Global Coming Cataclysm Survival

Chapter 34 35, the countdown to the cataclysm! 【Ask for a recommendation ticket! 】

Chapter 34 35, the countdown to the cataclysm! 【Ask for a recommendation ticket! 】

After closing the chat, Zhou Jie looked at his machinery factory

There have been different prompts above.

[Obtain: Platinum Machinery Factory! 】

[Platinum Machinery Factory: Put in the required materials to produce machinery! 】

[Currently owned production lines: 1, agricultural machinery production line! 】

【2, Industrial machinery production line! 】

Sure enough, a new production line appeared!

A platinum-level machinery factory has two production lines for agricultural machinery and industrial machinery!

However, the military machinery production line that Zhou Jie wanted with all his heart, still didn't come out.

Once military machinery appears, it should be possible to directly build aircraft, cannons, and even spaceships!

Only into higher places.

To be able to see the whole world clearly.

Only then can I understand where I am now?

How far is it from the earth where you are?

Today, Zhou Jie has received enough goods.

In the evening, I ate silver-level fruits and vegetables with Xiaobai in the log cabin, and the delicious food grilled on the gold grill. This kind of life is simply a kind of enjoyment!

After eating and drinking enough, although it was only afternoon, Zhou Jie was ready to take a rest and take a nap first.

But at this time, he suddenly found Didi coming from the bracelet!Didi!Didi!beep.

The voice was very urgent.

He clicked in with some curiosity.

Suddenly, a few large characters appeared on the home page of the bracelet!
【hint!Disaster is coming! 】

[Code name: The day after tomorrow! 】

[Catastrophe countdown: 23:59:32! 】

Countdown to catastrophe?
Looking at the countdown that was accurate to the second, Zhou Jie fell into deep thought.

Yes, when I first traveled to this world, the bracelet had already explained that this is a world where spiritual energy is revived and catastrophe strikes.

But so far, there hasn't been any catastrophe. All they found was that the trees grew faster and the beasts became bigger and more ferocious.

Although the forest is full of dangers, it is not impossible to survive.

But now there seems to be a change, that is a catastrophe!

Is cataclysm finally coming for the first time?

At this time, the survivors in the chat area also began to discuss this matter non-stop.

"Brothers, have you found out? There is a countdown to catastrophe on my bracelet, do you have it?"

"Yes, what does this mean? Could it be that after 24 hours there will be an unimaginable disaster?

And what does the code name Houtian mean? Isn't 24 hours a day?It should be "tomorrow"! "

"I don't know, it can't be a prank?"

"When did you ever see a bracelet prank?"

"Hurry up and collect some necessities for daily life, otherwise, you won't know how to die!"

"Traveling into this world is already the biggest disaster in my life, and now there is still a catastrophe, and let people live?"

"To die is to die, what to eat, what to drink, to care about him so much, to live every day well, is the most important thing!"

"That's right, I don't care who cares about him, what kind of catastrophe happens! It's time to chop down trees, eat barbecue, eat barbecue, what do you care about him!"

"Dogs don't care about such things!"

"Now that you're talking awesome, I guess you're all starting to stockpile goods secretly?"

"You guys can't believe a single thing you say! Only ghosts can believe in you!"

After the incident of buying salt, these people have already understood that these survivors are all thieves and thieves. They said that they don't want dogs, and they say that dogs are only reasonable. In fact, they are more active than anyone else.

Move faster than a dog!

So they said that they would not care what catastrophe hit this time.

But in fact, they have already begun to prepare to face this disaster, right?
Although they said they were very relaxed, Zhou Jie understood that at this moment, everyone was actually very worried.

There are now more than 25 billion survivors.

And the rate of decline has been very slow, which means that most people have found the skills to survive.

These 25 billion are the elite of the elite among the 80 billion people.

And those who are eliminated are the old, the weak, the sick, and the weak-willed and unlucky guys.

But in the face of the first catastrophe, how much of this group of elites can survive?
"Let's go Xiaobai, let's go and put away all the things planted on the vegetable field today. Tomorrow there will be a catastrophe. Although I don't know what kind of catastrophe it is, those plants that are planted in the open air will probably be destroyed." It was a disaster. It's a pity!"

After Zhou Jie said something to Xiaobai, they walked out of the wooden house together.

The disaster prompted by the bracelet is probably a natural disaster, such as a meteorite landing?A hurricane is coming?Rainstorm?Mudslide?earthquake?

In short, it is necessary to do a good job in countermeasures.

Of course, people may be able to make perfect countermeasures, but there is no way for those plants planted on the ground outside.Shame on my Gold and Silver ones.

Today is the first harvest.

Tomorrow, I am afraid that all will be lost directly because of the coming disaster.

What a pity!

So, in the afternoon, Zhou Jie and Xiaobai started to collect some mature crops on his vegetable field.

At night.

Zhou Jie ate the big meal directly.

Other survivors may start hoarding food for the catastrophe, but Zhou Jie doesn't need it. His food, even if he can eat it for ten years, will be fine.

So no matter how long the catastrophe lasted, Zhou Jie would not be hungry.

Naturally, there is no need to save.

On the contrary, he wants to taste the food that he has only grown as soon as possible.

Most of them are silver-level, and the temptation of these foods to him is very strong.


Night falls.

Tonight, many people are destined to be unable to sleep.

The disaster indicated by the system bracelet is absolutely extraordinary.

Otherwise, it will not be serious, and set a 24-hour deadline for everyone to prepare in advance.

Some people who haven't collected enough materials and don't have enough confidence in their future may all have trouble falling asleep.

Most of the survivors now have enough food to last them a week.

But there are many survivors.

They are the sun people every day.

Without any accumulation of resources, if you want to fill your stomach, you can only rely on going out every day to find food.

There are even worse people who are still gnawing bark and eating leaves until now.

When these people faced this disaster, they didn't have any conditions to complete the response.

It is only natural that they would not be able to sleep because of this catastrophe.

Perhaps, not knowing when the disaster will strike will make them feel better.

After all, knowing the date of one's death and then waiting there to die is a kind of torture that is unbearable for everyone.

Obviously, the 24 hours given by the bracelet is for people to prepare, but for those who can't make themselves have the resources to survive no matter how prepared they are, these 24 hours are a kind of inhuman torture.

(End of this chapter)

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