ratio, the distance between each treasure chest should be 400 kilometers.

In other words, the size of each grid on the Go board is 400 kilometers.

And my luck is a little bit bad, I happen to be in the middle of the four treasure chests.The nearest one is 198 kilometers away. "

Zhou Jie was lost in thought.

When I just crossed over, the bracelet had already stated that if I was lucky, I could get the hidden treasure chest.

At first, I thought it was caused by cutting down trees, but now I know that it was directly released by the bracelet.

And it should be everyone.Everyone has seen this message, that is to say, I am not the only one who went to snatch the treasure chest!
Will the survivors finally have their first offline meeting? ?

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and meeting offline is not a pleasant way to ask for warmth.

Every survivor is a competitor, if you can.Maybe other survivors will try their best to kill me!
What's more, they are still fighting for the extremely rare treasure chest.

Who knows what rewards will be obtained in the treasure chest?
this world.

Even for a piece of meat, it is possible to kill someone, let alone carrying a treasure!
So this offline meeting is actually a test.

It is estimated that many people will die in this operation to seize the treasure chest!
Sure enough, not only him, but other people in the chat area also began to discuss the appearance of the treasure chest this time.

"Damn it! Brothers, did you see it? A treasure chest has appeared! When I just crossed over, I don't know if you have carefully read the instructions on the bracelet.

As mentioned on the bracelet, the treasure chest is extremely rare. After opening it, the things you get, even if you cut down [-] trees, you probably won't be able to explode it! "

"Of course I know, but what's the use? There's a treasure chest more than 50 kilometers away from me. Can you imagine the concept of walking 50 kilometers through the forest in such a wild world?

If you walk less than five kilometers, I guess you will be killed by wild beasts.How about another fifty kilometers?
forget it?Whoever loves to rob is stronger, anyway, I gave up. "

"Fortunately, I'm only 20 kilometers away from here. Hahaha! The treasure chest is mine!"

"Don't be so busy getting complacent, maybe someone is closer than you, and some people have even ambushed there, and after you get the treasure chest, they will take away your resources together!"

"It's not that easy. Although we have a lot of fun online, once you're offline, you'll know the dangers of people's hearts!"

"Hehe, after the wooden house is moved, if you want to release it again, you must cut down the surrounding trees. You need to cut down 2 to 30 trees before you can release the wooden house.

I hope you will think about it for yourselves.See how fast you can chop down trees.Can you cut down 30 trees in two hours?If not, then you spend most of your time cutting down trees. How far can you go in five days?
What's more, if you haven't cut down the tree before dark, there is no way to let the cabin out.At that time, how dangerous the night in the forest is, I believe each of you knows.

So this time the treasure chest operation is not prepared for ordinary people like us at all, but for those who have no pressure to cut down trees..."

"Fuck, I'm right after hearing your analysis. It's a good thing I didn't take direct action and started to move my wooden house. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to cut down so many trees before dark, and if there wasn't enough land to put the wooden house, I would directly will die in the night!"

"Walking in the forest is different from ordinary roads. If you encounter cliffs and valleys, you have to go around. I don't know how long it will take. Five days, hehe. Unless the location of the treasure chest is within 30 kilometers, otherwise , I suggest you give up."

"I don't have that life, don't think about it anymore, just cut down the tree honestly, I still owe the Burger boss thousands of wood!"

"By the way, you said Burger Boss, I just remembered that although we can't go, Burger Boss must be able to go! Sure enough, opportunities like this are reserved for powerful people!"

"Is the burger boss here? You never decide to find the treasure chest? Come out and say something!"

“Burger boss!”


On the other side of the screen, Zhou Jie sneered.

Hehe, of course I'm here, but I'm too lazy to talk to you guys.

I definitely won't be the only one looking for the treasure chest.

Those who really want to snatch the treasure chest have already started to prepare, and they will not push too much in the chat area at all.

So now the ones that can be discussed endlessly in it are those, and they don't intend to fight at all.

This is an opportunity.

A chance for them to stand up.

There are absolutely many people who want to seize this opportunity.

And there are definitely a lot of people who are lucky.Very close to the location of the treasure chest.

And there is only one treasure chest within a distance of 400 kilometers.

As for how many people will fight for this treasure chest, it's better to be certain.

After all, Zhou Jie didn't know how big the area he was in was.

But what is certain is that there will never be fewer people competing for the treasure chest, and it did not say that the treasure chest cannot be robbed.

Even if you get the treasure chest first, you may be robbed if you meet other survivors.

But other survivors don't know if you have a treasure chest, which creates a problem.

That is, as long as you meet other survivors, there is a possibility of fighting.

The other party will definitely plunder your resources with the mentality of killing by mistake and never letting go!
This is definitely a dangerous trip!

Even if I now have the Air Blade Battle Ax and the Tormenting Crossbow, two rare weapons, I can't say that I can win 100% of the treasure chest!

In five days, I need to make some more preparations.

I hope the treasure chest can give me a surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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